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Everything posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. I'm trying to create a dedicated server running some of the ACE included missions. I cannot find the locations of said files though. In particular I'm looking for the included Warfare BE Chax 1.2 mission file. Thanks for help.
  2. JuggernautOfWar

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Also it says I'm an artillery coordinator/rescue or something like that. How do I do either of those things? Artillery would be very handy in this situation. I find it quite difficult playing this with one or two friends, even the side missions. What's a good tactic?
  3. JuggernautOfWar

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Is there a readme or something on the web for Domination? I tried playing it with some friends today and we just couldn't figure out how you're actually expected to take over towns/objectives with a few infantry and literally no vehicle or artillery support of any kind. Everybody loves this mission, but how? I'm sure I'm missing something.
  4. JuggernautOfWar

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Is there a readme somewhere for this great mission? I have no many questions and no answers.
  5. JuggernautOfWar

    CRcti Proman

    Thanks for the speedy reply. I'd like to run it with the addons too, but it'd also affect SP and all other missions, would it not? What does the "Autounits" parameter do?
  6. JuggernautOfWar

    CRcti Proman

    Can I run the ACE version of this mission without the custom addons? I don't care about the addons, it's just I don't want them to interfere with my other addons.
  7. JuggernautOfWar

    AI Piloting Woes

    So as a gunner in an attack helicopter I'm trying to figure out a way to stabilize my Rambo pilot AI. Every time I give him a waypoint he goes about 750m past it, it's ridiculous. I've tried telling him to hold fire too, no dice. How the heck do you do this?
  8. JuggernautOfWar

    I Cannot Gun!

    Thanks Myke. It really makes more sense having this in General rather than Troubleshooting. I don't really have a bug or problem with the game itself, more of a question. PS. I love everything you've worked on.
  9. JuggernautOfWar

    I Cannot Gun!

    So as a gunner in an attack helicopter I'm trying to figure out a way to stabilize my Rambo pilot AI. Every time I give him a waypoint he goes about 750m past it, it's ridiculous. I've tried telling him to hold fire too, no dice. How the heck do you do this?
  10. I can create a video tutorial tomorrow if you like.
  11. I wanna know why there are no desert Strykers anymore. It would appear every choice is woodland only unless I'm missing something big. Also how do you equip choppers using EASA?
  12. JuggernautOfWar

    COOP 20 Takistan Force (OA)

    Bon are you sure the time acceleration parameter works at all? I'll set it to a six hour day and I've never seen it get dark after playing for about four hours.
  13. Got a quick question about the EASA module. It is stated in the documentation "The Exchangeable Armament System for Aircraft (EASA) allows a player to change the weapons loadout of planes and optionally helicopters during a mission." I do not see a parameter listed to enable it's use on helicopters. What would I have to enter into the init field to get helicopter support?
  14. JuggernautOfWar

    COOP 20 Takistan Force (OA)

    Is the custom (amazing) artillery system confirmed to be working in conjunction with ACE? Either enabling ACE or due to the recent BIS patch the artillery seem to aim around wildly while they shoot, only occasionally firing at the correct position for your strike. I think the AI gets confused by focusing on targets they can see rather than firing at your coordinates. However the BIS standard crappy artillery system works flawlessly assuming you enable it in the mission file. Just for kicks I've added an A10 CBU87, an AC130 Spooky Gunship, an M270 MLRS, a few ACE ambient modules such as chatter from units, and a module called "EASA" which allows me to fit any BLUFOR armament imaginable to the A10 Thunderbolt II. I've upped the difficulty as well to counter all the fancy new toys I put in there. This mission is... phenomenal!
  15. JuggernautOfWar

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Great news OS. I'm looking forward to your new version, hopefully soon before I move!
  16. JuggernautOfWar

    WarFX : Blastcore

    As far as I know there is a set limit of light sources (dynamic lights) hard-coded into the game engine itself. I'm not aware of any way you may change or lift that limit. Of course if this were possible it would be extremely nice to have in a mod of such quality as this. In the case of there being concern about hardware limitations some users surely have I propose two versions of WarFX: Blastcore. One version is 'heavy'; having light sources on particles, thicker, longer lasting effects, and possibly the sound mod included. The other version is 'lite'; having pretty much the same effects now, maybe even toned down a bit more for less fortunate members of our community who may otherwise experience issues running this great mod. What do you think?
  17. JuggernautOfWar

    WarFX : Blastcore

    I just started playing with ACE2 again recently and it appears as though the vehicles fires/smoke are using default or ACE2 effects. Is my load order wrong or are they simply incompatible?
  18. JuggernautOfWar

    COOP 20 Takistan Force (OA)

    Alright awesome, thanks for the more detailed changelog. :) Could you please take a look at these questions here for me? Thank you so much.
  19. JuggernautOfWar

    COOP 20 Takistan Force (OA)

    Hello again Bon. Great to see another update today, even though I hear it may be the last. What exactly is different about this version from the release candidate released earlier?
  20. Just making sure it doesn't get lost on previous pages. EDIT: I just realized maybe helicopters are enabled by default but the AH-64 cannot be selected. Which helicopters are available for EASA? I think if any helicopter is available it's the Apache.
  21. Got a quick question about the EASA module. It is stated in the documentation "The Exchangeable Armament System for Aircraft (EASA) allows a player to change the weapons loadout of planes and optionally helicopters during a mission." I do not see a parameter listed to enable it's use on helicopters. What would I have to enter into the init field to get helicopter support?
  22. Is there a way to raise the view distance to what your have your options set to? It's stuck at around 2KM and it's killin' me.
  23. JuggernautOfWar

    Best CTI/Warfare map?

    In my opinion crCTI is far superior to any other CTI/Warfare mission. I just recently found it and I love it much more than Warfare BE.
  24. JuggernautOfWar

    COOP 20 Takistan Force (OA)

    1. The AI seem to usually just sit next to you while you are bleeding out on the ground. I don't remember this happening in 1.04 so that makes me think it's this version. Sometimes they revive you, 75% of the time they don't. I think this is caused by there being two different first aid options. One the standard games uses, one is just for this mission. REALLY ANNOYING. 2. The M1035 ambulance does not act as a mobile UAV terminal as it says in the config.sqf.