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Everything posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. JuggernautOfWar

    COOP Locally Hosted Warfare/CTI [Comp Stomp]

    Thank you very much for the information Myke! This helps tremendously. I'll report back with my findings once I've played with it for a while.
  2. JuggernautOfWar

    COOP Locally Hosted Warfare/CTI [Comp Stomp]

    Thank you for the suggestion. I can't find the lite version mentioned in the readme free from the required mods.
  3. JuggernautOfWar

    FRL Airforce Addons release thread

    Awesome I can't wait for the next version! The new name threw me a bit, took a while to find this thread.
  4. JuggernautOfWar

    GITS Evolution (new main thread)

    Silly me I didn't know what that parameter did. Pretty obvious now that I know. :rolleyes:
  5. JuggernautOfWar

    CRcti Proman

    Hmmm I can't seem to find the lite version. :rolleyes: I see 27 files in the downloaded MP Missions folder.
  6. How would I make a vehicle set to respawn using this script (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?76445-Simple-Vehicle-Respawn-Script) also clear its pylons? I'd also like to suggest adding the C130 to the GLT Missilebox support list. It does after all support MOABs. ;)
  7. It would be truly remarkable if you could add this into Warfare somehow.
  8. True. Though when playing with Mando Missiles this is possible even on missions that do not support Mando. Don't know how he does it. Regardless I think there should be two separate downloads. One via script and one via addon.
  9. JuggernautOfWar

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    Looking for a mod adding the ability to enter gun optics and control the cannon as a pilot in command of an AI gunner in an attack helicopter. I think I've seen this somewhere before, but after extensive searching found nothing.
  10. Is it possible to make an addon version which doesn't rely on the script being in the mission? Similar to Mando Missiles with the ammo truck.
  11. JuggernautOfWar

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    Is it just me or do the missiles often explode right on the target only for the target to survive?
  12. JuggernautOfWar

    GITS Evolution (new main thread)

    I'd absolutely love to see the Air Loadout Selector System (A.L.S.S.) by SkyNet implemented. It's such an amazing addon and as far as I know the client doesn't even need it, just the mission on the server. UPDATE: I'm trying to implement the addon myself but it seems to be incompatible with your overarmed aircraft. How do I disable that feature so I can use this addon instead?
  13. JuggernautOfWar

    Multi-Session Operations v4.2 released

    Seems like that would be the exact same as a local host since it's hosted you know... locally.
  14. JuggernautOfWar

    Multi-Session Operations v4.2 released

    If only I had the extra $1K for a server machine.
  15. JuggernautOfWar

    Multi-Session Operations v4.2 released

    Do we really need a dedicated server for this to work? I only have local server capability.
  16. JuggernautOfWar

    1.60 fxaa

    Wow that looks terrible!
  17. JuggernautOfWar

    Can your PC max out ArmA 2?

    I run it fine maxed out at 1920x1080 with ~4KM (I find I never need any more) view distance. -8GB DDR3 -GTX 570 Classified Edition [1280MB] -Phenom II X4 955 Deneb 45nm -MSI 870A-G54
  18. JuggernautOfWar

    CRcti Proman

    Do you really need a dedicated server to play this mission? I play on a locally hosted machine with my buddies but I do not want to have to get a dedicated server setup just for this. I get about 2 fps when I host a dedicated server from the same local machine, though my computer is more than capable. I often host a local Warfare or Evolution server on my computer without issues. Anyway I'd love to try this out but without any compatibility with local servers I'll have to pass.
  19. JuggernautOfWar

    AMD 6 core Processor

    Exactly this. If you want to get an AMD/ATI GPU then by all means do it. The game does not support GPU handled PhysX on either nVidia or AMD. GPU manufacturer does not matter at all in ArmA 3. There's still the standard differences of course, such as AMD usually being better at processing anti aliasing and post processing whereas nVidia tends to be a bit better at processing advanced lighting and shading that ArmA 3 will not support anyway.
  20. JuggernautOfWar

    1.60 fxaa

    Now there's a new SMAA option with the new beta patch. How is this different and when/how should it be used?
  21. JuggernautOfWar

    GITS Evolution (new main thread)

    Whenever I try to open any of the download links I get a "bandwidth exceeded" error.
  22. JuggernautOfWar

    1.60 fxaa

    Aw jeez. Now in the most recent beta patch we have SMAA introduced as well. Looks like we have even more stuff to fiddle with now!
  23. JuggernautOfWar

    COOP Missions

    I was looking at the page here on the forums. Domination looks exactly like Evolution.
  24. JuggernautOfWar

    COOP Missions

    What coop missions for local play do you guys recommend? I do not have a dedicated server. I host locally on my machine and play with my fellow ArmAholics. I've been playing Hohei Evolution lately and absolutely love it. Anything like that? I've been an ArmA player since the series was born with OFP back in the day, yet I still do not know what Domination is. How is that different from Evo? Is it any good? I also really like Cipher, but it's a more small scale mission.