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Everything posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. JuggernautOfWar

    NIS 2010 flags Arma II Patch 1.04 as suspicious

    What the heck is NIS? What the heck is symantec IS 2010? ---------- Post added at 10:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 PM ---------- I assure you FileFront is one of the safest sites around. I've been a member since... forever.
  2. JuggernautOfWar

    New patch 1.04

    1.05 is supposed to have the performance increases. At least that's the word on the street.
  3. JuggernautOfWar

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    You gonna upload this change?
  4. Just so everyone knows; the official 1.04 patch is out now so these betas are outdated until they beta patch 1.04.
  5. JuggernautOfWar

    New patch 1.04

    Weren't they always destructible the same way a fence was? They just sort of go flat and fall over. Maybe that's ArmA I'm thinking of... ---------- Post added at 08:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ---------- Hmm maybe you lost connection for a bit when you attempted to go into the MP 'lobby'. When I lose my internet connection the game freezes and CTDs when I try to access MP. At least it did in 1.02, not sure about 1.04.
  6. JuggernautOfWar

    Helo rearm question

    What pisses me off is when there's an air target and you want to equip STINGERS to take out out, NOT your cannon. Ugh stupid gunner. What are you, Private First Class? ---------- Post added at 08:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 PM ---------- Or any "H pad", helicopter landing pad. If you, for example, place an "H pad" in the editor and a helicopter with no ammo you will rearm when you are over the "H pad".
  7. JuggernautOfWar

    New patch 1.04

    Does the screen say "Receiving..."?
  8. JuggernautOfWar

    Windows 7 32bit or 64bit?

    Yeah that's what I was getting at...
  9. JuggernautOfWar

    Windows 7 32bit or 64bit?

    Because it's a 32-bit application it will install in the 32-bit program files.
  10. JuggernautOfWar

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Just so you all know what I was talking about earlier: As you can see, the smoke continues to rise from underwater and from nothing in mid-air.
  11. JuggernautOfWar

    Game physics

    Yes this game truly does need a physics engine and then dedicate an entire core of a quad-core CPU to handle it. That would make my Fing... YEAR.
  12. I hate how so many games nowadays use all these settings exclusively for this one game, rather than using your OS settings. It has it's upsides, but it's so annoying when the game does something you can't control. Such as ArmA II has no option for mouse acceleration, only smoothing. ArmA II has no option for 5.1, 2.1, 7.1 etc speakers either...
  13. No you can't play on 1.03 servers if you're running a beta version. You must have the same exact game version to connect online.
  14. JuggernautOfWar

    The Main Problems of Arma/Arma 2

    Yeah it feels like ArmA II has gone back to OFP's roots a little more than ArmA 1 did, which is good. Why isn't this in the 'Suggestion' forum rather than the 'General'?
  15. JuggernautOfWar

    Windows 7 32bit or 64bit?

    Haha if only, if only that were true... What do you guys recommend for testing RAM usage by the way?
  16. JuggernautOfWar

    Windows 7 32bit or 64bit?

    x64. If you got with x86 (32-bit) you will not be able to use your full 4 gigs in other applications.
  17. JuggernautOfWar

    Aircraft steering

    I'm going to flight school as we speak to get my instrument rating certification for helicopters in order to get my golden wings for the United States Marine Corps. I already have my private and commercial certifications. Ask away people! I'll do my best to answer.
  18. JuggernautOfWar

    So Im out on Patrol and.........

    What mission was this in?
  19. Haha yeah what he said. It took me three days to figure that out on my own. :j: ---------- Post added at 12:01 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 11:58 PM ---------- It's a slider option to the right, by mouse sensitivity.
  20. JuggernautOfWar

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    If I were to join a server that isn't running this addon would I get kicked or what? ...A private server.
  21. JuggernautOfWar

    SLX Mod WIP

    I know ArmA 1 SLX had effects such as smoke etc implemented as well, does this one?
  22. JuggernautOfWar

    Horde-type mode for A2!

    Sounds pretty cool.
  23. I am on Win7 x64. First time I ever tried saving I used the radio function and that caused me to crash, although without the aforementioned error. When I saved using the 'Esc' key it worked, then it didn't, and then it didn't again and gave me the error that time. Ever since the error it's worked 3 times.
  24. JuggernautOfWar


    Why should you press numpad 0 in these vehicles and not in most others? Doesn't make any sense to me. You gain nothing by looking around in the vehicle itself.