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Everything posted by Inimical_rize

  1. I can run 2/3miles with 15-20kg at a 'shuffle' constantly, only after then will i 'tab and run 600-800mtrs and then walk for 200. the fatigue system is a little over done, my self i think this 'going for exact realism' is stupid, soon youll buy an arma game, play 5 minutes, get shot and die and the disk will melt in your drive to simulate cremation and wont be able to play the game again, simulating death. lets not go full realism, lets work on making the combat real, all that trivial nonsence can be modded at a longer later date.
  2. Inimical_rize

    why not another helmet thread

    Air fram e helemts are gucci looking, especially with the chops, ever thought about the full balistic face shield too?
  3. Not sure if this is worth mentioning, Used these increasingly during my DEPLs to Afghan, Brilliant peice of kit, No sight change just a flip up or down. From x4 to x6 or x12 pr ect. Like it or not? viable or not? Un hinged https://www.google.co.uk/search?safe=off&client=safari&hl=en&q=movable%20holographic%20magnifier%20called&biw=1024&bih=672&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=IDaIUb7MKIiMO8awgcgG#biv=i%7C0%3Bd%7Cg8GMNMQ_N4v9QM%3A Hinged https://www.google.co.uk/search?safe=off&client=safari&hl=en&q=movable%20holographic%20magnifier%20called&biw=1024&bih=672&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=IDaIUb7MKIiMO8awgcgG#biv=i%7C7%3Bd%7CwQBsrRqVqoYcvM%3A
  4. Inimical_rize


    Dont know about you guys but i would like to see little things like B.u.n.d 'bund' (Built Up Natural Defence) lines, basically a more pitted and undulating ground, trenches, felled tree stumps, trees that have fallen over and been half buried, instead of these smooth rolling hills and long drawn out slopes into towns. just google brecon training ground, Salisbury training ground and youll se what i mean.
  5. Inimical_rize

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    How about oil rigs? for Buds guys?
  6. I would like to see instead of a soldier at distance prone 'Morphing' into the floor i'd like to see something that at least depicts grass being around the subject.
  7. Inimical_rize

    6.5 mm and recoil management in game

    I've used 5.56 A.R's up to 7.62 A.R's and 6.5's, Recoil is no where near how the game depicts it. 6.5 is used for it's balance between handling and killing. But alignment time between rounds in reality takes no where near as long compared to the game. That being said clearly with the way the weapon is attached to the skeleton (personally i think it's wrong) poses a large problem and the non 'soft tissue' the weapon has to manipulate on recoil.
  8. Hello all, Long time player, short time forum user.. apologies for this but as I continue, you may understand. I'm new to this forum but not forums in general, I'm a long time Arma player, from Arma 1 - OA, I've a wide knowledge base on all games from Scripting/Map making to being an effective 'Squadie' on a multilayer game. My name is Josh, I've served in the British forces for over 5years, I've completed 2 tours of Afghanistan, 1 of Iraq and 1 of Kosovo, so during this time I've gathered some knowledge on how things 'Should work' during operations. I say 'Should' because sometimes things never go as planned. This game is outstanding when it comes to realism but there are a few things that I find inaccurate, See below. 1.Moving while scoped or sighted. In game, when moving scoped and walking the scope/sight moves erratically. (Do not confuse a cope with a sniper scope, ACOG is of a different standard and designed for C.Q.B and range) A trained soldier can keep his aim on a target and move at a steady pace and continue to hit that target constantly. AI Moving in C.Q.B Using in AI in C.Q.B is an issue as well, as for them not watching the correct arc or walking they seem pretty much ineffective, even though they are placed into Danger/crouched ect.. How ever, I think they are brilliant when told to move to a specific area of a building and actually getting there. i.e move to house pos #5 and walking to the balcony i wanted them to move to. If any one knows of fixes/mods to alter these problems please point me in the right dirrection! Thank you for reading. Inimcal_ ---------- Post added at 07:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:21 PM ---------- So much for my knowledge of forums lol got confused with fire fox tabs, I posted into the wrong section this was intended for Arma OA > Suggestions > AI Suggestions. Sorry all!
  9. Inimical_rize

    Ross kemp afghanistan. $ Ofp Resistance 2

    What an enjoyable read, some guy who can't spell and who's probably never ventured out side the box that is his house. I've been to afghan, I've experienced it all, i do agree get some people with experience to mentor the game, but they won't do it for free, i certainly wouldn't i wouldn't charge a massive amount, no soldier would, apart from a RLC or REMF. To much realism would kill this game, they need to work on what they have, i.e better vanilla sounds, vehicles, animations, and especially that bloody ai warping on MP.
  10. Inimical_rize

    Slow is smooth, Smooth is steady.

    Very true, if it is a motioncap of some one doing that,... i hope it's a female and can i have her number? But agree allot of the motions are turd, leaning, crouched walking, it would be impossible to crouch walk as the animation does in Arma, if you look side on the players guy looks like he's sat on a chair,... it would be impossible to do more than 5 fluent steps like that. lol
  11. Inimical_rize

    Knife proposal

    Play COD much? I've worked along side SF supporting them in operations in Afghan/Iraq and none of them carried a knife, there is no need for a knife within today's conflicts, maybe a bayonet for those very rare occasions when you are entering a confined area, but to be honest, with this AI you'll never get close enough, as well as 3rd person if going against Player V Player wouldn't give you a better chance to stab. Then there's the AI Warping, and it would cause people who want the knifes to Rage over the warping, works for player V player as well.
  12. Inimical_rize

    Slow is smooth, Smooth is steady.

    Yes, I just decreased it to see what would happen, it is a little more realistic, but if a soldier needed to he could move around a compound or an area like that, even an open field and as I said before keep the sight trained on a target or a possible hostile area, maybe walking through a field toward a house with the sights on the window, obviously with the way the games made the closer you get the more the 'bobble/sight picture' would stay within the confines of the window.
  13. Inimical_rize

    Maps, flat pack style.

    Yeah that's an easier way to do it, now I'm at home I'll look into creating maps with various ditches ect and see how the A.I can cope with it, it will take ages as I've never done it before but it's worth a shot.
  14. Inimical_rize

    Maps, flat pack style.

    As I've posted over at Steam the same subject/suggestion I'm about to post now, I'd like to hear from the community and the DEVS their thoughts on the maps they produce. (NOTE: I can't produce maps/mods, I have no skills in either areas) For the better part the maps are brilliant, no major issues with them and their stunning, how ever they do seem to be just a painting sprawled over a wire mesh with hills and humps and valleys, I want to start seeing more 'Afghan'esk' kind of maps, farmers fields with irrigation ditches, trenches, caves so on and so fourth, yes AI will struggle to manoeuvre in and out of a trench, and yes they probably won't be able to enter/exit caves, but even if you the player could hop in this cave and destroy a weapons cache, it would give the game a bigger and better variety of missions. As for trenches, there is ways to work around it no doubt, but i believe this would be more effective in multi player, it would give you a chance when assaulting a town, taking cover and basically manoeuvring whilst under a high rate of fire, it would be intense.
  15. Inimical_rize

    Maps, flat pack style.

    I know the place you're talking of, i can't remember either, how ever it is good that you pointed it out, but the world (IRL) is full of sudden drops, ruts and basically everything a soldier loves, it needs to be made more apparent on maps, as i've said they are all ready awesome looking maps, really good work on them. ---------- Post added at 04:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:07 PM ---------- Nice, good find! I can't really spend allot of time flying around a map looking for a good area to construct a mission with ect, as i said above it needs to be more frequent though out the maps. Nice pics.
  16. Inimical_rize

    2010 and still warping/lag

  17. Inimical_rize

    Maps, flat pack style.

    If you see below, there's a few example of subtle differences that would make the maps more geological. I had to kind of point out what I meant in this picture, due to the quality it was kind of hard to see. http://img227.imageshack.us/i/img0891m.jpg/ Below is Kajaki dam, where I was based during my last tour, as you can see it's a complete kill zone in the gully (where the FOB was situated at the bottom) it called for over watch on the peaks, almost a 360 defence if you like http://img84.imageshack.us/i/hquktf2008270199a1024.jpg/ Below is a the little differences in forests that could happen, yet again things like this would make us want to fit in the forests, nice cover and the ability to move.. If your computer can hack it. http://img718.imageshack.us/i/chapinforestreservation.jpg/ Below is a picture of me, not because I wanted to show you how good looking I am, just how a sharp drop on the side of a cliff could give a brilliant area for over watch, The mountain has a little path leading from the top about quarter of the way down to a small flat area (where I'm sat) and then a sheer drop. http://img708.imageshack.us/i/afghan2038.jpg/
  18. Inimical_rize

    Maps, flat pack style.

    Possibly another thing for modders is to maybe implement a sort of bipod system on the sides of said trenches.. I.E, Under contact, dive in to a trench, maybe the trench system is implemented into a sand bag bunker, he crawls along to the sand bagged part of the trench, scrolls his middle mouse facing the way he wants to aim and clicks 'Deploy MG/LMG 'Belt fed weapon' He stands up and mounts the weapon to the sand bags, incredible accuracy (as in reality) cover and the ability to 'Break cover (assaulting teams) and advance towards the enemy.
  19. Inimical_rize

    2010 and still warping/lag

    Very much so it's a minor issue, How ever I find it incredibly annoying nay idiotic to Comparing a game of Arma: Operation arrowhead quality (A MILSIM) to a game of Battlefield 2 (FPS) quality, It's beyond me it really is, instead of re posting the same style thread, totally disregarding the search button or even not bothering is some what moronic, and every one seems to be comparing this game to CODMW2, C'mon! if this game doesn't live up to CODS epic standards why buy it. I do believe this issue is going to be patched, Steam users may have to wait a while, watch this thread as I'll post as soon as I find out.
  20. Inimical_rize

    2010 and still warping/lag

    I've posted about this as well and have never heard anything back from BIS regarding this,.. For the record can people stop saying stupid shi*t like - 'Go play COD' 'Go play Bf2 if you don't like it' No, morons I brought this game because of how stunning and how much enjoyment i can get out of it, It's 1 minor issue that can be fixed. Personally: I've joined servers with a ping of 50-70, not really a epic amount of lag, and still suffered the warping death. ---------- Post added at 01:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 PM ---------- I contacted BIS via Email because I was annoyed with trawling the mass threads with the same subject and no response from BIS Hi, Really you're best off raising the issue in the forums to see if anyone else has such an issue right now with OA, I don't recall seeing any such reports but then I don't monitor the MP forum as closely as others, funnily enough I did come across a "ping spike fix" today when looking for something myself, not sure if it's related or even if it's a reliable fix so I give you the link with a cautionary note to always backup your registry if you make any changes: http://forums.steampowered.com/forum...lass+Scheduler But either way definitely raise it in our forums. Regards, Paul. Read what is written in RED and do as it says, neither me or Paul (member of bis) take responsibility for how your computer may be effected because you didn't read the caution.
  21. Inimical_rize

    let the ai talk

    I agree, for the better part of the game the dialogue sucks (Sounds like you employed a guy to READ off some paper, not act what he's saying) It's very broken and.. not really fluent. Banter over the radio is good, and I enjoy that in the game but still it sounds a little scripted, stiff and broken. gestures would give a more human feel.
  22. Inimical_rize

    Slow is smooth, Smooth is steady.

    Each to their own in-game if you ask me, I prefer to act and behave as a real soldier as I enjoy doing it I've not claimed to be any of the above, My skill set is poor compared to theirs.
  23. Inimical_rize

    Slow is smooth, Smooth is steady.

    Depending on the situation, you wouldn't take a LMG/GPMG/M240 or any belt fed weapon in to a compound or a enclosed built up environment because the sheer fire power they put out would be you would wound or possibly kill your OPPO because of ricochets. My personal best is, whilst moving straight to the target it never falters, every round 100mtrs + with a pistol - rifle (7.62mm maximum), obviously a pistols accuracy decreases after 80-90mtrs, I never engage a target at over 100mtrs with a pistol. Whilst erratic movement, cover to cover or out of doorways or window popping Pistols - 80mtrs 3 rounds 2 on target. ( I suck with the pistol, So i tend to take more ammo for my P.W) Rifle/SMG - 100 - 150+mtrs Usually every round. Just so you all know, I'm some what of a specialist at C.Q.B warfare or f.i.b.u.a or o.b.u.a, what ever you want to call it.
  24. Inimical_rize

    Editor upgrade / additions

    I do agree, I've only scraped scripting ect on how to do various things, I haven't got the time to sit and trawl through documents over documents over documents of how too, I do agree strongly with OP that the Editor should be more user friendly and on a whole simpler.
  25. Inimical_rize

    Slow is smooth, Smooth is steady.

    So every one can get a scope on how moving with a weapon should be (Service or Civvy or BIS DEV team) I strongly recommend people to look at 'The art of Tactical Carbine' this video basically shows you how to move and how to best acquire targets in various situations, as well as my regular service I get employed by a C.P firm working in areas of conflict I'd previously visited with the army. Glad to see positive feedback in here, i thought this thread was going to be shot down by the people who 'think they know, or in fact.. COD lovers.' no offence it's a good game but to be placed in the brackets of 'Realistic'..................... (this sarcastic pause could potentially last for a few years) EDIT: Link I had problems with my internet so I had to acquire the link via some one else's laptop but i believe BIS and game modders could learn a thing or to, and maybe implement various movements into the game?