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Everything posted by Inimical_rize

  1. Becubed, I wasn't quoting an FBI study HOW EVER! interesting stuff I googled it and it opened the eyes, I can almost understand what it's trying to say but personally and through experience I believe that a 9mm round can strike with the force of a sledge hammer full into the chest, I believe this to be the reason 90% of targets 'Drop' (as soldiers say) If you couple multiple shots to the sternum from any type of handgun repeated blows with that force can and will kill.
  2. Inimical_rize

    Random, temporary freezing

    Same detail, i would class it a micro stutter but theres nothing about it. .lol.
  3. Inimical_rize


    You could, would take a long time. search feature!
  4. .9mm and .45 aren't show stoppers, nothing is, just because people drop in movies or on handy cams of serious situations they're not dead, the weapons are doing as built to do stopping. this is by incredible trauma. hit them in the heart head or base of the scull yes, they will most likely die. randomly capping rounds off into a dudes torso will most likely not kill him.
  5. First of any .50 rounds weather the entry on target is stable or unstable will only cause a mid temporal cavity, this is the oxygen and muck clothing and dirt sucked in behind the round, these openings will only be mid in size because a .50 is designed as said in the illiterate post that "it can travel through anything pretty much", so a little bit of skin and tissue will not do a lot to deform and de track the round, meaning in short it's pretty much a surgeons needle when it comes to killing and sniping, yes the m2 was out standing for combat as a support weapon but that was all it was doing then, throwing wall of lead in the general direction of a target in cover, less you hit something vital, sod all will happen, don't be mistaken that 'bigger is better' because it's not, the .50 was designed for ordinance disposal, this means buried or half buried 51 mortar, or ied and mines and in fact isn't the most accurate of weapons. The reason the m2 was picked up and transformed into a sniper rifle was only because of the amount of propellant used to power the round a greater distance and power, the problem is after a certain distance when the round becomes sub sonic, the transition period from super sonic to sub sonic is too great, and the round has too long finding out how it wants to fly meaning taking an accurate scientific guess as to what happens on a target passed this range is impossible meaning you can't guarantee where it will go, If it was smaller like the .338 the transition period is smaller meaning you can pretty much know how the round will act. Smaller caliber rifles, designed to be precise and kill will immediately fold, tumble and track (you guys say bounce) and will cause incredible amounts of trauma to the target. 5 Years as a sniper on 3 operational tours, and 3 Years ballistics and weapon teaching, thats where the abundance of evidence comes from, not watching a 10 minute youtube video of silica gel getting shot, turning ball to brass. If you would like me to explain in more detail please wait until tomorrow when i am at my p.c. To put simply if you think bigger and faster would make some one explode just think, If a hypodermic needle was traveling that fast and hit you how much of a mess would it make?
  6. After hitting a human target at 120mtrs is the AIAW.50 (accuracy international AW .50) the target was still able to operate a weapon with natural human functionality until the second round hit him. I took these two shots and saw it happen. Let me explain that no sniper will use any kind of .50 anti material weapon to hit a human, they're s**t at killing, to much speed, the round flies right through. the only way a .50 can insta kill is with the High explosive tip, or kinnetick tip. this explodes on impact. the .50 and all of its ammunition types are used for vehicles. Distance and ballistics and so sososo much more come into play when selecting a precision weapon to kill, and the skill of the shooter. I will be making a thread explaining all of ts as it's tiresome seeing these threads. No offence to you or any others, The dev's would have taken a look into weapon balalistics and manufactured the game as close as possible to acheive a near effect.
  7. Inimical_rize

    Akimbo weapons?

    This is why it angers me when people say Infantrymen are thick. (infantrymen includes any kind of foot unit on front line operations) Tis insult is usually banned by uneducated opposed to war civilians who's only reason to hate us is because we're brutish and thicko's. Dryernoke As a rifleman in reality in any unit you're mostly trained to fight, it is that simple how ever what you do in that fight is where you go from this 'thick idiot' to some what more of a technical idiot, because you have to understand your enemies thinking, anticipate what they're doing, understand the point you're in during the battle, where the enemy are, where you can best place your self to be effective, to anticipate any order that can be given, as well as having extensive knowledge on life saving actions to take on any form of injuries on the battlefield, They're a small chunk of what can be expected of you. As you gain experience and rank it only becomes harder and more technical, Studying up on this can make you a more effective player, but playing the game is the best training you can get. Do not be sucked into this game as a 'simulator' as it's not, you cannot simulate war anywhere near as to what it actually is, but you can make it as authentic to war and reality as possible. And yes these users are quite against cod and battlefield, not the games them selves but more the mention of it's sub standard engineering, ridiculous features and over the top story arch and money grabbing. Enjoy the game! amd the forum, we're not all nazi's when it comes to other games as input form other games can increase the payability of Arma, any questions just ask friend. Josh
  8. Inimical_rize

    still no SecOps module?

    I believe the reason why this post never had any follow up is because it's incredibly hallow,.. Security Operations, is this what you mean? Or Special Operations? I've no idea and no doubt any one else does as to what you want. Refine your post and we can help you from there.
  9. Inimical_rize

    Ghost hawk gunner view opinions?

    Yeh this has always been a let down for me, Sorry but battlefield had this worked out really well and lifelike. Surely it wouldn't be hard to anchor the hands to the weapon and feet to the floor and the mid movements can be refined from there? Pease not, I don't have a clue on game engineering.
  10. Inimical_rize

    Improving Ragdoll

    From me experiance, Wen you shoot some one it's like instantly cutting the strings of a puppet, they literrly hit the floor, as for your picture I have seen guys dead in increadible positions, some have been the results of being hit by bullets, others by bombs, usually that position you have herenwouldn't be to disimiler to an IED attack.
  11. To say 1 9mm can cause instant death isn't wrong but not right either, So many factors can come into play when it comes to Terminal balistics, some of witch civlians would never think of. The 9mm round wasn't designed to kill but more to stop, and the person using it probably law enforcement are trained to stop people not kill them, I can if you like give you a rediculosly long shpeil about ballistics and what nots but i will link you to these other posts that may shed light on your opinion. I know its relation to suppressors but the fundamentals are there, If you want me to explain what I think on the subject I can. Im currently using an iPad and walls of text are hard to check for errors on this, not to mention typing as a whole ( Im not iPad savvy ) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?155644-Weapon-damage-reduced-when-attached-a-silencer locate my post at the lower part of the thread and take a read, If youd like anything elaborated on or have any questions just pop them at me and I can explain to you all sorts from what i know and my experiances.
  12. Inimical_rize

    Arma 3 Gun license?

    If we're going to get nit picking they're technically not guns, Gun are pretty much artillery pieces or tanks, You guys are talking about Individual Weapons (I.W) Rifles or Assault weapons. Most of the weapons used in the game are legitimate, a few are weapons discontinued because they would have cost to much per piece for any army, Some are in development and can be released. In short a lot of the weapons in game exist or are in production or produced but never implemented un reality.
  13. Inimical_rize

    Chopper Pilot PROS

    I've got a thrust master, it's so old they don't make drivers for it anymore lol, however!!! i would like to be able to roll the ball on the top to look and then click the mouse and fire.
  14. Inimical_rize

    The Grenade Thread

    "Cook grenades" I wish people, (not inclusive to you op.) would stop the COD idiocy of doing this, the average HE Grenade has a 3-5 second fuse, 3 TO 5 second, I can acquire you a grenade if you would like to attempt this op. lol Joking of course.
  15. Inimical_rize

    Snipers need extra Realism tweaks

    @ guys with thanks_ No problem, no doubt you'll see me post alot of stuff like this from time to time, I believe people have an incorrct or not up to date knowledge of a sniper, his job, and how he applies it.
  16. Your lungs are situated high abouve your weist, heigher than most people think, your legs are roughly heavy as or heavier than your torso, with a deep filled lung your upoer half will float whilst the legs fall, so the idle animation is ok, to be honest speaking to sme guys i know, under water combat is generally avoided, if it is initiated it's usually super quick due to oxysgen beng used in vast qantaties. If you're compramised under water by another diver, it's usually a chase and a knife across the neck or oxygen tubes. I've been informed that there are a few different versions of re-breather: Boyant Neutral Profile Sme can have various weights attached to maintain a specific depth and low profile how ever is almost non moveable. I'm not a diver, I'm a land crature and I like it that way.
  17. Inimical_rize

    Why Altis might be way too big...

    I would be pleased by this, You look increadibly restrained and lack natural movement so that will increase fatigue, how ever, if you a fit guy, youll be able to run as far as you like untill you're tiered. gets rid of the fatigue system lol.
  18. Inimical_rize

    Discussion. Are some Effects not "real" enough?

    I just want more violent explosions, from the frag grenade to the arty strikes, theyre too slow and bellowing, they need to be a huge "CRUMPH" with an instantaneous mud geyser and a smoke cloud, with more visible shrapnel and mud chunks flying about, limbs and vehicle parts too.
  19. Inimical_rize

    Snipers need extra Realism tweaks

    I'm a sniper RL, I can fire my L115a3 from the prone with no bipod just rested on the natural ground (rarely do this because it can alter the weapons ballistics), or beanbag, or my arm or daysack(backpack) and still have a standard 900mtr first round hit. At 100mtrs i can group x5 8.59mm holes in a 11-13mm group from supporting the weapon with a hand and no bipod, and that is poor to some standards of peoples shooting here. I would like to see the sniping in game more realistic and less point and click, this would clear up the 18 snipers to 1 assault ratio we all are enduring now since it was released. You guys can't help but admit as soon as that sniper package was release close quarter battles stopped almost instantaneously! The way this could be achieved is by adding the very elements that making a sniper a sniper,... Elevation, Deflection, coSign Elevation. 1. Ballistics, and ballistic data. As a sniper you are issued your weapon, "there are many like the one you have but this one is yours" and it's different to your mates! Every rifle will have a different muzzle velocity, for instance my weapon has a Mpv of 870, this is the upper scale of Mpv you can find in the L115a3, A friends rifle has a Mpv of 830, that Mpv is low, almost low enough to take the weapon from a sniper rifle to a sharp shooter rifle. (the difference between a sharpshooter weapon and a sniper is that a sniper rifle holds 1 quarter minute of angle i.e if you out the weapon in a vice and fire anything from 5-5,000 rounds, every round will go through the same hole (accounting for weapon cleaning and maintenance) In short:The difference between a weapon with 870mpv and 830mpv can mean the difference between 10-30clicks'ish (not accounting for ammo type and efficiency of ammo and batch number) elevation, the lower the mpv the more elevation you add for lack of power. Implementation via scripts mods probably: Why not have the game spawn a random mpv for random players who want to snipe, then spawn the basic ballistic table for the corresponding mpv and that means the player will have to calculate his Clicks and the distances to and from target Deflection. 2. Wind calculations, This amounts to the speed(s) of the wind(s) between you and your target, Snipers can face up to as many as 6 winds with incredible differences in kph between them all. This would mean the player would have to gauge the way the grass/treetops/bushes are moving near the target not to mention the direction of said winds i.e left to right, right to left Wind speed close to the end of the barrel has the greatest effect on the trajectory of the round fired, different wind speeds means different clicks Deflection, the higher the wind speed the higher the clicks increase. Implementation via mods or scripts probably: Have the map spawn wind directions and speeds, or have 'zones' or areas where when entered the players rifle will automatically move the invisible crosshairs to the right or left when zoomed so he will have to click his deflection the opposing way to where he would be able to fire at instantaneously. Out of the woods? I think not! Not only does the speed of the wind change the deflection of the round, the angle of where the wind crosses the barrel, Simply imagine a barrel pointing to the 12 o'clock, if a wind crosses the barrel heading from 7 o'clock to 1 o'clock at 5kph the player would have to click anywhere from 1-7clicks into the wind i.e left. (wind does not travel in lasers it travels in huge sheets (dependant on mpv, the round fired) 3. coSign, in short as i bet your brain mushed is shooting up and down hill, usually you -elevation clicks to account for the culminating point of the round fired (culminating point is the point where the round can gather no more height) bullets do not fly like lasers they fly in arcs. I wont beat on more but if you'd like to know more, feel free to add me. To be honest guys sniping in this game and all arma games (vanilla) is awful and incredibly simple even just adding wind does't do snipers justice. And its in such a way that you could hit some one at 2,500ms 1st round hit. there are roughly 11-12+ things (The things almost instantaneously thought about) a sniper must consider before he even thinks about squeezing a shot off. Pease bare with spelling errors and what not, I'm using a ipad and i suck at typing with it. Ive no experience with AMR's apart from the AW50, as for the cheytec i cant comment i can only tell you the basics of it all. oh and can some one please add foliage or guillie to the weapon, its all good hiding in a bush but not many bushes have a huge cylindrical barrel hanging out of them.
  20. Inimical_rize

    Arma 3 monster

    Mother of god,.......... ENGAGE!
  21. Inimical_rize

    Weapon damage reduced when attached a silencer?

    But then you have to factor stability on entry, any obstructions, the wind on route and the type of round, but on the most part you are correct. I would like to see more bullet variants including sub sonic ammo.
  22. Still this topic looms and with what seems to be a lot of arm chair operators. I know and have read of many men and women acheiving increadible physical feats, and I've seen men with the heaviest of kit tackle some unbelievably big hills and have ran at a brisk'ish pace to the top all it takes is a little grit. A little light reading of somthing like SAS Selection/Navyseal/FFL any kind of top teir related books for that fact will show you that men can run for miles with kit if their conditioned to do so and repeatedly do it. Fitness is not how fast you can acheive somthing but howyou pace your self and how many times you can do it.
  23. Inimical_rize

    Pistol animation is bad

    Tit for tat here it seems. The animation and position of a holstered or un holstered weapon is fine, lets stop tugging at bis with trivial nonsense.
  24. Inimical_rize

    Pistol animation is bad

    merely suggesting that the idea of holstering a weapon and moving is strange, no soldier moves withought a means of deffence, and from me saying this also shows that the time it takes to draw a weapon and engage in game is increadibly slow, there for holstering and then moving to a engagment is stupid/strange. the movement with the weapon pointed in a safe dirrection i.e up is the correct way to do it, as for reality, not many soldiers use chris costa's techniques, they're more than whats needed.
  25. Inimical_rize

    Pistol animation is bad

    This is strange to me, I'm not sure about you guys but if you double tap ctrl and run towards an area where you cant see well i.e the crest of the hill or in a built up area 99% of the time A.i will pop up and drop you before you've even raised your weapon. always happens to me lol