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Everything posted by JobJenkins222

  1. JobJenkins222

    Why the buildings arent destroyed like in VBS???

    Agreed. Arguments like these result in no progression.
  2. JobJenkins222

    Speed up time?

    That would be a bit unrealistic, i hope it isnt included. As realistic as x2.000 speed is too. I really needed that features sometimes so i hope it will be included. No i think he meant that 0.5x would be cheating in a firefight and the temptation would always be there to use it.
  3. JobJenkins222

    shooting while running?

    Yeah, the otehr guy is trying to make a "clever" point but failed miserably.
  4. JobJenkins222

    Latest screenshots available

    99% of all the dissapointing and overhyped crap that is released today, i would have prefered a demo so that I wouldn't have waisted my money. A demo is needed and i won't be making the same mistke of buying a game without trying it first, one way or another.
  5. JobJenkins222

    shooting while running?

    Even if its a 99.99% chance of not hitting anything, I would still like the option of shooting while running anyway. Whats the point in taking a feature out? Whats stopping you from pulling the trigger in real-life? I most certainly don't want a magical barrier stopping me from doing that because the devs have decided that its too difficult to hit anything. Just slowly destroying the freedom that you have within the game bit by bit. Next they will stopping you from looking downwards because theres nothing to shoot at your feet. Also, who knows how some of you guys would react to a REAL-LIFE fire fight. You may very well get up and run the opposite way anyway firing your weapon in the process, regardless if you hit anything.
  6. JobJenkins222

    Online Distribution System - Confirmed

    Very well said. I myself am primarily interested in LAN gaming so Steam would not fit what i want to do. When i play lan with someone, i don't go buy an extra 6 disks and cd keys, i use the same one and swap the disks. That isn't something that can be done on steam. If a friend of mine has his own copy then thats up to him.
  7. JobJenkins222

    Online Distribution System - Confirmed

    How strange. Throwing you box and manual away?
  8. JobJenkins222

    All the Animations YOU want

    Emotions like in OpFlash
  9. JobJenkins222

    Online Distribution System - Confirmed

    I'll be ok if it's released over Fileplanet (Direct2Drive)
  10. JobJenkins222

    grass? eye candy?

    Huh, a pointless argument you have there. What about hiding from alot of enemies? In real life its possible to find large areas of tall grass, why not in AA? Please, arguments like this are worthless.
  11. JobJenkins222

    Please allow me to preorder online

    I'd rather have the box. The game is "cheapened" if downloaded from the internet and a pain the the arse to burn it to cd.
  12. JobJenkins222

    Online Distribution System - Confirmed

    Steam or not, it's still a huge pain in the arse to have to download it. In my opinion, it cheapens the game not having a hard copy. With Lan, its alot cheaper just to swap the Cds over once the game has loaded.
  13. JobJenkins222

    Online Distribution System - Confirmed

    Thats CRAP news  This is virtual suicide for Armed Assault, extremely inconvienient. Not everyone has Broadband and i'm certainly not buying 6 copies of it via steam just to play Lan. A really stupid move by Bohemia Interactive.
  14. JobJenkins222


    Actually, its more than possible.
  15. JobJenkins222

    Latest screenshots available

    Unfortunately it's this kind of attitude that has lead to the stream of crap that games developers have released recently.
  16. JobJenkins222

    Recoil in the new videos

    I wasn't sure if i was imagining it but for me it seems a little strange and insainly unrealistic that when the player fires in full-auto or even single shot there is little or no recoil what so ever, even in the kneeling (i think) position (Check the mission editor video and the new tank battle video) I just want to confirm that the devs haven't missed this important factor out.
  17. JobJenkins222

    Recoil in the new videos

    The whole point of the game is not total realism; it's scope. ArmA is huge, with vast terrains, massive battles, and nearly unlimited possibility. There is virtually no end to the amount of options it offers to players. Whether it's the choices made in the game, such as the freedom to go anywhere, drive any vehicle, use any weapon, etc... or the ability for the community to create addons and mods and anything we desire, it doesn't always have to be about realism. If that was the whole point of OFP, there wouldn't be so many fictional, humorous, fun, and downright (intentionally) stupid addons and mods, and surely it will be the same for ArmA. That's my opinion anyway, and that it only ends up being realistic because of it's scope. And let's not forget, the real point of any game is for people to have fun... I hope BIS feels the same way. Yes, but Armed Assault and Operation Flashpoint are military simulators and have been built using the VBS1 & 2 engines. I suppose if we were all given VBS2 on its own we would have just as much fun with it as with Armed Assault - even though it's purpose is for recreating battlefield situations. Fun doesn't necessarily mean doing stupid things. I personally would find a completely realistic experience (with the added bonus of addons) alot more enjoyable that an slightly less realistic screw about.
  18. JobJenkins222

    Cooperative Campaign

    I forgot about this feature. Hey Placebo, can you please confirm that this is still going to be in AA or has it been removed? Thanks
  19. JobJenkins222

    Recoil in the new videos

    I wouldn't expect anything more than semi-realistic recoil. The game is still a game and it has to please the mass who aren't perhaps looking for ultimate realism. Luckily we have a great community who can quite quickly come up with a small realism patch for the game. I wish we wouldn't have to but they can't make a universal setting which would please all the players. The FDF mod handled it best of all OFP mods. The weapon sway was quite heavy and the aim didn't zero after each shot. I agree but the whole point for this game is for almost total realism. Unfortunately games that have turned to address the vast majority of gamers are huge disapointments. In my opinion, if the game was to be exactly like Flashpoint (the only changes being added realism) i'll be happy. Too often game companies forget their main audience and pander to the kids who want more of an arcade game. The game is therefore quickly forgottten and the fans feel betrayed. Sod the other segment of the market and listen to those who really matter.
  20. JobJenkins222

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Placebo said in an interview that AI will be one of the last things implemented into Armed Assault, therefore in the videos you will only see the operation flashpoint ai.
  21. JobJenkins222

    Recoil in the new videos

    Good to hear.
  22. JobJenkins222

    Recoil in the new videos

    This is what I am worried about too. Single shot recoil is fine, but the ability to fire 30 rounds in full auto without deviating from your initial aiming point is unrealistic, and was something that annoyed the hell out of me how recoil was pretty much nonexistant in ofp. You could just point the cross hair and hold it down it looks like. That is less realistic than CS! CS doesn't even have that! We are talking like quake-level here! What kind of simulation is that? Another thing that worries me is the ironsights seem completely still. Is there still a fatigue model in the game? The player was just running around when he aimed is rifle-and it was still completely still. With the way its going, Armed Assault infantry mechanics seem more llike CS than a simulation. Yes, there doesn't seem to be fatigue any more
  23. JobJenkins222

    Recoil in the new videos

    Yes you are right, but kneeling down and shooting full-auto (with such pin-point accuracy) is virtually impossible.
  24. JobJenkins222

    Armed Assault FAQ

    We're currently working on it, when it's finalised we'll make the announcement. I hope this doesn't effect distribution in shops, such a pain in the arse having to download it and not even being able to put it on cd
  25. JobJenkins222

    Disable the scoreboard in Co-op

    I think a return of a "Golden Eye" score board would be welcome. For example, "most dishonorable player" (for shooting unarmed civilians etc, and "poorest shot".