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Everything posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. JuggernautOfWar

    [Betatest] GBU-43/B "MOAB"

    Can't wait for this to get a proper release. I want a massive MOAB shockwave fireball in my OA. :D
  2. JuggernautOfWar

    Operation Arrowhead AI Question

    In Operation Arrowhead the AI seems to be more aware of his surroundings and very cautious in general, which is almost always a good thing. However when I want my subordinates to quickly board a vehicle, it's not gonna happen because they have to scan the entire horizon every three seconds it seems. This even happens while they are set to "safe" combat awareness. I've also noticed a new red crosshair icon in my troops "unit card" at the bottom, is this related?
  3. Depends on ArmA2, Operation Arrowhead, or Combined Ops.
  4. JuggernautOfWar

    SLX Mod WIP

    I used SLX back in ArmA1 days, but that was a long time ago. Remind me again what the main differences are between SLX and ACE2 [two most popular mods]. SLX sounds interesting, though I've already got ACE2. (waiting for both to come to OA)
  5. JuggernautOfWar

    Easter-eggs in Arrowhead

    I too would like to know what SSF means. Maybe it's Czech? I'm an officer, it's what I'm paid to do. :p
  6. JuggernautOfWar

    simple question

    If you want to have coordinated support from HQ such as airstrikes, artillery, troop reinforcements, mortars, helicopter transport, etc: Start up the editor and make any unit you wish to be, then go to "Modules" [F7], scroll down the list of available modules to "Simple Support Module" and place it near the player. Then press "Synchronize" [F5] and drag a line between the module and the player. Be sure not to group the two, you must synchronize them. If you group them nothing will happen. Now you can press "Preview" and access support through the "Communications" tab in your interface. If you require further assistance I can create a short tutorial video tomorrow morning.
  7. JuggernautOfWar

    New OA Modules

    What'd the rabbits ever do to you?
  8. [MG]http://i329.photobucket.com/albums/l385/JuggernautOfWar/ArmA2OA2010-07-0814-07-55-65.png[/img] >100kb That's all I see when I followed the instructions here to create a working SecOps module. There's no transport option and there's no way to accept or decline SecOps from the radio or Communication menu. What must I do? Thank you for your time. :)
  9. JuggernautOfWar

    Operation Arrowhead Modules Broken?

    Yeah I tried the scripting with the SSM and the SecOps still no dice. :( Oh well we can hope BIX fixes this in the patch. Devtracker?
  10. JuggernautOfWar

    New OA Modules

    I tried that at first, but then I don't get a radio.
  11. JuggernautOfWar

    Operation Arrowhead Modules Broken?

    Haha wow feel free to move it as you see fit. I just woke up from a nap when I posted that, wasn't thinking. EDIT: I fixed the image. :) EDIT2: How on earth do I check the filesize of the image once it's uploaded? Ugh I'm too tired for this whole forum business. :(
  12. Ah very good, just what we needed! :D
  13. JuggernautOfWar

    ARMA 2 OA shooting sound

    Yeah I meant specifically listening to the SCAR is terrible. It's so bad I'll choose an AK (still has crappy sounds) over it even though I think there's one AK with TI/TWS.
  14. JuggernautOfWar

    ARMA 2 OA shooting sound

    In a game like Warfare where there's mostly AI anyway, it shouldn't be a big deal. I for one am having trouble playing with no sound mod [sCAR sound is atrocious]. Problem is; there's no sound mod out for OA yet. :(
  15. JuggernautOfWar

    New beta for OA 71952

    Maybe they forgot to change the crouching recoil model, it's been done in the past. :rolleyes: Anyway so what's so great about the new recoil? I saw the recoil from the first beta and it was a step in the right direction, but way too over exaggerated. IRL your muscles try to compensate for the recoil and do so as best they can, so your barrel really only climbs a little bit in the end result. Obviously with full-auto you'd still climb a lot very rapidly.
  16. I'll bet if Sickboy were telling us people would listen. Guys! Listen to Xeno, c'mon pay attention!
  17. Yeah Cipher Valleys of Takistan is really good, even if it is still a bit buggy in the beta. The new OA mission modules make it really awesome, and the creator has made the mission-spawned enemy AI more random.
  18. JuggernautOfWar

    Cipher: Valleys of the Takiban

    I didn't see him land, but he may have landed a kilometer away or so, it was in mountainous terrain so I couldn't see. I saw him fly by (there was some AK fire) twice and then just fly off into the sunrise. Is there a way I can know if and where he actually landed since the objective waypoint doesn't update?
  19. JuggernautOfWar

    [Warfare] Defences and soldiers that men them.

    If you edit your first post you should be able to change it. [you could in the old biforums]
  20. JuggernautOfWar

    New OA Modules

    I don't know why I posted in "General".:rolleyes: Could one of our beloved moderators please move it to the editing section? Great news about these modules I'll have to try them out today! So what exactly do the new effect and environment modules do? This is all I see when I follow the instructions here to create a working SecOps module. There's no transport option and there's no way to accept nor decline SecOps from the radio or Communication menu. What must I do? Thank you for your time. :) [iG]http://i329.photobucket.com/albums/l385/JuggernautOfWar/ArmA2OA2010-07-0814-07-55-65.png[/img] >100kb
  21. JuggernautOfWar

    New beta 71900 is up!(OA)

    What does this mean exactly?
  22. JuggernautOfWar

    Cipher: Valleys of the Takiban

    I've found another bug. The SecOps mission "reinforce" is broken. The helicopter flies on by never dropping supplies nor personnel. So why does the enemy have seemingly random levels of strength whereas the original did not? All this has added over the original is Dynamic Combat and SecOps right?
  23. JuggernautOfWar


    "New Soundmod for Arma2. Its a overhaul of war09mod. This mod should change the following things: 1: Weapons 2: Enviremont 3: Vehicles (!Maybe if i have enough time!)"
  24. Are there any sound mods in the making for Operation Arrowhead? I use ACE and I know ACE incorporates @ACE_SM which is very good, but I'm talking about standalone sound mods for OA. Can we expect to see any soon? PS. Can't wait for ACE2 Operation Arrowhead. :D
  25. JuggernautOfWar

    [OA] TWS on off?

    The Army does use TI/TWS in regular units as well, even in the modern day. What I was saying earlier is the USMC uses it more often and has more TWS units in their armory, so it'd make sense to have the USMC be equipped with the TI/TWS rather than the US Army (preferably both). We mount TWSs to our M16A4s and M4A1 rifles and even some of our missile launchers that have rails equipped.