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Everything posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. JuggernautOfWar

    CRcti Proman

    Haha yeah I know. I realized that in my most recent post. Would it be possible to change the independent faction from either Takistanis or PMC units via a parameter?
  2. JuggernautOfWar

    CRcti Proman

    The SecOps module is very well made. It automatically cleans up everything it creates to save performance. This happens if you travel over a certain distance away and/or you complete/fail the objectives. I realize now that fast travel would be a waste, because this mission is laid out so well you can even have AI transport you in a helicopter. Very good job everybody. I'm very impressed. :D Oh and the SecOps module has very many parameters you can manually set by simple scripting in the missions module. Here is a link on the module: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Secondary_Operations_Manager
  3. JuggernautOfWar

    CRcti Proman

    Thank you for the response BasileyOne. I think I'll just use the "lite" pack when playing online, and the full pack when playing by myself. :D After playing this for some time this is now my favorite mission I've ever played. You guys have done such a great job with this, congratulations! I've got a few suggestions for the mission though, if you don't mind. It would be nice to see a fast travel option you can enable in the parameters. I think using the map screen as in vanilla warfare or walking up to a flagpole at each city would be a good way to start the event. Random objectives would be a major welcome addition to this wonderful mission. I realise it's a bit of a large feature and may take some time to code into the mission. An easy way around this is to just have it rely on the SecOps module. This mission is already CO dependent so that would be an easy workaround. Please tell me what you think of these ideas, and I'm sure I'll have some more for you as time goes on. :P Oh and it would seem the need for a dedicated server is lost. I can host locally just fine.
  4. JuggernautOfWar

    CRcti Proman

    So with the lite version I can just move the mission files over to the mpmissions folder rather than run it as a mod? I've never in all my time in OFP understood what (cr)CTI is. What's the cr? Most importantly will the non lite (full) version conflict with my other mods like TGW Vehicle Fixes and can people join if they do not have the same mission modfolder setup?
  5. I realize these features weren't implemented at the time of ArmA 2 release. Is there a mod to balance out the factions so USMC and Russians have updated OA equipment? Also it'd be nice if the Takistani Army had thermals on their more "advanced" vehicles like the T80.
  6. JuggernautOfWar

    CRcti Proman

    Screw it, I'm just going to download it and try by hosting through the game MP screen as I usually do. What is the "Lite" versions of the missions?
  7. JuggernautOfWar

    Any Good CTI or Warfare?

    Are there any good CTI or Warfare missions that do not require a dedicated server to run? Everything I find from Warfare BE to Gossamer's Warfare requires a dedicated server, something I do not have the capability to run. I've got a great computer, though whenever I try hosting a dedicated server with more than just myself my FPS decreases to about -2. Of course hosting locally is fine. I really like the vanilla Warfare missions such as Mountain Warfare in OA. They are just seriously lacking on content. I feel like about half the content in the game (vehicles, weapons, buildings) is missing from standard Warfare missions. Even some of the factions are completely devoid of Warfare such as BAF, PMC, Germany, United Nations, ACR, etc.
  8. JuggernautOfWar

    Any Good CTI or Warfare?

    How do I increase a towns supply value (SV)? There are no trucks. :( Alright last question: What is the Auto AI: Enable/Disable feature?
  9. JuggernautOfWar

    Any Good CTI or Warfare?

    Oh I need upgrades before they buy vehicles? lol I'm not even sure what upgrades are. I think I need to hit the books. :P So until I buy these upgrades my army is gonna be infantry based? Should I upgrade existing factories before building new ones? Last but not least; what's the difference between what you sent me and the newer version? I notice it has an extra tag at the end of the version number, almost like a custom variant.
  10. JuggernautOfWar

    Any Good CTI or Warfare?

    So after constructing a light vehicle factory and some mechanized infantry squads they should buy some right? I'm still trying to get the newer version working because so far I can't download the one you sent me.
  11. JuggernautOfWar

    Any Good CTI or Warfare?

    Alright I tried the mission and I've got this problem: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1899290&postcount=4083 Are you sure you got this mission working with the AI properly? EDIT: Just saw your edited message. :P So you say 2.068 is more buggy than 2.067 (older) that you linked? I'll try the one you gave me as soon as I can access the download page. So far I just tried the newer one, figured that'd be better. :D Thank you SO much for all your help guys. I appreciate it so much.
  12. JuggernautOfWar

    Any Good CTI or Warfare?

    I think you are not understanding what I'm saying. I host the game over the internet with standard Warfare and play with friends. I cannot however host a dedicated server, only a local server. Thank you very much for the help. Only problem is the download link on that webpage seems to be broken. I cannot access the page, just says "sending request" then "could not connect to". Any mirrors for the download on another site? I'll check ArmAholic. EDIT: Nothing on ArmAholic.com. EDIT 2: I did a google search and found a nifty link here. Will this newer version work? http://dev-heaven.net/projects/warfare-be/versions/898
  13. JuggernautOfWar

    COOP 20 Takistan Force (OA)

    Hello Bon. You've done such an amazing job on this mission it blows me away every time I start it up again. :D I'm wondering if it's possible as a commander to call in artillery support on a lased target. Spiked my curiosity when the "spread" variable has a "laser" option to choose. I tried selecting it but just called down red smoke on my head (d'oh!). Here's my last question: :P If I set "tfor_max_players" to a lower number will more armor and APCs spawn? For example: tfor_max_players = 20, the min armor amount is 0, and the max is 2. If I'm playing with 3 people armor will never spawn, but if I change tfor_max_players = 5 then will armor be more prevalent? That was basically an extremely complicated way of asking how to raise the random spawn of enemies without changing the minimum number because if I'm playing by myself I don't want to face all sortsa hell trying to take a town. EDIT: I just realized there's a parameter that changes the amount of enemy vehicles in game. Does that just make more weaker vehicles or... what? Sheesh that was confusing... I hope you understand my two questions!
  14. JuggernautOfWar

    Any Good CTI or Warfare?

    Alright. I'm willing to learn how to setup a dedicated server properly. Could somebody please help me with it if that's the only way? Why does everything require a dedicated server when the standard modes do not? I've heard around I am supposed to be seeing a server exe in my game installation directory. I looked and searched in all my ArmA 2 Steam directories - nothing.
  15. JuggernautOfWar

    CRcti Proman

    I do not have a server exe anywhere in my game folder under steamapps. I even searched for "server" under my steam folder. Where else would it be?
  16. Ah thank you. Do you happen to know if that works combined with TGW?
  17. GLT. Isn't that the addon for the F16 etc? Exactly what I was looking for! I found this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=107589&highlight=TGW
  18. I think DreDay is right. T80s do not have thermal weapon systems in the modern day. I should have used the example of a T90 instead, or even the USMC M1A2 Abrams. The US Army has thermals but the Marine Corps does not? I think we need to change that. :) Prototype good sir, you said earlier I should search for "Thermal" and I'll find the desired file. I have not found it. :( Please point me in the right direction.
  19. Prototype I searched for Proper addons and True addons. I thought it was under one of those, but I was wrong. Anyway I don't just want thermals. I want radar, flares, and all of the other new features ported to standard A2 vehicles. Basically to balance it for PvP.
  20. JuggernautOfWar

    CRcti Proman

    Yeah I know there's software to run a dedicated on your own machine. After about 20-30 minutes I get extremely bad lag even of there's just two players. When hosting publicly I can have eight people join no problem. So what kind of problems can we run into if we locally host?
  21. JuggernautOfWar

    CRcti Proman

    Are you sure we can't play a locally hosted match? I have issues creating a dedicated server. :(
  22. JuggernautOfWar

    COOP 20 Takistan Force (OA)

    Hello Bon. I'd like to report a minor bug with the RC1.05. As a commander you can build a seemingly infinite number of buildings of each type around the Stryker MEV. It also seems impossible to "decompose" the AA launcher for mobilization. Thank you for all your hard work on the best mission in ArmA history.
  23. There is a mod floating around on this site with the goal of balancing the factions to make them more realistic fun in online PvP. It makes equipment for the USMC, Taki Army, and the Russian Federation more comparable to the US Army with all their high tech thermal weapon systems, flares, and radar on vehicles. I have no idea what the mod is called nor what to search for on these forums. Any help is much appreciated, thank you. Sorry I know I need to search and I shouldn't create threads on such matters, but I really don't know what to search for. :j:
  24. What exactly does this mean?
  25. JuggernautOfWar

    Quick Question Concerning New Patch

    That has always been the case however. This is why so many servers disable "spacebar scanning" because this feature gets in the way of PvP.