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About JustinK

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. JustinK

    CoC Command Engine X

    You guys are amazing! Thank you so much for this mod. As someone else said this would be perfect for a civil war or Napoleonic era mod (something else I would like to see).
  2. JustinK

    Arma crash on start up, i want to cry

    It didn't work. I'm completely confused. not sure how something that isn't on my computer is messing up new installs. I may just go for a refund and buy a copy of OFP.
  3. JustinK

    Arma crash on start up, i want to cry

    @basti: I'm not sure who you meant that for but I'll give it a try also. When I said complete uninstall I also meant deleting everything related to Arma in my documents and all.
  4. JustinK

    Arma crash on start up, i want to cry

    I have the same problem but did countless full uninstalls and reinstalls. The one thing that bothers me is how something can mess up my install when it isn't even there.
  5. JustinK

    Arma won't start

    A few weeks ago I downloaded the U.S. download version of patch 1.08. I installed and could not boot up the game. I thought this was a simple error and decided to uninstall and try again. I uninstall and delete all Arma folders that were left, reinstall and...the game still doesn't start and gives me a this program has to close error. I tried the troubleshooting thread for the patch and other people could not get the game started but they had the dvd version. I have tried everything and have asked a few people for help but to no avail. Please give me a hand so I can go on enjoying Arma like I used to.
  6. JustinK

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    I downloaded patch 1.08 U.S. version and installed it over the 1.06 download I bought. When I try to start arma up nothing happens and I get the Arma has encountered a problem and needs to close message. I uninstall, delete everything arma related and then reinstall. It still doesn't work, even with 1.06 it gives me the same error.
  7. JustinK


    Just wondering, what song is that at the beginning of the campaign?
  8. JustinK


    I am a U.S. citizen and that video made me sick. I have no bias against my country and would gladly fight in any war (with a just cause) but they posed no threat, not to mention a wounded man was gunned down helplessly. now to stop being political, great campaign.
  9. JustinK

    BOS project versions2 RELAISED

    hmmm... I think some of these guys are getting the old version from the start of this thread. I know it happened to me. I think you should edit the first post to stay with the current version so people don't have to search for it.
  10. JustinK

    Question on time acceleration

    got it working on the radio, thanks guys.
  11. JustinK

    Question on time acceleration

    Then create a simple text file and put here: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">skipTime X (X = time (hours) of skip) and save as "skiptime.sqs" Where do I put the text file? and do I just use notepad or something like it make the file?
  12. JustinK

    Question on time acceleration

    I would like to be able to skip a certain number of hours at any given moment so you could recon a base and then skip until nightfall when you sneak in and blow some tanks and trucks up. I know you can only get it to skip a pre-set number of hours but thats okay.
  13. JustinK

    Looking for a squad

    Thank you for your offers. I will make my decision now.
  14. Hello, I am looking for a U.S. military realism squad that would actually consider letting me join. I say this because for whatever biased reason, when I tell people I'm 15 years old its an automatic no, even when there are not age recuirements. I have been online with groups in other games and people have said how mature I am. I have experience with sims like this (among others) and would be a very useful pilot, but people just don't think us teens mature enough. People, you haven't even met me or talked to me, at least let me proove myself to you. If you consider meeting with me on TS and going online to see if I would be a good addition, please pm me. Thank you for reading this request/rant.
  15. JustinK

    Question on time acceleration

    I'll try and make this clearer, I want to be able to either skip time or speed it up at any given moment from within the mission without using triggers. Or, to just "unlock" the time acceleration to go faster than 4x acceleration.