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Everything posted by Jezuro

  1. It's how it works. Depends on the incoming direction of course, but an AA missile coming from the front usually explodes near the tail.
  2. Well, if you really want to know :)
  3. We tried to reproduce this problem without any luck. Are you running any mods? I read something about people experiencing it with ACE etc.
  4. Plus the most action-packed (therefore the most MP-friendly) campaign mission actually IS playable in MP. Look for "Heat" in the MP missions list.
  5. They're all defined in the missions addon config.
  6. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/isKindOf http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/faction http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/side
  7. Rearming of Hellfires takes MUCH longer that other ammo.
  8. This construct: {_x knowsAbout ({_x} forEach playerArray) > 0} count enemyArray > 0 can be used in scripts or FSMs. call {{_who = _x; {_who knowsAbout _x > 0} count list a > 0} forEach list b} This is totally the same except you can use it directly in a trigger.
  9. Oh right, Tophe wants to check it in a trigger. My bad. call {{_who = _x; {_who knowsAbout _x > 0} count list a > 0} forEach list b} Now that's maybe a little more demanding, but really, we're talking miliseconds at the most.
  10. If it's performance you're concerned about, I'm pretty positive my code is less demanding than calling a function which uses a for-cycle. But I can be wrong of course, whatever works.
  11. {_who = _x; {_who knowsAbout _x > 3} count playerArray > 0} forEach enemyArray
  12. Jezuro

    What's the sign you play too much ArmA?

    When you start calling your manhood "Bradley." Just one of the signs that you've spent too much time in Mnisek design department...
  13. All dubbing soundfiles are packed in addon dubbing.pbo. Conversation sentences are defined in .bikb files located in every mission folder, subfolder \kb.
  14. Assigning a task with the same handle to multiple units is not advised; the handle will be valid only for the task assigned to the last unit from the list.
  15. {if (side _x == Civilian) then {_x kbAddTopic [. . .]}} forEach allUnits
  16. Umm... Player's side IS west, right?
  17. The code seems fine (except the missing closing bracket right at the end, shouldn't cause any trouble here though). In order to make the briefing screen pop up (even with Shift key when previewing the mission), you have to have briefing.html file in the mission folder. It can be empty, but it has to be there.
  18. Not really. Only the outdated SQS "? condition : expression" won't work there. You can use !, &&, || anywhere you want.
  19. Probably not the most elegant solution, should work fine though. _unsorted = [<your markers>]; _sorted = []; _pos = <your position>; { _closest = _unsorted select 0; {if ((markerPos _x distance _pos) < (markerPos _closest distance _pos)) then {_closest = _x}} forEach _unsorted; _sorted = _sorted + [_closest]; _unsorted = _unsorted - [_closest] } forEach _unsorted; _sorted
  20. {isPlayer _x && !(_x in chopper1)} count allUnits == 0 {isPlayer _x && !(_x in chopper1 || _x in chopper2)} count allUnits == 0 vehicle player1 isKindOf "Plane" {vehicle _x isKindOf "Plane"} count allUnits == 0 This is a bit more tricky. You will have to create a function which creates an array (let's name the variable airborne) of the specified people: airborne = []; { if (isPlayer _x && vehicle _x isKindOf "Helicopter" && (getPosATL vehicle _x) select 2 > 800) then {airborne = airborne + [_x]} } forEach allUnits * Note that this variable will not be refreshed during the mission, so you'll have to run this function every time you'll want to have up-to-date list.
  21. Jezuro

    Manhatten Bug List

    ... or call in Starforce 21 if you decline NAPA on Manhattan.
  22. Wiggum, try removing the empty quotes from speech[] = {""}; BTW I re-uploaded the example mission to hotfile, good ol' filefront deleted it some time ago (thanks Mocking-bird for letting me know).