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Everything posted by Jezuro

  1. You need to have a file named briefing.html in the mission folder, even if blank.
  2. Jezuro

    Development Blog & Reveals

    This must be a dream. The Inception jokes never get old.
  3. Side-based check is more demanding on performance, let's do this with the groups. Condition: {_x hasWeapon "EvMap" && _x hasWeapon "EvPhoto"} count (units group1 + units group2) > 0
  4. Name all the groups, including the BMPs, by putting group_name = group this in the Init field of any group member and use this condition in your trigger: {_grp = _x; {alive _x && !fleeing _x} count units _grp > 0} count [group_name1, group_name2, ...] == 0 Should work just fine.
  5. Jezuro

    Getpos + some distance

    Or, for those of us who don't need to remember that stuff all the time, there is the Functions Module! _marker setMarkerPos ([_vehicle, random 40, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos)
  6. Jezuro

    ArmA 2 Soundtrack

    Jaroslav (aka Zozo) did make these 2, yes.
  7. Jezuro

    ArmA 2 Soundtrack

    Jaroslav Kašný was one of the designers working on Arma 2 as well as Alpha Prime. Music is his hobby. Simple as that ;)
  8. All campaign missions should be finishable in the latest version. - Lagushina is following her daily routine (check Notes in your diary), part of which is visiting the church in Krasnostav. She should be hanging around there. - There are always some civilians in the towns, they tend to stay inside when it's raining or there is some fighting going on. - You can get more information on the sentry camps from certain locals you meet on the road. If you stumple upon an obvious bug, or are unable to finish a mission, please let us know in the A2/OA official missions section here: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=85
  9. Taking a look at this right now. ---------- Post added at 12:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 AM ---------- So playing CO, I reverted the campaign to Manhattan, helped Fyodor, continued to Bitter Chill and the NAPA guys took me with them. I can't imagine what could go wrong there, all the variables from Manhattan got transferred ok. Is it possible that you simply "replayed" the mission instead of continuing from Manhattan? Because in that case, your previous decisions aren't loaded from the campaign variable space and defaults are loaded. And by default, Fyodor is not friendly with Razor.
  10. Nope. This will just get rid of the error message when you preview the mission in the editor.
  11. Simple; paramsArray is never defined in singleplayer. To make the mission SP-compatible, you can define it in init.sqf and use your default values. Example: if (isNil "paramsArray") then { paramsArray = [10e10, 20, 0, 0, 12, 1] };
  12. Jezuro

    AI going to be player centric?

    Just to calm you down, I guess I can tell you that this is just a feature we're playing with in the campaign missions to boost the framerate. In the end it might become a standalone module, but we've never discussed implementing it into the core engine.
  13. Jezuro

    Czech magazine in studio

    Me and Martusak playing it cool :cool:
  14. Can't you do that now by holding Shift?
  15. Thanks so much. Haven't had the chance to test that, kbTell always works only locally though.
  16. Original post updated: * fixed audio path example in bikb * example mission finally hosten on a reliable server thx Wolle for both :)
  17. You can open as many conversation menus as you want. This is done in player's event code (most commonly an sqf file). In the FSM, you're just checking for the interrupted event. If more of those can occur in one topic, you can check which sentence was said last via kbWasSaid. The conversation should start after there is no threat for the civilian.
  18. Look here. That's how a conversation FSM should look like - the FSM is executed every time an AI unit receives a sentence, so you need to check for _sentenceID in separate conditions right at the start.
  19. In Amphibious Assault, you have the same gear you had when completing Into the Storm. So as long as you play AA consequently after ItS, you should have the correct mags. The missing tube in Payback was a trivial fix, but is a very low prio and I don't see it making it into this patch.