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Posts posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. I'd love to see the papers on that and I'd like to see the story of the referenced incident. I'd say you got REALLY REALLY lucky if that was the case. We had snipers court-martialed because they IMITATED shooting people that were over a mile away.

    I expect you are in the Army as a fairly low rank then, correct? Usually the position of "Sniper" is used in the Army. Of course this is assuming we are talking about the US military.

  2. FUBAR is a United States Marine Corps acronym for what you said. It can also mean "Fucked Up Beyond All Repair". Sorry, I sometimes use Marine lingo around civvies not thinking about it. Where I'm from we're familiar with FUBAR, FIIGO, and because I'm a pilot, FIFI, etc etc...

    lulztastic basically means something that made you laugh.
