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Everything posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. JuggernautOfWar

    Using backpacks/rucksacks

    Does carrying a pack make stamina decrease?
  2. JuggernautOfWar


    Yeah I hope so as it's almost completely useless as of now.
  3. JuggernautOfWar


    So this is basically here as a template for mods?
  4. JuggernautOfWar

    Drone Training Broken?

    Yeah it's still not working a day later. :( EDIT: Sorry for double post, I was tired.
  5. JuggernautOfWar

    Zeroing/Adjusting Weapons in OA

    As a United States Marine I can adjust anything on my weapon I wish, but then again I don't use the standard-issue M4A1 variant either. I bought my own rifle and use it instead.
  6. JuggernautOfWar

    Drone Training Broken?

    I restarted and even quit the game, then restarted the whole app. No dice.
  7. JuggernautOfWar

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    I hope everything turns out for the better on their end, tragedies are never easy. On an unrelated note; does anybody know if the mod works okay in Operation Arrowhead?
  8. JuggernautOfWar

    Broadcast the horn in MP!

    I can only imagine... Anyway congrats on the mod man.
  9. JuggernautOfWar

    WarFX Particles

    Like it's at a low LOD? Do you have Operation Arrowhead installed?
  10. Does Operation Arrowhead support 6 channel surround sound? I know ArmA and ArmA 2 have supported it, but in OA the voices and weapons in front sound very quiet while music and effects coming from the side are quite loud.
  11. JuggernautOfWar

    Operation Arrowhead Surround Sound

    Any particular reason you've got audio sampling at 32? Mine's at 128. I haven't played long enough to tell if it happens all the time or just sometimes. Work in the morning, already up too late.:(
  12. So in what ways is the lighting engine improved in OA?
  13. Not all the way through. I play in the editor, armory, and online mostly.
  14. Warfare ruined the online aspect you mean? 1: How is the lighting engine improved? 2: What fog issue? There's CTI stock in the game now!? I thought they took that out in A2. (I haven't played MP in months)
  15. This has probably been asked a million times, but is ACE2 going to be compatible with OA? I'm downloading OA through Steam now.
  16. I can not for the life of me figure out how to winch vehicles up into the air with a helicopter. I followed the instructions on the wiki step-by-step and it still doesn't work. I see nothing in the helicopter action menu.
  17. JuggernautOfWar

    WarFX Particles

    I never seem to have this or any other issue with the mod.
  18. JuggernautOfWar

    ACE2 AAS or Cooperative?

    Are there any ACE2 enabled AAS or coop maps? I searched high and low on armaholic and couldn't find any.
  19. JuggernautOfWar

    ACE2 AAS or Cooperative?

    Alright cool. So does anybody have suggestions for coop ACE2 missions? Sickboy's link seems to have only three missions, one of which is coop. That one coop missions seems extremely tedious to get started. I don't need anything super simple, it just seems annoying, there's about 10 steps to go through before you can play the mission and my friends wouldn't be up for that.
  20. JuggernautOfWar

    ACE2 AAS or Cooperative?

    Okay so what about coop game modes? There's gotta be something for Evo or something. I'm a little out of the MP loop FYI, haven't been able to play much since the ArmA 1 days.
  21. ADDED: Possibility to lase for Kh-29 missile with a key press (default Space, update ace_keys.hpp). [q1184] Quick lase action for ace_sys_air_fcs, under Tab by default [zGuba] So to quick lase you now only have to press Tab... unless you're in an SU-25 it's space? What's that about?
  22. So I used the startup parameter @ACE_PL instead of PLA. Typos are so much fun! Thanks for all the help guys. :D Now the only problem I'm having is with step four of slinglifting. I can't seem to access the option to hook it. I must be in the wrong spot? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. "1Equip yourself with a slingrope. 2Go to a vehicle or object you want to sling. 3Press the interaction menu key. Select "Attach slingrope" (This will tie the slingrope to the vehicle or object). 4When a helicopter with cargo capabilities is available and hovering close enough over the 'cargo object', press interaction menu key again and select "Hook slingrope" (This will attach the slingrope to the cargo hook of the helicopter) 5Object can now be transported. Pilot will have the ability to release the cargo at the destination" Where do I go if I want to make a suggestion to the mod team? We need colored flares along with our smoke grenades and glowsticks!
  23. JuggernautOfWar


    I just installed a new motherboard, CPU, and RAM. When I load up Chernarus I get an instant crash, but I can play on Utes just fine. Memory and CPU usage is good. Any ideas? I occasionally get blue screens as well, forcing me to reboot.
  24. JuggernautOfWar


    Yup I am running it flawlessly at a clock of 3.4GHz now. Thanks for the help guys. See ya on the battlefield! EDIT: That was supposed to be an edit rather than new post, sorry for the double. :(
  25. That's what I thought. Why am I not seeing any PLA units then? I've been using this mod for a long time now and it just occurred to me I'm not seeing any Chinese forces. ---------- Post added at 11:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 PM ---------- On a completely unrelated subject: When I'm in a helicopter my hellfire missiles seem to completely miss their target and instead just fly up into the sky, ignoring their would-be flightpath. Thoughts?