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Everything posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. I did some checking and I realized I'm not starting up Combined Operations, but I have that selected in SixUpdater. How do I get my game shortcut running Combined Ops with the beta and ACE2? EDIT: I have standalone ArmA II and standalone ArmA II OA as I bought them each on release day.
  2. Addon 'Extended_EventHandlers' requires addon 'CATracked2_AAV' I get that whenever I start up the game. What's that about?
  3. Yeah I checked the desktop, game directory, and I even searched for it on my whole C partition. Within SixUpdater I tried selecting both "Create Shortcut" and "Create Desktop Shortcut". The "desktop shortcut" created a file (not shortcut) titled "Play ArmA2 with c". I have no idea what that is. It asks what program to open that file with.
  4. I just reinstalled ACE2 and I cannot find any .exes or shortcuts leading to running ACE2 with the beta. I'd make one myself, but I can't seem to figure it out. I selected "Create Shortcut" in SixUpdater but I don't see any on my computer, even after searching.
  5. JuggernautOfWar

    GBU12 vs Mk82

    Quick question regarding aircraft bombs. The GBU12 is laser guided and the Mk82 is free-fall right? Are there any bombs that can acquire a target in the same way a missile does, then hit close to the target if you fly a good AOA?
  6. Yeah it's been a little while, but I wouldn't say a whole few weeks. So I do what in this directory? ...\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@ACE\store
  7. I've had userconfig issues before. I sometimes forget to install the newer file thus leaving it out of date. But this is a new error for me and searching on here yielded no results. I tried copy/pasting the backup userconfig but no dice. Any ideas?
  8. I'm trying to copy a downloaded mission into the editor to add some stuff to it. How do I go about doing this? Tried searching and nothing productive showed up.
  9. How can I create a mission (either in the editor or the mission creation wizard) so I can play with my buddy online? I think it's as simple as moving the mission file from one directory to another, but I'm not sure what that might be. Thanks.
  10. Alright thanks. So now how do I either import into the editor a mission created in the wizard, or directly import the saved wizard mission to multiplayer? Here's the name of the file in "My Documents" I'm trying to make a multiplayer mission. "Takistani%20SecOps.ArmA2OAWizardMission"
  11. Are there any evolution or domination missions for Operation Arrowhead, and preferably ACE2 as well? Another stupid question; what exactly is Domination? It sounds very similar to Evolution (what I'm used to from ArmA1) Thanks a bunch. :confused::rolleyes:
  12. JuggernautOfWar

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    I just got done hosting a game on this server and my friend couldn't see the M1A1 TUSK on the server, but he could see everything else. What am I doing wrong here? I'm having quite a bit of issues. Oopsie, sorry for the double post. :eek:
  13. JuggernautOfWar

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73478

    Wasn't it working as expected before? What changed?
  14. JuggernautOfWar

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    One more thing: I can't seem to construct a FARP next to a repair truck as an engineer. What am I doing wrong? EDIT: Still all I see under radio is "Call Air Taxi". I'm still not quite sure what that even does, but there's no ability to call in arty support, even while playing as an arty/RESCUE specialist.
  15. JuggernautOfWar

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    As squad leader Delta - Engineers I cannot call in artillery or any form of support from the communication or radio submenus. Where exactly are these supports located? Sounds very promising. So what exactly does RESCUE and RESCUE2 do? It sounds more like a CSAR team rather than artillery support. One last question: By "external" artillery do you mean "off-map" support? I'm more looking for an operable artillery system in this mission such as a mortar, howitzer, or rocket artillery battery (MLRS).
  16. JuggernautOfWar

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    I just started playing this amazing mission and I've gotta say, I'm in love. I do have one gripe though. I wish you could call in ammo drops/AI reinforcements/artillery/mortars and that sorta thing for support. Other than that, great mission mate, keep it up! Oh also, can we get artillery such as an MLRS or Howtzer in any way? Since the BAF artillery system I love using it every chance I can get. It'd work great in this type of game.
  17. Anybody else having an issue with the SU-34 wreckage falling through the landscape?
  18. JuggernautOfWar

    Cipher: Valleys of the Takiban

    Same here. I'd love if singleplayer had SecOps with or without Ambient Combat Module. I know it can be done either way, so please make this a feature. Pahweeeze! :p
  19. JuggernautOfWar

    Mission Creation Wizard in Multiplayer?

    I tried pressing "Copy" on that screen but from there I don't know what to do. It didn't copy to my clipboard because when I tried pasting the file in my MPmissions folder nothing popped up.
  20. Can I save a mission I quickly made for multiplayer play? This is the mission creation wizard I'm talking about: (Ignore the USERCONFIG line highlighted)
  21. JuggernautOfWar

    Small AI Selection Question

    Ah thank you very much.
  22. JuggernautOfWar

    Small AI Selection Question

    I remember there was a way once upon a time to select everybody in a vehicle by simply holding a modifier and selecting one teammate. For example: I have 2 in my vehicle, and 3, 4, and 5 in another. There was a way to hold a key mofifier such as Shift and press 3, then 3, 4, and 5 would all be selected because they are in the same vehicle.
  23. It'd be so great if this thread would get back on track and people would stop squabbling/complaining.
  24. JuggernautOfWar

    Operation Arrowhead Evolution or Domination

    I'm more than willing to try Domi out but it says it can't run without being on a dedicated server. I'd still like a response to that though.