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Everything posted by IronPants

  1. IronPants

    Some Thoughts on Multiplayer

    Teamwork can be achieved in any mission - by working as a team. Distance to AO and presence of vehicles really has nothing to do with it (though JIP / respawn makes it more of a challenge). What you do need for focused, effective teamwork is a command structure. People need to step up to the plate as leaders. With a commanding officer, squad leaders and fireteam members, teamwork emerges. Even if it's a random public server you can usually find three people willing to stick with you, to operate as a fireteam. Of course people will end up spread all over the place in large scale missions if they aren't working together. Yes, small scale missions will funnel random players who aren't communicating with each other into tighter concentrations - but I'm sorry, that is not teamwork.
  2. IronPants

    Some Thoughts on Multiplayer

    I can't believe no one has mentioned Warfare? Granted there isn't yet a great Warfare mission for A2, but it does offer what you're looking for Lincoln. It's PVP within a large scale strategic war scenario with AI filling the roles that humans do not. I fondly remember ambushing a player led supply convoy deep in enemy territory in Arma and look forward to doing the same in Arma2. Galzohar, you assume too much; many of us DO enjoy the spaces of time between the action, as long as it has tactical or strategic importance. I even enjoy running supply convoys myself, or just providing transport for other people. Talking about your opinion is fine, but projecting it on others is a mistake.
  3. IronPants


    Well, it does say on the box "ARMA IIâ„¢: ULTIMATE MILITARY SIMULATOR" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulator Emphasis on the infantry simulation. In fact, there is a military training version: http://virtualbattlespace.vbs2.com/ Even though you were looking for a game I highly recommend sticking with this simulation! I've been playing FPS games since Wolfenstein 3D and nothing else can offer the incredible experiences that this series does. If all you want is fast paced FPS action I can recommend nothing more highly than The Specialists, a Half-Life (yes, 1) modification which has the most sublime FPS action gameplay in existence.
  4. I don't see any reason whatsoever to carry the A2 version of M136. Why does the rocket take up any inventory space at all (it's INSIDE THE TUBE), nevermind taking up much more room than a SMAW rocket??
  5. I have to agree with this assessment. Even in 2001 a plain hitpoint system was oldschool (IL2 anyone?) - by now it's archaic. I was hoping for some basic attention paid to the traditionally lacking aspects of the series in A2: damage and systems modeling. I applaud the vision of an open ended gameworld for combined arms operations, but the extreme environmental realism just highlights how unrealistic the rest of it is (hitpoint and magic radar implementation; lack of FCS and countermeasure systems). It's a strange jumble where the end result is a simulation only in the loosest, most abstract sense. Fortunately for BIS they have yet to be challenged except by WW2 Online which, being a subscription based MMO, isn't direct competition.
  6. IronPants

    How Stupid is your squad? Keep it Fun

    If I board the chopper at the beginning of Razor Two, then order my squad to board it one of them invariably runs directly into the tail rotor and happily continues to receive a face full of rotor blades until ordered otherwise. ACE2 will certainly throw a monkey wrench into this brilliant AI tactic...
  7. IronPants

    Bayonet/knife poll

    Bullets are a finite resource and guns can malfunction (in ACE). So no, you can't just pull the trigger - which makes the point irrelevant to this discussion. If all we ever encountered were ideal situations, we wouldn't need bayonets in the first place and this thread wouldn't exist. Positing situations in which a bayonet is unnecessary as proof that a bayonet is unnecessary is asinine.
  8. IronPants

    Bayonet/knife poll

    Excellent thread and suggestion. I've been in melee range quite a few times playing arma, and would love to be able to carry and employ a bayonet! It would have saved my virtual life at least a dozen times. While it's obvious that modern combat is mostly carried out with ranged weapons, some of you are blinded by it and don't seem to realize that melee fighting is intrinsic to infantry warfare no matter the tech level of involved parties.
  9. IronPants

    Can't hold breath?

    I think what confuses people is that they expect 'hold breath' to steady your aim as long as the key is held down in all circumstances, i.e. even while winded from running. While it does briefly steady your aim, the net effect of holding ones breath while already out of breath quickly makes you ... even more out of breath, with predictably worse aim than if you didn't hold breath to begin with. While winded, holding breath for longer than a breathing cycle will have you gasping for air. In short, 'hold breath' is NOT magic - it works like in real life. Slow down, stop running everywhere and you won't be winded all the time.
  10. IronPants

    Vehicle HUD oversights..

    Yes, it holds true for all vehicles with pilot and gunner positions, including the Su-34. Also, the Su-25 has a green crosshair which overlaps its own built in HUD. Any vehicle seat with a built in HUD should not have a green crosshair visible as well!
  11. IronPants

    Vehicle HUD oversights..

    Further testing reveals the following: If I board a Mi-24 as pilot, there is no crosshair and all is well. If I board the gunner position a weapon crosshair appears. Thereafter, a crosshair appears whenever I'm in the pilot seat! So, please prevent crosshairs from showing in the Mi-24 pilot seat after having been in the gunner seat.
  12. IronPants

    Vehicle HUD oversights..

    I noticed that the infantry crosshair doesn't disappear when inside the Mi-24, like in all other aircraft. It overlaps the stowable HUD and is distracting; please remove it.
  13. IronPants

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Xeno, thanks for the great mission. Playing the current version, I've noticed that every hostage rescue side mission ends with a 'never happened' style execution; when the artillery and rescue operator arrives he is never able to get the hostages to follow (no 'rescue' in action menu). In each case, the operator was brought in after the area had been cleared by the rest of the squad. Also thank you for your generous modification policy!
  14. IronPants


    First off, thank you for your hard work on this excellent mission! During one game, I noticed a bug: my random hired pistol merc disappeared along with two rescued survivors when I 'saved' them at the military base rescue flag. Suggestion: ability to purchase an ammo drop in advance at the military base, then call it in later. Lastly, a few questions. This mission is the first that spurred me into editing it and examining the scripts, so please excuse my inexperience. Is it possible to make 50% of the spawning yomies slow(er)? What about preventing them from walking through vehicles? It looks bad. Plus, they shouldn't be able to stroll through my hard earned, buttoned up, hazard-proof BRDM. They should be able to attack open vehicle (military 4x4) occupants within reach, but having them ignore collision altogether is just over the top! Your description of the upcoming horde behavior actually elicited a promise to get and play ArmA, specifically Quarantine, from my friend. He was pretty reluctant before. Well done!