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Everything posted by Inimical_rize

  1. Inimical_rize

    Slow is smooth, Smooth is steady.

    Never realised that, the only reason I've said the above is to show what it would be like if the game is heading for an even more extreme realism, It doesn't really cause a huge problem to be fair, as you can just go Burst or Auto on your target, but for Soldiers like me and a few other friends I have in various other armed forces we usually tend to go head to head in a C.Q.B environment.
  2. Inimical_rize

    Slow is smooth, Smooth is steady.

    Would Group link work on-line at all or just over lan?
  3. Inimical_rize

    Ai thread

    AI Warping/Lagging is an issue needed to be resolved, it can ruin what could be the most fantastic on-line experience ever.
  4. Inimical_rize

    Recoil (again)

    The recoil will be an issue in this game until the DEVs pace them selves behind an actual I.W (infantry weapon) and fire it at various ranges at various targets, Coming from the British army and having an outstanding knowledge of how to best use basic I.W's (4years - CPL (Section commander) When in prone m249 or LMG/GPMG's wouldnt kick that much, a well trained soldier can keep rounds on a piece of a4 paper at 600mtrs with minimal splash around the targets, I think a down tone of the recoil would reduce this issue and increase realism.