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Posts posted by Juan

  1. ^ I do know what you mean mate! and it does support short loops, you've just gotta get the perfect loop, I'll look into it!


    Mark XIII

    Nah, no worries mate, like I said, I don't know about it, but I have the feeling that it may work.

    Thanks for the link to Wavosaur, I got a condenser mike and a preamp, lots of guitars and other instruments that I love to play, and a "decent" PC, so I'm sure I'm going to take some advantage of that sound editor. I use Audacity and I find it brilliant, but I can't do WSS.

    About the sound volume droping, I noticed this happaning to me when I'm in an air vehicle and I'm reciving fire, or if an explossion goes off loud. But I think this may be a hardware issue, because I noticed this mostly in the editor with around 150 units in a battle.

    My only dislike in this pack is the breathing sounds, not the sound itself but the volume of it, because I was looking like a lunatic to see who was sneaking behind me crawling, and then I realiced that the sound was coming from an injured AT soldier about 150 or 200 metres away. confused_o.gif

    I must say, this is the best sound mod I have ever come acros, and I really like it a lot, and about them loops, I'll do some experimentation and let you know what I find, I'm preaty sure that I can find something for you Sir smile_o.gif Not that you need hellp tho.

    The M4 sound, I just love shoot the bloody thing again, specially the normal M4 with the field sight, looks more realistic lol. I really like what you done here.

    Thanks Mark. Free beers in Wales for you from now on mate.

  2. Nice Island. I just downloaded this and I'm well impressed.

    I specially love the way you made the airport in Ciudad Barbuda ( Bearded city, LOL). The security measures in this airport have to be the best ones I ever seen in an addon. The way the hall of the airport is fenced, and the way you made the entrance to the airport, very good, I love it.

    One thing you need in this map, the main building to be modified so is accessible, at list if is just an space between front door and back door, so the only way to get in the runway by foot is through the main building. Also, put a bar gate on the space to the side of the main building for security to stop unwanted vehicles getting in the runway.

    The layout of towns and villages, where the streets are small and narrow, I think that's spot on, I like it too, reminds me of places that I been.

    "Santa Fuero", I love the details in there, the works yard is really good, but not accessible for vehicles. Is there any way to animate the gates? I think is objects number 12234 and 12235.

    I noticed the little river, and I noticed in there that you got a nice secret spot in quadrant EF-75, for some sort of camp to go in there, but is only accessible by air because the river is more like a very narrow lake with no end to the sea. It would be nice if one of the ends was in the sea so the river would be accessible by boat, plus that would force you to add a nice bridge that can be blown away smile_o.gif

    "Isla del Pelo" (Hair's Island, LOL again) I'm loving them names  biggrin_o.gif  It would be nice if on the East side you add some flat terrain, a nice long beach, for them secret STOL landings.

    Actually, seeing that you are thinking about adding more terrain, another little island well far from the main land would be nice, or maybe some little archipelago, could create some interesting battle scenarios in them.

    That's all. Nice work here, and I hope to see more soon.

    Thanks for the release, and bye.

  3. Great mod!!!

    I love it! thumbs-up.gif

    just one thing, I keep getting an error message every once in a while when I exit the editor, or join a game or exit, about ...\FFAR burst is not a value.

    Anyone else getting this, or is it something I am doing wrong or a mod I have on?  huh.gif

    Same here, runing this with the latest "ArmA effects" and no unoficial addons (For multiplayer)

    All this in 1.8 BTW.

  4. Thanks 2 all of ya, suggesters!

    Off course noone of us ever saw "9th company" film, but thanks - I think that's very valueble information source. Since we're bunch n00bies here it's really something fresh for our narrow-thinking minds... rofl.gif

    Quote[/b] ]Also, you could consider songs from groups like Accept, The album "Metal Heart" is from 85, but one song from them that I think could represent this 80's atmosphere better is "Balls to the wall" from the 1983 album "Balls to the wall". Another group that I would consider is "Helloween" with their album "Keeper of the seven keys Part 1" and a good song from there could be "Future world", sort of used to make me think that future wasn't like the song puts it and that at any given time we would have a nuclear war, and them feelings where real.

    Yeah-yeah. Sorry, but can you kindly buy us a license for all these tracks? However, good suggestion anyway - this music set will help us to expand our music section up to size of GTA San Andreas. Guess we need some ingame radios... P'85 Hip-Hop radio...or...P'85 soviet death metal station... smile_o.gif))

    Quote[/b] ]they do represent the 80's to me too, but so it do Duran Duran and Depeche Mode.

    Depeche Mode...Words like violence, break the silence? Heh, pure philosophy. Why not take A-ha too with their "Take on me, take me on!" - these lyrics represent harsh and uncompromise reality of war very good. rofl.gif

    Now seriously...thanks for suggestions - but don't think we don't know what we are doing. Pls, ppl, come with more prosaic and useful suggestions.

    NSXr, I always had a lot of respect for you because of this mod, but don't think that because of it you can belittle me mate.

    I was suggesting songs mate, knowing for a fact that you guys will only use some if not none of the suggested songs in this forums by the users.

    Quote[/b] ]Ofcourse, ACDC, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Judas Priest, etc, they do represent the 80's to me too, but so it do Duran Duran and Depeche Mode.

    Not mate this quote above wasn't me suggesting Duran Duran and Depeche mode, it was a way to say that not all 80's music would go well in such a mod, but please forgive my crazy and stupid remarks, in comparison to you we all are nothing ells but worthless piece of garbage.

    Quote[/b] ] Off course noone of us ever saw "9th company" film, but thanks - I think that's very valueble information source. Since we're bunch n00bies here it's really something fresh for our narrow-thinking minds... rofl.gif

    Maybe you should read again what I posted.

    BTW, I don't know if any of you seen this film call "The 9th company", I think this Russian film is a good source of info, specially if you have the DVD with the extras. The only thing is that is based in the Russian-Afghan war, which is far from the European sort of conflict, but still cool.

    The you could answer like this:

    Yes mate, great film, we know that film, and we have some good reference already, but thanks anyway.

    Of course, because you are such an "important" member of this forums, that "work so hard" on stuff for free, using so much of your spare time, you should always take any comment or suggestion as a negative feedback, or a very sarcastic comment against your work, or just a plain burst of jealousy against you because you are so grate.

    Get of your horse and have a look at the ground before you jump over... mate.

    I used to respect you, I just feel sorry for you now. goodnight.gif

  5. Is not modern music, but if you can get your hands in "The Hunt For Red October" OST by Basil Poledouris, there is a track in there call "Hymn to Red October". If you guys can't get it I have this album, so let me know. Is very adecuate for the mod.

    Also, you could consider songs from groups like Accept, The album "Metal Heart" is from 85, but one song from them that I think could represent this 80's atmosphere better is "Balls to the wall" from the 1983 album "Balls to the wall". Another group that I would consider is "Helloween" with their album "Keeper of the seven keys Part 1" and a good song from there could be "Future world", sort of used to make me think that future wasn't like the song puts it and that at any given time we would have a nuclear war, and them fealings where real.

    3 bands that for me do represent 80's, Accept, Helloween and Scorpions, and the amusing thing is that they are German groups.

    Ofcourse, ACDC, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Judas Priest, etc, they do represent the 80's to me too, but so it do Duran Duran and Depeche Mode.

    I think them German groups would represt it better because of the significance of their location.

    BTW, I don't know if any of you seen this film call "The 9th company", I think this Russian film is a good source of info, specially if you have the DVD with the extras. The only thing is that is based in the Russian-Afghan war, wich is far from the European sort of conflict, but still cool.

  6. About the movement sounds. I don't know how you can do this, but it was done in OFP, so chances are that it should be even easyer in ArmA. To the point biggrin_o.gif The movement sound of a automatic rifleman should be different to the sound of a normal rifleman, due to the equipment. If you add the sound/s at random times while the unit is moustly runing, I think it could make it more realistic. I would be great if somebody had a video showing what FDF done in OFP, or was it FFUR?

    Anyway, different sounds for different units, you actually would only need sounds for a cuple of units, because I don't think a decent rifleman will have many items making noise, so I would concentrate mainly in suport weapons, like gunners and AA and AT units.

    Also, it would be nice if you could add a sound to the NVGs when being selected by the unit or player, like one of them low to high frecuency whistle.

    I got some samples, but they are in a CD and I'll have to dig them out, now is late and I want to go to bed. If you like some I'll send them to you tomorrow. Send me a PM if you are interested.


  7. Hopefully a uparmored T-90 will be made by someone as a relative equal to this tank.  For those complaining of imbalance, an older export type T-72 (as sold to many Middle East nations and what the SLA appear to use) will not stand much of chance against an M1A1.

    Alot depends on the ammunition used as well however.  

    Chris G.

    aka-Miles Teg<GD>

    What a T-72M1 with ARENA and ERA would do or what chances could have against this Abrams?

    Because wouldn't be easyer to modify BIS T-72 into a T-72M1?

    Just wondering tho.

    Love this Abrams by the way. Makes a nice change. Reminds me of the times when "Combat" released theirs for OFP.

    BTW, could be possible if the commander was able to use a set of binoculars while on "Turn out" mode? Wouldn't it be possible to change from gun to binoculars by adding the binoculars as a second comander's weapon, and when selecting "binoculars" as the weapon the sight of this would be the binoculars reticle? That would be great, specially if the binoculars use some sort of range finding reticle like a Mildot or this one below.


  8. I don't know if this is been mentioned allready (there is a few pages on this topic allready) Do you guys have any plans on adding some sort of aiming hellp to the mounted weapons, I don't really like to squeeze a compromising burst any more from the M2 between or above my troops, because without the crosshair I don't know if I'm gonna blow someones head before I get to actually get any rounds near the enemy, same goes for the grenade launchers.

    I don't want them on personal weapons, but I think that there should be some sort of aiming for the mounted machinne guns and grenade launchers.

  9. I don't know if its been said allready, but it would be nice if the sound of the KSVK and the M107 had a bit more PUNCH!! at the beguining. Something like that below:

    Amazing thing, I couldn't find a video showing the KSVK, extrange. sad_o.gif

    I love your work so far any way, and I hope you kip on like that.

    Thanks mate.

    BTW, some A10 firing vids.

    firing from ground


    Actually, there is lots there for your inspiration.
