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Posts posted by Inimical_rize

  1. Before you guys flip your sanity on me I've used the search function and the only thread to pop up is from early 2013.

    All I'm looking for is an update on this situation, as the action menu we currently use is starting to get on my nerves, playing PVP I've been killed too often at doors where I switch weapon so on and so forth.

    Has there been any confirmation on this being fixed/modded?

    Please excuse me I've been away from Computers for a while, working.

  2. Hello aoshi,

    Try some google street view around the actual island or research some pictures and youll see that they're not that far from truth, be it what the devs can provide through an artifical world, I would expect modders to set about changing that possibly. If you've payed the ther versions of the game you would see that the 90% product bis releases is always developed on ten fold by bis but mostly the community. Try requesting a Hqres pack or Texture pack ect or somthing alng those lines.

  3. Hi guys, Inimical here.

    First off sorry if this is the incorrect place or been posted before, I did search but no doubt I probably done it wrong! I'm not a forum guy really.


    So I've been in the military for 6-7+ years, forgive my foggy brain I was recently injured. Throughout the years I've heard some unbelievable stories of courage, laughter and tragedy. I would like to share my own experiences with you guys and other Arma fans by creating a comic using in game screen shots to set the scene.

    Just a few questions

    1. Is there an ability or mod to construct a scene? I would like to say something like 'Garry's mod' posable characters ect.

    2. Can anyone advise on what kind of program is best for photo manipulation? I do own a really old copy of Photoshop and I'm looking for a new one, I've heard new p.s systems are really tricky to use as there is tonnes more utilities.

    3. Would anyone like to get in on this venture? no matter experience of the military is required, obviously experience of the game is a must, be it playing or programming. Just to assist with the screenshots/story line.

    Cheers guys.


  4. Put it this way is Bis has said no it's down to the community, and if the community do it, it then falls to the indiviudal to install it or not.

    I for one am 50/50 on the subject, it certainly sounds like the communtiy want people to be vaporised by a direct H.E.S.H round from a mbt, or pulled appart by some fool who manages to tumble the chopper on a tree and some,ucky so and so catches a rotor to the sternum, but when does this all get a little too much for a game?

  5. Edit: Whole post was a stupid rant

    Ok, whole wholeheartedly agree with everything said here that's in favor for this to be implemented.

    For those people saying 'Oh gawd I'd rather this not look a console port, ugh *sick* ew icky icky' Get a grip, none of you saying stuff like that could ever justify this Scrolling>Clicking>Rescrolling>Reclickingbecauseyouclickedthewrongthing>click>continue mission.

    Wrong! Maybe the highlights are a little over the top, however even a simple icon corresponding to the seat you want to select.

    Simplicity isn't rubbish or dumbing down, it's this 'FLUID' 'DYNAMIC' 'USABLE' and all these other phrases Bis throw out to cover up the 'We made more stuff guyz, and you can do all this other stuff with reflectionz and we called it dynamic and usable'

    Sprinkles on sh** still means its sh**

  6. Hello guys,

    So I'm ill at home and have about a month or so off, I've spent the last couple of days looking at how to mod games ect but not really getting anywhere with it. I would like to make a few simple (simple to me anyway) mods but not sure if i would need 3rd party tools or not.

    The first mod I want to make is a 'loiter' mod where you can program aircraft to fly in a circular pattern over a specific area, with an adjustable circle size. this would allow the pilot to look about via the map or targeting system to pick up targets. Some people have said I could do this in the Arma game it's self but I've no idea where to start.

    The second is poseable animations, as in when you enter Splendid camera you can click and place down anything in the game and pose it within the constrains of the model, so you can pose soldiers legs and arms, tanks turrets and choppers weapons, place tracers and explosions ect.

    I know many of you will say a vanilla shot is better than a posed shot but I'm attempting to make a comic book in the arma verse. just short snippets of what life could be like in the game.

    What do i need to achieve these mods, sorry for being an absolute noob! I really don't understand games ect.

  7. 1) False. Every shooter has sway.

    2) The only kneel/crouched position that can be as close to steady as prone is the modified sitting position. Even then, prone is the most stable.

    3)The OP is mentioning two things:

    A) Shooters should not be able to carry a LARGE sniper rifle, pop down into the kneeling and fire an accurate shot in 5 seconds.

    B) Balancing sniper rifles so that not EVERYONE is inclined to use them.

    It seems that on every wasteland server everyone has the same mission. Find a Sniper or rifle, attach a scope (preferibly SOS) and snipe away. I feel like you see less and less of the 'grunt' troops in the game.

    1) Clearly our experiences with shooting differ. The only thing effecting my aim is incorrect position, my breathing rarely moves my sight picture as I've adopted the shallow breath technique. Correct positioning can negate a lot of weapon sway.

    2) Incorrect the adaption of hunters sticks has blurred the boundaries of modern shooting as a shot from the sticks is just as accurate as prone. How ever the only problem is, is that stick shooting only works up to a range of 700mtrs, But the more professional shooter can push those boundaries further.

    A) I do a agree 1,000,000% here!! Even if the shooter hasn't moved position, Muscle fatigue should settle in making the sight picture move a lot more.

    B) Agreed, or there should at least be a limit on the ### of sniper positions in game, and even then the position should unlock after say 10 consistent kills. so at least the guy can shoot a target first time lol.

    And yes, I do miss the up close firefights that come with this game, where you can actually see the true beauty of it all up close and personal.

    I do agree with what another user has said about non of these being implemented meaning every one is a Carlos hathcock, Christ Kyle & Bob lee swagger lol!

  8. A good shooter wouldn't have sway weather it is deployed on bipods or rested on a small bean bag, Some snipers prefere not to use the bipod as the closer the weapon is to the floor the more stable it is, I know some snipers have made shots up to 1.5-2.0 using only a few folded socks loosely taped together to create a soft bag.

    You cannot snipe stood up less you have a good set of sticks, or an increadibly light weapon, muscle fatigue would cause the sight picture to move a lot.

    There are many ways to crouch when using precision weapons, and some crouched positions are as steady as prone if executed correctly.

    ---------- Post added at 17:47 ---------- Previous post was at 17:42 ----------

    Cause in red orchestra players die much much faster then in arma,cause there is everything harder then in ARMA 3.

    These two games are incredibly different and set in two different times. The designers of RO have factored in the effects of the weapons, bullets ect and no body armour, where as Bis has factored in the same but with body armour, not many Soldier go to war without Armour in todays conflicts.

  9. Hi guys, Just note I've absolutely no idea about modding or manipulating games.


    Choppers (AH Specific)

    Notes: Not sure about you guys but the Pilot doesn't talk to the gunner and the gunner does as he wants mostly until the pilot decides to bank and ruin the whole sight picture for the gunner meaning he cant hit anything,.. SO!

    Idea: Why not give the user when they're pilot the ability to press ALT > Move mouse > Right click to lock and Left click to fire but upon holding alt the cannon can be manipulated in the direction the Helmet HUD shows, so you just pop the circle or reticule of the hud on a building or target and then you can lock and kill it your self.


    Attack Aircraft, Jets, Loitering ordnance (AC130)

    Notes: I like to fly on occasion but don't like the luftwaffe'esk dive bombing I have to do to get a kill, I started to use the Mando missile mod for target acquisition but due to a crap rubbish PC and view distance I was unable to acquire targets in enough time to enjoy doping and watching the fireworks

    Idea: It's simple (according to me anyway) the user; Scrolls mouse > Selects 'Holding pattern & Elevation' > Map opens > User 'Clicks & Holds' the area he wants to loiter > user then drags his mouse out until the visually implemented circle reaches the size capable of the jets constraints on flying and his view distance > user then selects altitude to fly at > Jets Auto pilot takes over the flight too holding pattern and then continues to hold pattern > Pilot is free to enter target mode (such as Mandos MM) > list and prioritize targets > Drop bombs > Touches directional keys or joy stick > Auto Pi turns of > Fly away

    could also implement choppers?

    Extra info; This Holding pattern tool could be used for UAV's and AC130 piloted by AI with the option as 'Playable -seat-' Once the user has clicked the center of the target area there would be scrolling ####'s near the mouse pointer showing the distance of the holding pattern.


  10. To be honest we can argue ballistics all day but so many factors roll in on that split second the round breaks the skin that you'd never have a satisfactory answer.

    As max power said most assault rifle rounds are very weak structurally, this will vary from assault weapon to assault weapon, only when you start including precision weaponry as snipers and what not do you see the intention of round manipulation on targets, this can be anything from your usual Ball round entering and tracking or Armour piercing (mostly punching through) to the more special and not widely used but still prototype Squash head round (don't mistake for hallow point ect), used mostly by Special forces and specific Special response teams (U.K only as far as I know).

    I do not know much about this type of ammunition but from what I hear these rounds are designed to be as stable as a usual Ball or AP round until impact, be it soft body or rigid body armour once the round impacts the tip is designed to implode to a specific tolerance instead of folding as most rounds do, this round crumples up to an almost flat surface, behind or before the cannula (i cant remember) is some tungsten rods which are incredibly small but they're still carrying that energy that use the flat surface formed by the jacket of the round to splay out from and into the target. That is what's supposed to happen in theory! however and what is usually the case the round acted different every single time on testing but they went with the most common performance I guess.

    To include a suppressor or silence can only make things more tricky, check out this thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?156356-Snipers-need-extra-Realism-tweaks/page3 post #28 where I try to explain.

  11. Curious given your backround - what do you believe are the crucial missing components for better firefights?

    Firefights in general are sadly down to the AI, They're still to 1 shot 1 kill with any weapon. However if this will be fixed or not I can't say but given that it wasn't really touched in Arma2 I'd doubt to see much change in their overall skill and kill ability.

    Snipers, incorporation of wind would be the only thing, that way a player would have to learn the job instead of just popping rounds off, No more sway should be added as a sniper can get his sights rock steady with only his breath moving the sight. After doing the job for a while guys learn techniques like shallow breathing and can maintain a steady sight picture for a few hours.

    I doubt any of this would be incorporated though :( but I'll be sticking to my assault weapons ;)

  12. Pure and simply put, Long range shooting in this game is far to simple, be it fire from the I.W or a Long range weapon, pointing and clicking and hitting is getting tedious And now the game is just full of them, From EBR's to the .50's there is no real combat at all and sadly many of us saw it coming as soon as bis said that pack was coming. Bitter.

  13. Sorry Inimical I think you mean Max Power there.

    Sorry, yes I did lol, me and ipads won't mix well.

    Yes, Ballistics and weapons are always at a debate, any one who's used weapons will know a lot about their own, they may be the same make but they can be incredibly different meaning everything that goes with it will be different.

    It does seem that some people want nothing more than to debate black and white, and use the grey area to name call or just be generally obnoxious, It's part and parcel with the gaming world now, and we just need to pick our way through lol

  14. Carlos Hathcock a fine shooter if ever there was, Sadly your notion that he hit that weapon courier with a single round over 200+mtrs is incorrect, I believe in his book he Ranged the target by fire and Dope'd him self to a kill, with lack of evidence as the body was never able to be recovered he very well could have struck vital organs.

    Yes those guys did do a brilliant job at engaging targets with the 50 or equivalents for the range it gives yes why not use it?

    Ok clearly you've gotten angry because i profiled you as a person with lack of armed/ballistic experience and thought to clarify what I meant by tracking, tumbling and tracking are very different, bullets almost cease (not fully) tumbling on entry and start to track, where the sharp edges and large planes meet thick tissues and cut and carve and are pushed and pulled through resistance in various directions. I apologize I thought I was addressing a whole civilian thread.

    Because in 5 years I've used various weapon systems at various times on various targets and have some experience (as ever experience varies) What I was taught and have always been taught through my career by various snipers including those trained by Craig Harrison (who I had the pleasure to meet and hear his story) was, As I said above that the .50 is not the be all and end all of cal and weapon and doesn't carry half the myths associated with it and would not be used by many if ranges do not exceed the ability of their current weapon be it range or optics.

    This is not a slagging or measuring match and as said Sorry if I offended you thinking you'd no experience or profiling. I will not de-rail a thread anymore.
