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Posts posted by Inimical_rize

  1. Even somthing so simple as increasing or decreasing thenheight of the player could make a difference, obviously within reason, I dont want to see no 4.7ft people running about, and then some 20ft giant lumbering around in a forest.

    bodymass would be good to see too, can someone not simply build a model with raised sleeves and add to the game? please not i've no clue about designing or modding a game. lol

  2. Uniform apears to have a temperature cooling system either for stealth (low IR) or for soldier comfort reasons. Helmet with HUD to keep in contact with squad and positional data, etc etc.

    There's already clothing to negate I.R, most modern snipers use it, so I personally would say it's to increase comfort on the soldier to improve efficiency, I know in Afghan I would have loved to have been cooled down and i feel it would have to no doubt improved my efficiency.

  3. Down sides to a suppressor you could implement it and this would cause a 100%flash and bang to about a 40% flash and bang but will cause a lot of smoke to be emitted from the barrel due to cooling and reheating of the gas in the suppressor it also reduces range, this smokes caused by how gas and the round move in the suppressor its self.

    for a Su and Sil it causes bullet drop, 1 click on a schmidt and bender scope (use by brit snipers, me.) is 10cm at 100cm, so at 900 its 90cm, by implementing a suppressor or silencer you can expect to add about 5-7clicks elevation on a target dependant on attachment. it goes more in depth but this means having to explain ballistics charts, vibrations in the barrel, recoil and muzzle velocities.

    Silencers and subsonic rounds, from a 100% flash and bang to a probable 30% pop, his or 'thuck' kind of noise.

    Why the weapons still flash with any type or muzzle attachment is beyond me, silencers and suppressors are moderately the same but still have their own area of effects on the weapon, and they both usually decrease or kill flash completely, attach dependant.

  4. Suppressors and silencers can be dramatically different on various weapons, Suppressors are predominantly used to suppress the gas and flash, yes suppressors do decrease sound initially but thats not what they're designed for, silencers are as they say to silence, to use a silencer effectively you need to use subsonic rounds, this is simply a bullet with a little less gunpowder. Suppressors you can still use the same round weather the suppressor is attached or not.

    As for velocities and the ballistics at the terminal end of the scale (upon entry to the target) it's not necessarily the velocity behind the round but more the are of transition the round is in or passed. In supersonic flight if a round say a .338 lapua magnum round hits you at a distance of 900mtrs it will cause a minimal temporal cavity, this is the the air, dirt and clothing sucked in behind the round for a supersonic round travelling stable its quite small. When you see ballistic gel hit with a supersonic stable round youll see a small cavity open and close, this is temporal, it closes.

    A subsonic unstable round, using the .338 again, once its hit the transition zone of flight, the are where the round goes from supersonic to subsonic. The round it's self is confused and will tumble and roll Untill it finds its own way of cutting through air the easiest way it sees fit. getting hit in the transition period (for a .338 can be between 15-40mtrs dependant on the muzzle velocity of the weapon fired from) you will have a Mid temporal cavity, again its medium sized. still deadly.

    Subsonic flight the round is tumbling on all of it's axis usually, and 1 of 3 things can happen in this zone this is the terminal ballistics snipers call the 'door nock'

    a stable entry is where the tip of the round hits the target on a neutral axis i.e dead on, tip to skin is a good time to be hit either in supersonic or subsonic (supersonic and subsonic correlate to the depth of tracking the round has on the target i.e the distance it enters the target and what direction it heads or 'tracks')

    An unstable entry is where the round hits you on a 100% axis, i.e its going to hit you broad side and slap you, this causes a huge temporal cavity, and is usually a small football size (u.k football not american handegg) grab a football and imagine having it in your stomach, yeh ouch.


    It doesn't matter if the round is supersonic or subsonic, suppressed or silenced, Su or Sub is only for the depth of tracking or penetration distance on a target, it's only what stability the round enters the target at. the above is info is on a target without body armour using .338 lapua magnum fired from a L115a3.

  5. If any of you curious internet goers have ever stumbled upon videos of people being engaged and hit you can see that its pretty much like cutting the cords of a puppet, This is where some soldiers coin the term 'drop him' as they drop.

    As for in game it is good to see the target jolt when a round hits the plates or helmet but they do the same old leaning back that happened next to explosions in A2, some times it's funny to see them fly away when they clip awkwardly into the rocks.

  6. Pistols generally have weak muzle velocities, this means they hit a subsonic state at around 40mtrs, most sidearms are effective in untrained hands to 40-50mtrs, trained you can push a little further 60-70 deppendant on environment but don't expect to place every round within a average dinner plate.

    Weapon reports are equal to that of the distance fiered at as is any sound over distance in reality, so if you hear a *crack* above your head you can count (when youre not diging in with your eye lids) the seconds between the *crack* and *thump (rifles bang)* and have a rough distance, and obviously being able to hear in 360 degrees you can hear where the thump originated.

    that rule doesn't work well if you are getting engaged at from a few valleys away or whilst in a urban environment.

    I do agree the thumps or reports from the rifles do need to be a load deeper.

    Edit: Once i'm home from where i work i will slice up some videos i took on deployment and create a video to explain and to show you guys and the developers the various noises. Most of the reports are from 7.62 weapons. please wait out for those as I'm not sure of my next leave

  7. Supersonic crack happenes at any range of the effected bullet, once leaving the barell the super sonic crack is a constant untill the round hits the subsonic part of flight, during this transition that usually lasts aout 10ft the round will make a 'wuring' noise, after that 10ft tohe round will make no noise. this usually indicates that the round has become slower and increasingly unstable, this is the worse time to be hit by any round in the subsonic stage as a unstable entry to the body will cause a larger tempral cavity causing increased soft tissue damage and bullet track/tumbling.

    sources: Me infantry sniper 7 years.


    Sorry guys, didn't really think much about the content of this video, apologies to anyone offended.

  8. Fatigue and encumbrance system is good, It can be improved! How about some kind of system where as you join the same server quite often, why not have the fitness of your guy improved the more your knowledge of the game is improved (Newcomers) Because it's usually the newcomers that pick up bags and bags of kit and go on a one man mission for about 10 seconds, they're then killed and have to wait 100 or so seconds before respawn or revive (Domi) then they start learning the lesson of slow and steady, obviously there would have to be a cap on the amount of fitness gained or we would all be BOLTing about the place.

    Could it be done, Do you think it's a good idea? I like this idea could also make people rejoin said servers so that as some times is the case a server running dry of players and falling to the 0/30 area on the server list none of us venture too often. I do believe capping what a soldier can carry is key to all of this, me personally in the prime of my fitness in Afghanistan herrick 10, At the start of my deployment I had to man pack 1 javelin across a mountain peak at around 1000ft (it was a safe area to do so) how ever it put a lot of guys out of action, towards the end I could do 1 no problem and go get another.

  9. Yeah they just use a random shooter they found on the internet to train the troops. Surely VBS was a purely accidental choice, not because it was the most authentic offer they could find.

    But that's offtopic. What's on topic is that fatigue is something that every soldier faces. Even if you will run around naked eventually you will get tired.

    And if you are getting tired with the current non-existent fatigue system since I was able to run for kms with loaded backpack in A3 without any consequences and I have no idea where you see those blur effects - unless of course they don't show up on Low PP - then you are doing something wrong.

    Use transports to travel long distances and there will be no problems. Normally soldiers don't run for 5 km to get to the area of operations.

    Not being ridiculous enough to simulate putting on boots manually is one thing, but the lack of encumbrance and resulting fatigue was always a glaring issue and exploit in the series.

    A random shooter, really? the UK Army trialed all kinds of different simulators to find one that is most Flexible and user friendly.

    VBS is used as i said before in Training to create scenarios that cannot be created in the U.K area of training establishments and decreasing budgets, it's also used to recreate situations that have already happened in actual theaters of war and find routine or S.O.P's (standard operating procedures) that best suit that situation. It is not used because you sprint 100mtrs and you are breathing heavily and have difficulty shooting, It's not used because of the sonic crack made by the bullet that passes over your head in game, It is not used because of the sound effects made by the vehicles so stop thinking it is, I've used the system extensively to train recruits heading to battalion and out to operations.

    What non existent fatigue system? It's implemented in the game already. I've not said that there is blur. I run the game on Ultra so there's no problem with my system

    Fatigue = You run then you STOP! your BREATHING IS HEAVY you can not acquire targets easily because the sights are not steady because your breathing is heavy, That is fatigue.

    Encumbrance = You carry incredible weight your Fatigue is more rapid as opposed to carrying nothing.

    I'm not sure what military you're talking about but if you talk to a Falklands veteran you'd see that vehicles we're rarely used because of the terrain, Some Marine/Para/Infantry units Tactically advanced to battle (tabbed/tabbing = the walking of 200 mtrs and jogging of 6-700) over 20 kms before assaulting 8-9 positions consecutively

    Currently in Afghanistan the average patrol consists of 15km walking in one direction then the assaulting of positions and usually a brisk walk/jog back

    And that's not including a Casevac system or Resupply via Hand and foot

    the SAS in Iraq (pre invasion on both invasions) were known to ditch their vehicles 25-30kms from mountains, then climb said mountains with equipment in excess 100lb then have to fight their way off, down or up further.

    • Pitted and undulated ground
      B.U.N.D lines (Built up natural defenses) about knee height, Trenches, Small rivers with steep sides
      stream idea = http://geoimages.berkeley.edu/GeoImages/Starrs/cowboys/IGDITCH.JPG
    • Irrigation ditches at the side of the road for cover
    • Thicker forests (In small quaniteties due to Game rigs)
    • Automaticly dip weapon when close to walls (needs to be quick for indoor target aquisition)
    • Less head movement from AI (it's not good to see A.I firing/hitting you but looking over his left shoulder)

  10. This looks like a good option. There is no point to apply the penalty to someone without any loadout or with few kilos, after several minutes. Missions makers could have a function or a parameter where the fatigue begins, lilke "SetFatigueStart (30 kilos)"

    This seem more to be where the game should head, and as said in another post The ability to lock and stash your backpack would be good, so you can retreat to it for Dems for towers or what not. Why not the ability to store kit on quads on a trailer? just like what happens in A-stan

    ---------- Post added at 10:29 ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 ----------

    Customers that hate when the game challenges them instead of being a straight up primitive team death match shooter where you just run and gun never thinking about consequences?

    Good riddance.

    Military seems to think otherwise. That's why they use ArmA's big brother and not Crytek's smoke and mirrors.

    I'm happy the games not about you or people like you, I add as others have said it's a game. If you want to have such an amazing experience why don't you join up? because with an attitude like yours i believe the military would say the exact same to you.

    Arma is no where near "run and gun" you still have to evaluate options, Maybe you should turn your difficulty up?

    The military use it as a training aid, it's a visual representation of events out side the control of the user. It's very expensive to co-ordinate an exercise that could mimic the events used in software such as VBS, S to save money Armies have incorporated VBS into it's training to cut costs.

    They do no use it because it's "authentic" even then there is still errors that arise that wouldn't in reality.

    ---------- Post added at 10:32 ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 ----------

    Customers that hate when the game challenges them instead of being a straight up primitive team death match shooter where you just run and gun never thinking about consequences?

    Good riddance.

    I happy the games not about you or people like you, I add as others have said it's a game. If you want to have such an amazing experience why don't you join up? because with an attitude like yours i believe the military would say the exact same to you.

    Arma is no where near "run and gun" you still have to evaluate options, Maybe you should turn your difficulty up?

    Military seems to think otherwise. That's why they use ArmA's big brother and not Crytek's smoke and mirrors.

    The military use it as a training aid, it's a visual representation of events out side the control of the user. It's very expensive to co-ordinate an exercise that could mimic the events used in software such as VBS, S to save money Armies have incorporated VBS into it's training to cut costs.

    They do no use it because it's "authentic" even then there is still errors that arise that wouldn't in reality.

  11. You do realize that there's also a civilian side, a resistance side and a lot of non US sides?

    And how is that relevant to a topic at hand?

    Yes i so thanks champ, I've been a fan of the series since OFP, though i can't play them as much as you (if you do play a lot) because I'm out of the country for long periods of time so yes, i do realise the incredibly obvious thank you.

    You're talking about unrealistic loud outs yes?, I'm talking about putting a cap on whats packable in specific classes for people like you that don't like the ability to do said equipment carry, c'mon that is obvious related to the topic, - stupid equipment (weight) = increases fatigue = exactly what it does already

    It's hard to understand since ArmA is not about silly roles, it's about whatever mission maker creates. ArmA is not all about some primitive deathmatch with 'whoever joins first gets the best role' you know.

    So you're saying if a mission maker creates a position for a .50 sniper and javelin operator you'd be content with it?

    Pretty sure this is what you wanted, your gripe with the silly loudout.

    What ArmA has now is encumbrance system. Yes putting on 30 kgs does fatigue you faster in turn. Surprise.

    Yes it does, the more you add the heavier it gets this increases fatigue and shortens the Full pace run.

    My gripe is,... There should be a limit on where the fatigue system is headed, If it goes towards Ace Bis will loose customers, "why play arma 3 then?" because it's a game, games are fun, they can be realistic and authentic down to tying your boots, not every one wants that and sadly no matter what you do in this day and age no game even Arma is even anywhere near real conflict.

  12. Navy seals vs somali

    Sas vs fanatics in the embassy

    gign vs che group on the air liner

    take any of these situations and apply them to the following

    TvT somali pirates vs navy seals boarding a transport vessel and holding it. Each team starts the same distance away, and has to approach the boat, board and hold it for a period of time, or guard the precious cargo while the other team assaults and tries to re take it. Same can be done for Oil rigs? Sounds brilliant!

    Do we have a boats with rooms and cargo bays, do we have oil rigs? I don't know, i cant make them i just play the game, just thought id pass the idea on to you guys and see what you though?

    I usually have some good ideas, Ive passed a few of them on before and they've become popular for small clam matches, I'll update this post if i think of any others.

    • Like 1

  13. Navy seals vs somali

    Sas vs fanatics in the embassy

    take any of these situations and apply them to the following

    TvT somali pirates vs navy seals boarding a transport vessel and holding it. Each team starts the same distance away, and has to approach the boat, board and hold it for a period of time, or guard the precious cargo while the other team assaults and tries to re take it. Same can be done for Oil rigs? Sounds brilliant!

    Do we have a boats with rooms and cargo bays, do we have oil rigs? I don't know, i cant make them i just play the game, just thought id pass the idea on to you guys and see what you though?

    I usually have some good ideas, Ive passed a few of them on before and they've become popular for small clam matches, I'll update if i think of any others, contribute if you like!

  14. I can totally see a TvT of somali pirates vs navy seals boarding a transport vessel and holding it. Each team starts the same distance away, and has to approach the boat, board and hold it for a period of time, or guard the precious cargo while the other team assaults and tries to re take it. Same can be done for Oil rigs? Sounds brilliant!

  15. I find the out going tracers appealing, they look and move as they should, its just the incoming green stick that measure roughly 10ft long, obviously a tracer is only an illuminated bullet, be it 5.56, 6+ or 7.62, it only looks ling because the humans eyes refresh rate cant keep up with the speed making it look long

  16. Fatigue systems can be very frustrating if not done right that is true. But, although I know it may no longer be the "goal" of arma, I don't think that going for full realism is bad - just my personal preference. But sometimes it creates even bigger problems when you make one aspect of the game realistic but another not so much. For example, you say that BIS should should work on combat being real - well how can combat be real when players are able to sprint around with ridiculous loadouts (javelin plus m107 plus laser range finder plus rucksack plus armour and ammo anyone?) with no adverse effects. Full realism is not possible, but I think that having the level of realism remain relatively equal throughout each of the game mechanics is important. Currently the fatigue system is IMO lacking. The main problem I see is what artemas stated:

    I don't think that the fatigue system is done, but I hope BIS address this issue.


    I do agree, but thats more encumbrance and loud out restrictions, as I said before this is where they can go a step further, by making the player slot locked i.e the sniper snipes and cant use a.t weaponry.

    for every ones info contrary to popular belief the m107 in the infantry pam (uk) is man packable for 1 mile on foot and its that distance because the shooter will still need to acquire the 900mtr (sniper standard) first round first hit. Saying this the m107 is primarily ordinance disposal, if you want to man pack a .50 sniper rifle i suggest the aw .50.

    how ever kit restrictions isn't the issue, its the fatigue.

    Some guys can do incredible feats of physical activity and others cant, some people can run until they pass out, others can run slow for miles.

    The fatigue system affects Aim and held breath duration that is all, Encumbrance effects the load carried and the fatigue gained, by locking a player type to what slot they joined could be good.

    edit: sorry for the edits I'm typing on my ipad, it's all thumbs here lol

  17. metalcraze it's not difficult, You want realism yes? If you dont want guys carrying .50s and Javs and run around all over the place, lock the kit issue like it is in the real army, i.e a rifleman has

    1 Individual weapon

    2 6 mags and a 250rd bandolier

    3 2 h.e

    4 1 red 1 green smoke

    5 water

    6 rations

    that is it. its not hard to understand, If the slot is machine gunner you get a standard machine gunner kit issue as per the real army, so on and so forth. its not hard to understand, it will stop your peev of the Long range shooting anti tank operators who are infinitely fit , the encumbrance system is the only way to stop what you're talking about not fatigue and poor aim. he will just take longer to get there but still have the same kit that you seem to hate.

    If you're not trained you're not to operate it, unless (in real life) you are Small arm skill at arms qualified, thats just rifles.

  18. Nice try at apples vs. oranges bro but that's not what I've meant. Perhaps you should read my point more carefully?

    I don't see how losing an audience that complains that they can't put on M107 and Javelin, throw 20 ammo mags for 107 and 4 javelin missiles into the backpack - and then run around for miles like nothing's happened is a bad thing.

    Right ok, First off theres not much to get from "why are you playing arma then?" how ever if you want it realistic, If you join a game and the class is sniper guess what, you get standard sniper kit, unable to change unable to tweak or add, you want a weapon with gucci sights and fancy optics and cool gear guess what? should have joined the game sooner and got your self a Spec forces role.

    hows that champ?

  19. Being able to run forever under full load is not a trivial nonsense.

    Why are you playing ArmA then?

    Really, does everyone just stab the "why play arma" at any one who crit's it?

    There is a difference between authenticity and realism, why are you playing arma when it doesn't include Weapon cleaning, food and water intake, Heat exhaustion, Non freezing cold injuries,frostbite, resupply via link men, broken ankles, batterie changes in night vision, general fatigue and rest periods, the inability to engage legitimate targets because 0 or HQ says civcas would be to high, map predict Sf support weapons, refuelling of vehicles by hand, maintenance on vehicles. I could carry on as i know the military world rather well.

    What I'm saying is by implementing such trivial things can take a military sim to the real it will never recover from resulting in loss of audience.

    yes its fantastic that they've thought of it, yes I think the load system is brilliant how ever, it is just a game, Lets not focus on a guy breathing out of his hoop trying to hit Neo 'the one, tom cruise will smith bon lee swagger sniper' Ai 1 shot 1 kill and missing because his hearts up, lets focus on making that engagement intense ,.. I.e the shock of seeing him, the fluster of shooting at him as you bring the weapon to bar and him doing the same, missing and proceeding to fail shot (from primary to secondary weapon)

    I play Arma to enjoy those kins of things, not because i want to hear 80s sex noises in my earphones for hours because i ran 20mtrs with kilos of kit.

    ---------- Post added at 23:37 ---------- Previous post was at 23:35 ----------

    Feels like the spergs are back... the same nonsense that is why I stay away from ACE, I'm glad that jogging isn't so penalized.

    Truthbetold, I wouldn't have minded the fatigue system having already been implemented way back because, as I said at least twice on these forums, the promised fatigue system could have been used to gauge the movement speeds as part of tweaking them. Remember all the people who were calling for "more noticeably faster (than jog) but shorter duration" sprint?

    Im not sire what you mean by spergs? how ever i did like the idea of a super quick sprint, short, across a road type of sprint or cover to cover

  20. Recoil managment can be helped by the user of the weapon, I know that when i joined the army, firing 5.56 after a small .22 was a huge shock to me, then through my career i went to 7.62 ssW and could manage he 5.56 increadibly well, at 100mtrs i could fire a setady rate into a dinner plate peice of paper with a 20-27round hit ratio. the. after 7.62ssW to the .338 l115a3 and the Spec Force X series i ckould compensate 7.62 better. Stance has a huge impact and should be adjusted accordingly in game.
