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Everything posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. JuggernautOfWar

    CPU Optimizations

    Alright I've got an AMD Athlon x2 5600+ clocked at it's standard 2.8GHz with a 2x1MB lvl2 cache. I know the basics to overclocking but I'm a GPU guru, not CPU. Any tips to overclocking? How far do you think I can go with standard cooling and how much farther would I be able to go with non-AMD cooling (such as Thermaltake etc)? Thanks a bunch guys! EDIT: If you think it would be worth the money, here's a list of fans/heatsinks for my CPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2010110574%201371028526&name=Socket%20AM2
  2. JuggernautOfWar

    GBU12 vs Mk82

    Does ACE2 get rid of the Mk82 tracking feature?
  3. Alright I've deleted my @CBA folder and am running the Six updater, we'll see what happens. EDIT: HOLY CRAP! That worked better that I expected it to. Pretty much all of the many bugs I was having with ACE2 have vanished now! SICKBOY - I LOVE YOU! Okay... I just really like you is all...
  4. Happy birthday Sickboy! Quick question: My night vision doesn't work.
  5. JuggernautOfWar

    GBU12 vs Mk82

    Hmm the F-16C addon unit has a multirole payload option with two Mk82s. They do not home in on their target, I can't select a target by pressing tab while the bombs are selected.
  6. JuggernautOfWar

    When Diplomacy Fails.

    Okay so I cannot for the life of me play this because my framerate goes down to 5 or below 5 minutes into the game. And here I thought Warfare and Evolution were bad. My CPU needs an upgrade... sigh. I wish I could find servers with good ACE missions so I could actually play this game how it should be.
  7. Yes CBA is my first loaded mod in the target line. It wouldn't be caused by me having a Steam copy of the game would it? Any other thoughts?
  8. I use ACE2, LandTex, Extended View Distance, Zeus AI [ACE version], and WarFX Particles. ACE2 is the only game changing mod I have running. I also cannot eject from any aircraft nor can I 'jump out'. Any ideas? Thanks for the help people. EDIT: Oh and I also have a black background at the main menu now, is that supposed to happen?
  9. I think that's just a mission bug Splicer, nothing to do with mods or patches. You'll have to revert to a previous mission save or restart.
  10. Night vision does not apparently work correctly. I press N and I get an error message, then the night vision pops up. I cannot adjust the night vision brightness with page up/down as I should be able to so I press N again to return to normal vision. Now in normal vision I can adjust brightness/exposure via page up/down buttons, requiring a mission restart to see normally again.
  11. I look forward to your ACE2 version with great anticipation. If you need any help testing beta versions of the mission or with anything, please let me know.
  12. JuggernautOfWar

    WarFX Particles

    Wow that's not good. Could you somehow send me the current version you are using so I can test it?
  13. JuggernautOfWar

    1.05 released

    Can we get a changelog? I wonder what's changed between the latest beta and this new version. Are people noticing a difference between the last beta and this new version? ---------- Post added at 12:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 PM ---------- What's the ETA on the steam patch?
  14. JuggernautOfWar

    Suppressive Fire, any luck?

    Does Zeus AI work with 1.05?
  15. JuggernautOfWar

    1.05 released

    I'm sure this has been asked in here before; my Steam will not install the latest patch. There is no recent update listed.
  16. JuggernautOfWar

    WarFX Particles

    Opticalsnare, what is new in this new version you're working on?
  17. I did some looking around in the ace_keys.hpp file and I found no mention of an eject or 'jump out' option. This is frustrating me. Also the afterburners do not work.
  18. When I try to deploy a sandbag I get an error that reads "Hier gibts keinen sand". I think this means "Here you get no sand" but that makes no sense.
  19. It turns out the ACE key binding for 'eject' and 'jump out' [\] does not work. Is this working for anybody else? I loved the old tank start up noises too, I miss those times.
  20. Never mind I got it. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Features_of_ACE2#Eject_System SIGH Turns out that key binding doesn't work. Does eject or jump out work for anybody else?
  21. Yes that's exactly what I'm talking about. When you get shot and are going to crash it's nice to be able to jump out at a high altitude and use your parachute. Oh and I don't see an 'eject' in the SU-27 and it should have a detectable cockpit. So where are these functions?
  22. Why can't I eject from an aircraft even though I have a parachute?
  23. I tried installing ACE 2 with the "A2 beta" setting in the web browser. I use the ArmA II beta patch versions and during the install I got this error: "Beta and @CBA already exists but seems incompatible. Not installing." Will this still function properly even though I already had the beta and @CBA installed and it said incompatible? Thanks for all the hard work and the help, keep it up!
  24. JuggernautOfWar


    Are there any nukes in this game? I want to blow up a lot of stuff and watch the ensuing cloud of radiation and death. I saw in Evolution there is an ICBM option which I've never seen used, which usually has a nuclear warhead.