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Everything posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. Hold on... I can make money from my ArmA youtube videos?!
  2. JuggernautOfWar

    1.60 fxaa

    In 1.60 it says there is a new FXAA mode implemented. I do not see this anywhere. The options are the exact same I'm used to seeing.
  3. JuggernautOfWar

    co30 Hohei Evolution 2 - the Evolution must go on!

    So it's been a while since I've been actively following Hohei. What's the overall status right now? When I left you were working on side missions and numerous bug fixes for RED versions. I'd like to request a Falluja version of the mission as it's my favorite map and this is my favorite mission. As it is now I have to use GITS which is a pain in the ass because there's about 20 mods required for that mission. Could I maybe port the mission over to Falluja? I'm not sure how to do that but I assume it's not as simple as copy paste When editing the mission I see no respawn script for the aircraft. How do we add vehicle respawn if for example we add a Harrier to the mission? Also as a side note I can test unreleased versions on my private dedicated server if you need some mp testing.
  4. I never get any freezes or hiccups at all.
  5. JuggernautOfWar

    GITS Evolution (new main thread)

    I'm a little confused about how to get the most recent versions of your missions working. The newer versions are dependent on addons I do not have. I don't even know what these addons do. Is there a description of each mod someplace? I'd rather play without required mods, but it's okay.
  6. JuggernautOfWar

    Connecting Failed

    He is using a wireless router. Like I said it worked fine yesterday. I've tried disabling BattlEye on my server but that didn't fix anything. Signature checking is disabled as well. He tried joining with vanilla as well with no mods. He says he's not got any cable long enough to connect directly to his modem.
  7. JuggernautOfWar

    Connecting Failed

    When my friend tries to join my dedicated server he always gets connecting failed. My other friend can connect fine so I think it might be on his side. I've done remote desktop with him and he's got his firewall turned off completely, no anti virus, and he cannot connect to any servers online. This started happening just last night and I have no idea what's changed other than I updated to the latest beta patch, but so did all my friends. I'm really stumped on this one. Yesterday we played no problem. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  8. JuggernautOfWar

    GITS Evolution (new main thread)

    Okay yes I just checked his thread. Thanks for the heads up Kremator. What is the difference between Takistan v13 and v14?
  9. JuggernautOfWar

    AI Heli Control 1.0

    Even if the pilot is under my command can I tell him to land someplace and immediately take off once we're all out without issuing multiple orders? After looking at the downloaded archive it looks like an addon and not a mission script. I think this means people connecting to the server need the addon too. Too bad.
  10. JuggernautOfWar

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    I have GITS Evolution running on my server. I'd like to replace the older version of this script already in the mission (I think 0.3) with the newer 0.8 version. How would I go about doing that? It's gotta be done in a way where the clients connecting to the server do not require the mod installed on their end, as it is now.
  11. JuggernautOfWar

    AI Heli Control 1.0

    Is it possible to set up a sort of combat insertion? What I mean is (before you get there) telling the pilot to land at a designated LZ, then immediately take off once all occupants are disembarked in one command? This would be perfect. I think giving the AI pilot multiple commands as you're trying to manage your own squad of infantry would be quite a challenge. If I install this on my dedicated server or mission would the clients connecting need the mod as well? Would they be able to join and/or use the script without installing it in their game? I think if it's mission-based then it'd work but if it's addon based it doesn't?
  12. JuggernautOfWar

    GITS Evolution (new main thread)

    You guys should really update the AC-130 script in the mission. I think the mission has 0.3 included but the latest version is 0.8. Much improved, especially for MP. Great mission though my friends and I are having a blast. My mission is GITSEvolutionV13US.Takistan by the way.
  13. Weight system confirmed for ArmA 3. This will prevent players from carrying lots of heavy gear at the same time. Different vests you can wear on your character change your load-bearing capabilities accordingly. A light recon vest for example will not grant you with the same carrying capacity as a heavy assault vest.
  14. JuggernautOfWar

    co30 Hohei Evolution 2 - the Evolution must go on!

    Good job man! I can't wait to play the next version! ;)
  15. JuggernautOfWar

    Light Tower Addon

    Great addon! Now all we need is more natural looking light and we'll be set! A bit unrelated but is it at all possible with the current engine to "smooth out" the light so it isn't as sharp? I don't even mean at greater distances, but overall just smooth light edges. ArmA II has already come leaps and bounds since ArmA I as far as lighting. It'd be nice to take it to that next level though.
  16. JuggernautOfWar

    Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion

    I believe it could work if you had something like an MRAP or 6t truck with modular capabilities. For a real world example the base MRAP cab and chassis can be fitted with a number of modular expansions including but not limited to a cannon, machine gun, armored troop carrier "box", and they are even researching how to fit it with a mobile SAM similar to the Avenger.
  17. JuggernautOfWar

    Smoke effect

    Do you mean you'd like to lower the fidelity of smoke particles?
  18. JuggernautOfWar

    GITS Evolution (new main thread)

    I think the crashing bug for Hohei is only present in the newest version of the ArmA 2 only mission. I should know I test them before they're released. :rolleyes: In other news: You guys should really update the AC-130 script in the mission. I think the mission has 0.3 included but the latest version is 0.8. Much improved, especially for MP.
  19. JuggernautOfWar

    GITS Evolution (new main thread)

    Should get Combined Ops. ;)
  20. Isn't Missilebox already implemented for the A-10 and Harrier II? Oh and FYI there's a new version 5.0 of Missilebox coming out soon. GLT has been dropped from the name. The new version has tons of added interfaces, weapons, and systems implemented.
  21. There is an option to manually gun in attack helicopters. How do you get out of that view? Esc doesn't work so I crash. :eek:
  22. JuggernautOfWar

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Could you pretty please add the config option or even better yet - make vehicle wrecks stay until the smoke disappears? That would be really cool. I've always thought the destroyed vehicles disappearing was pretty lame.
  23. Woah this is exactly what we all need. Man that blew me away! Great job guys keep up the good work! My most anticipated mod of 2012. :cool:
  24. I'm looking for a good coop (friends vs AI) warfare or CTI mission. I host locally on my computer without a dedicated server. Need a good warfare/CTI mission where the AI is competent and use things at their disposal. The standard BIS Warfare is definitely designed for PvP and it shows. I tried Benny Edition a few months ago and the AI was pretty bugged. They didn't buy any vehicles or weapons. A few even kept spawning in a corner of the map. I'm certain it requires a dedicated server.
  25. JuggernautOfWar

    COOP Locally Hosted Warfare/CTI [Comp Stomp]

    Ha you got me. I edited my post right as you posted. Yeah I got it by using the base ArmA 2 directory. So far so good, haven't noticed any performance decrease at least. Great now I can try out Benny Edition again and hopefully it'll work. Thank you again Myke!