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Posts posted by Juan

  1. 3.)Manual reloading button. It's totally useless to have ATGMs, HEAT and SABOT rounds if you can only use one in a battle. After each tank fire, you should have to click R or whatever to reoad. Why you may ask this is necessary? So you can choose the ammo you want to reload after each shot. BOOM, that tank is down. Uh oh, a helicopter, better reload an ATGM. (yes ATGMs are used against helicopters in russian tanks)

    You can allready do that in OFP. if you see it like this:

    You fire whatever is in the chamber, or, in the action menu, you reload with the other type of amunition available, from SABOT nto HEAT, or from HEAT to SABOT, the only difference is that if you don't select something it will automaticly reload with whatever was selected previously.

    Quote[/b] ]5.)OPTIONAL: Manual Driving in Veteran mode. All russian tanks have Manual gear shifts, while the M1 Abrams is automatic. It's just boring, for me atleast, to just press forward while driving. I want to control my driving because it's more fun.

    You meen like you would in a car, well, if they include gears in ArmA they'll make a Spaniard very happy.

    I would love to have some decent driving with any kind of vehicle in ArmA, even the driving in "Joint Operations" is more enjoyable, specially the motorbyke inlove.gif  I just love to jump around while playing JO, specially if I get chased by the other team. But car driving with gears and a much beter phisics system would be great.( Me thinking of the film Roning) icon_rolleyes.gif

    I love tank battles in OFP, but I do agree them additions would be very wellcome.

  2. Thanks guys! Does anybody know if theres any transport planes that are for CWC? Can they carry vehicles? Are there any good islands?

    Negative in respect the planes, but about terrains yes, This link for terrains, OFPinfo again, and again, work your way from the last page towars the first ones, but you'll only find CWC compatible ones around last pages, don't ask me up to witch ones they are compatible with CWC because I'm sure there is some from after Resistance was well in the market, but don't quote me on that, biggrin_o.gif lol.

  3. Ah, that's where OFP info takes over, used to be all in OFPEC, but we all know the score.

    Link to UCE's stuff.


    Actually, Resistance was released in 2002, so if you look herefor any addons dated before and not long after Resistance was released you should find some good addons.

    Work your way from the last pages of every addon section and you can't go wrong.

    There is not much info about the addons in OFP info, but they have a picture, and that is a good guide, well, sort of wink_o.gif

  4. Them pictures look very interesting, or should I say nice, a work of art in my opinion.

    Anyway, I have to be in favour of you guys working in Nogova, because the idea of you lot starting to work in a brand new terrain project, when ArmA is about to hit the shops … Well, I don’t know about that, so if you kip on working in improving Nogova to kip us happy previous to ArmA release, you’ll make a lot of people happy.

    All your previous Nogova releases are astonishing, and helped a lot in improving the old trusty game, so I like the idea of just having a nicer looking Nogova.

    BTW Nice weapons pack.
