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Everything posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. JuggernautOfWar

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    I'm getting a very strange problem only in this mission. When I go around town my texture quality drops so bad it looks like I'm playing a Nintendo64 game. I can go into any other mission or the editor and not receive this bizarre problem. Could it possibly be something implemented to save performance? If this is the case I should be able to disable it because my performance is fine anyway. There should probably be a medical tent/ambulance at base. As it stands now if your one medic gets sniped you're pretty much screwed unless you have the points to call in reinforcements. It may be a good idea to replace the extraction helicopter with the medevac variant. Do vehicles ever respawn? I'd love to see this added as well. Maybe have a 10% chance that hostile civvies will not draw a pistol, but instead have a bomb strapped to them. I don't know, that might be overkill. I haven't yet found any IEDs so I can't comment on that.
  2. JuggernautOfWar

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Haha good, because I've been unloading into those a**holes. What are some of the features and changes you are brainstorming? I think @JTD is the cause of my crashes. I uninstalled that mod while installing Blastcore and Blastcore tracers with no problems after playing for a while. Too bad, I really do love his mod. Ever since ArmA1 I couldn't get enough of his smoke & fire. It's a shame he doesn't want to spend much time developing mods anymore, he made gems.
  3. JuggernautOfWar

    Too many mods for shortcut target directory?

    Thank you Sickboy. Sadly I have no idea how to create a .bat file and apply it in this way.
  4. JuggernautOfWar

    Too many mods for shortcut target directory?

    Thanks I'll give that a try. Do you have a link to bd_tracerlight? That sounds awesome but I can't seem to find it under Addons - Released.
  5. JuggernautOfWar

    Blackhawks by YuraPetrov

    I can't wait for ArmA3. Hopefully with the new PhysX3 they are implementing this sort of behavior will be possible and glitch-free.
  6. JuggernautOfWar

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    I've never had the civvies show a any sort of red target reticule before. I really do like the new system. It adds quite a bit of tension when you are in a populated area interrogating civvies out in the open. This system teaches you real quick you should do interrogations inside buildings when possible. It's quite unnerving hearing spontaneous gunshots through the streets just after an interrogation. It's often difficult to pinpoint where it's coming from, forcing you to hunker down and assess the situation. I love this new mission! I still haven't even finished it yet due to a problem I'm having with the game crashing after ~30 minutes of play. Trying to narrow down if it's @JTD or @JSRS causing it.
  7. JuggernautOfWar

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    Quite frankly I don't care if the starting position is dynamic or not. I am plenty happy how it is set up now. I believe refining existing features is more important than adding new ones.
  8. JuggernautOfWar

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    If you decide to change the start position to dynamic I request vehicles, ammo, AI patrols, the whole bit to go with it.
  9. JuggernautOfWar

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    I just gave the mission a try. I couldn't wait! Great first impressions so far. The mission definitely is not finished, but it sure is a fantastic start. I really love the idea behind it. Calling it a SP Insurgency does not do this mission justice - there's so much more to it than that! I can't wait to play my next game in this mission and see what the future holds. I have not yet completed the mission, just tried it out a bit and got familiar with some of the mechanics. I definitely suggest creating a Chernarus edition, or possibly in the future custom island support. Chernarus is a much more interesting landscape and has more variety in terms of gameplay. I understand a user has made a Chernarus port of the released mission, but it is dependent on ACE or other addons. Dependencies are never good for the general public, myself included. Only mods I use are JTD and JSRS.
  10. JuggernautOfWar

    WarFX : Blastcore

    I do completely agree with you. It's all sparks and dust, but very little initial fire from the explosion. Also the dust that is there doesn't linger as long as it should, though I know this cannot be changed due to the engine. This is especially true with temperate maps such as Chernarus or Utes. There shouldn't really be any dust kicked up at all from explosions in these wet environments, only dirt and smoke from the munition. Nevertheless the effects are much better (higher resolution?) than vanilla so I use them anyway. Edit: I just noticed the tracers mod he has on the original post. I gave it a download - holy crap am I impressed! This is how tracers should be.
  11. JuggernautOfWar

    Project Reality: Arma 2

    I downloaded the mod from their official website and installed it. When I go to start the mod I get a message saying I have an unsupported version. I have 1.62 and the mod requires 1.60.
  12. JuggernautOfWar

    SP: Tankistan Control / work in progress

    This sounds like an awesome mission! Exactly what I like to see when coming back into the ArmAverse after a long absence. I'll wait for smacker909 to upload the new version before I give it a try. Sounds like that will happen sometime today. Thank you for the hard work and creativity! I look forward to giving this a try as soon as you update it.
  13. If I were to order ACR on the BI store will I get a Steam activation key once it is released on Steam? Carrier Command does this with the supporter edition.
  14. Thank the gods this will all be fixed (supposedly) in the retail game.
  15. My thoughts exactly. While a multiplayer mode would be nice this is a singleplayer game at heart and you have to learn to enjoy it. It is an ode to classic games and the fun we've all had playing them over the years. We do not need a strong multiplayer component to enjoy an otherwise brilliant game made by brilliant developers. If a multiplayer mode were to be implemented at some point it would have to be a simple coop island capture scenario or similar. Too many gamers these days think they need multiplayer and PvP to have fun. Just look at Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, Dead Space, and other singleplayer games with multiplayer later tacked on for the bullet point on the back of the box. They could have spent all that development time (creating multiplayer from scratch really is time and resource consuming) creating a better core game, rather than tacking on a feature true fans do not care about whatsoever. Yeah I've thought the same hybrid concept would work rather well. When asked the Planetside 2 developers did not deny naval combat being added in the future, only stating "why not space instead?". This gives me hope there will be naval combat added in eventually since they did not deny it. I'm rather confident they will add space combat from that remark.
  16. While these are all good suggestions I must point out in more recent builds of the game (E3) the trajectory of shells is flatter. No more aiming at 45 degrees to hit a target 150 meters away.
  17. JuggernautOfWar

    PC Discussion Thread II - All PC related discussion goes here.

    I have been getting consistent blue screens of death lately while gaming. I just ran MemTest for a few hours while I slept and discovered 380 errors in 6 passes. That would definitely point to the RAM causing the blue screens while gaming. I've taken a few pictures of the MemTest screen. Is there any way to fix this? I can't afford new DDR3 RAM at the moment. This really needs to be resolved. Thank you for your time.
  18. JuggernautOfWar

    Bug Report 6/26/2012 Barque Bug

    This bug and many others. It seems like more of an alpha than a public beta.
  19. Yes it is. It ruins the testing experience for me. Everything I have dies due to staring at the enemy, firing only rarely. Quite frustrating.
  20. One of the biggest problems I'm having is units not engaging the enemy. They will line them up perfectly in their sights, but then they won't shoot half the time. I have to take control of them and manually fire to get anything done reliably. Basically the AI suffers from ArmA2 symptoms of staring at enemies without engaging. Has BIS announced any changes or fixes they have made from our feedback? These forums seem pretty dead...
  21. Gunso it's too bad Battlestations: Pacific requires Games for Windows LIVE to run. It's a great game ruined by crappy 3rd party software.
  22. Please delete post if you can moderator.
  23. JuggernautOfWar

    GITS Evolution (new main thread)

    Thanks I needed those too. Are those the updated versions? I remember you said you were working on new unmodified Taki and Cherno missions.
  24. JuggernautOfWar

    SC_Mod Ingame screenshots

    This mod isn't still active I assume. Too bad really. Extinguishing my JTD forest fires is always fun.