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About Jill_311

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Jill_311

    Project RACS

    V3 Coming Soon
  2. Jill_311

    New Prussian Army

    Thank you for your imagination and work.
  3. Jill_311

    Project RACS

    Puzzling with a touch of paint.net and imagination lol :)
  4. Jill_311

    Project RACS

    All the best to everyone
  5. Jill_311

    CDF moderne desert units

    http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h364/Jill_311/CDFdesert1.jpg Hope you don't mind sapper
  6. I say old chap that's the business
  7. Jill_311

    Project RACS

    http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h364/Jill_311/RecentlyUpdated142.jpg Just something I made for Eddie be kind
  8. Thanks for your hard work must be time consuming
  9. Jill_311

    US Marines

    Thank you for your work it's truly a joy to use.
  10. Jill_311

    Binkowski's WIP thread

    hope you release soon but take your time thanks