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Everything posted by iconoclastdx

  1. iconoclastdx

    Combining script files??

    Thanks for the trnapster! Very helpful!
  2. Disclaimer: I am baby-brand-new to scripting. I have way to many script files. Triggers call scripts, units call scripts, waypoints call scripts, addActions call scripts, and they all call separate little .sqf files. Everything is working fine (thankfully) but I can tell that I'm doing it all wrong. Is there a way that I can combine all these little scripts into a few .sqf files so I don't have to have manage hundreds of separate script files? I think that I could make functions and call those from the various places but I'm not sure. Any ideas? Examples? Advice?
  3. iconoclastdx

    car lights on

    I ended up using a gamelogic I had lying around. Boy, the more I use those things the more I like 'em. Works for a trigger or in the cars init.
  4. iconoclastdx

    car lights on

    I cant seem to get this to work with this as the unit. It only works with player as the unit. can I use something else besides a player to run the action?
  5. iconoclastdx


    You mean like this? ["Task00","Succeeded",["Task01","Find the dude","Find the dude before they do!",WEST,["t1Marker",getmarkerpos "mkrTask01","","","","",1],"assigned", "mkrTask01"]] call SHK_Taskmaster_upd; This creates a new task (Task01) and destination (mkrTask01) in line with setting the previous task (Task00) to "succeeded".
  6. iconoclastdx


    Is there a way to set the task as current from _add or _upd? Or do you have to call _setCurrentLocal? On a related note, does ArmA allow more than one current task? I know you read this constantly but GREAT WORK!!!
  7. iconoclastdx

    Taskmaster 2

    Does Arma or Taskmaster allow more than one simultaneously active task (eg. to give the player a choice between two objectives)? If so, how. SHK_Taskmaster_add automatically unassigns the previous task.
  8. I have waypoint (for opSurrender03) with a trigger synced to it. Trigger ON ACT: opSurrender03 reveal [npcCiv02, 4]; opSurrender03 doTarget npcCiv02; opSurrender03 doFire npcCiv02; opSurrender03 will shoot npc02 about 40% of the time. Anyway to get this to 100%? They are right next to each other. PS. I find that many of my scripts/triggers do not work 100% of the time. For example I routinely have to call enableGunLights "forceon" twice, sometimes three times (with a radio trigger or script) to get it to work semi-reliably. Is it like this for everyone?
  9. Thanks for the replies. I believe my problem was with behaviour. I cant get the AI to fire with anything less than COMBAT behaviour, especially not SAFE. The confusion came because I was overriding a random loadout script and AI spawning with no weapon or pistols cant really be put in SAFE. >>Anyone know how to get a unit to fire without forcing full blown COMBAT behavior?? You'd think this had already been done time and time again. Sorry if I've totally missed the previous thread. I have looked.
  10. My civilian AI reacts appropriately to my setUnitPos the first time but then it seem he is locked in that position forever. Trying to set it back to anything else, even "AUTO" or "" does nothing. Is this broken?
  11. Yeah! I'm not crazy. I'll probably add a ticket if its not there already. Thanks for the suggestions!
  12. Well here is a test mission that's about as basic as it gets. It a guy with four addactions that setUnitPos to one of the four options. I, for the life of me, cant get the guy to stand up after kneeling. I have to make him lay down before he will go auto or stand back up. A similar thing happens with down. He wont go to middle from down. I have to tell him to stand up, then he'll go to middle. It's an improvement but still seem broken. Thanks for any insight!
  13. I've been reduced to a couple of radio calls. One with < npcCiv03 setUnitPos "Middle";> and the next with < npcCiv03 setUnitPos "UP"; > or anything else besides UP. The Civy will go to middle but ignore any future setUnitPos. When you say it work for you, your saying you can get the civy to comply with setUnitPos twice? If so, can you post it? Thank you for responding. JAndrews- I'm not sure why I would use an Array as the Civy is not in a group. I've search significantly and have found no answers. However, I have found unanswered posts of a similar nature. Kunsa- I thought "weak" versions of command were exclusive to FSM.
  14. No takers on this one?? Am I doing it completely wrong here? Any other suggestions on how to make an AI lay down and them stand back up if not with setUnitPos? I would really appreciate any suggestion.
  15. Thank you for clicking on my thread. I'm interested in streamlining my mission and am trying to find the best way to disable Ai units not currently encountered by the player. These units have been placed and configured (eg. waypoints an init configs) in the editor, but I don't want them sucking up resources when they are halfway across the map. I'm sure this is a common issue. I see there have been some scripts that address this in the past like the Editor based AI script by trigger and others. Others suggest just to turn their simulation off and then reactivate them with a trigger, but I have no idea of what will work with A3. Is there a recommended way to manage these assets without having to spawn and configure them de novo throughout the game? Thanks for any (helpful) input!
  16. Well I tried it and it seems to work at least locally. Will have to wait to check out MP. Should I just create one manager and sync every group to it? I'm surprised there isn't more talk about this. Heck, I'm surprised there isn't more talk about the new modules in general. The ones I could figure out how to work usually have been very helpful. There's just hardly any info out there on them.
  17. So I have this small addaction which enables the player to call out for a civilian he is looking for. If the civilian is close enough, the civilian will respond with a say3D. The player has to then audio-locate the civ. It's all working pretty swanky accept enemy AI could care less that players and civilians (both set to unfriendly to enemy) are calling out all around them. Sooo, how does one encourage enemy AI to respond to all sounds the player makes? In particularly, say3D sounds. Any ideas?
  18. Thank you for the suggestion but there should be a better way. AI already respond appropriately to footsteps, canned radio chatter and even VOIP. So there should at least be a way of working with one of those procedures. Anyone else have any good ideas? I would really like to get this to work. Thanks!
  19. In my hands, enableSimulation prevents chemlights from lighting. So placing the chemlight then freezing it with enableSimulation stops the chemlight from lighting. I need a way to keep the chemlight frozen at a xyz position and light there. The reason I want this is because objects fall tough the flooring of shacks which screws with the lighting. Right now Im using the following code inatrigger to place the chemlight and re-position it above the floor so it one can at lease see the chemlight object. However the lighting does not recalculate and looks bad. Plus I'm sure it will break in multiplayer. Any suggestions for setting the position of the chemlight before it calculates the lighting? Or force it to recalculate later ? Or some other workaround? Trigger ON ACT. objChemRed01 = "Chemlight_red" createVehicle [getPos tgrChem01 select 0, getPos tgrChem01 select 1,1]; 0 = 0 spawn { sleep 10; objChemRed01 enableSimulation false; objChemRed01 setPos [getPos objChemRed01 select 0, getPos objChemRed01 select 1, 0.2] }
  20. Good suggestion. Thanks. UPDATE ----------------------------------- I got it to work. Here's the code placed in a trigger (tgrChem01) at the location I wanted the chem light. objChemRed01 = "Chemlight_red" createVehicle [getPos tgrChem01 select 0, getPos tgrChem01 select 1,0.15]; objChemRed01 attachTo [objHeliChem01]; Turns out you dont need to offset in the attachTo. If you leave it blank it uses the chemlights createVehicle position. Thus, it doesn't matter where the helipad is.
  21. Is there a way to delay a radio trigger? AFAIK, you cant sleep them in the ON ACT. Plus they skip over the timers.
  22. Thanks. I will try both of those excellent suggestions.
  23. Not to hijack but what I would REALLY like are some time multiplier controls in splendid camera. Edit -------- Along with your suggestion of course... :o
  24. iconoclastdx

    Ambientanimcombat Function

    Anybody have a way to get this to work with gunlights? Any gunlights forced on with enableGunLights are switched off by ambientAnimCombat. If I call it after the animation it just ignores it.
  25. Well I found the sounds I was looking for but I'm not sure how to call them since I couldn't find them in the config viewer (I assumed you meant the config viewer) and the vast majority of the sounds there dont even have a "name=" line anyway. So I think I'm just going to add the stock sounds back into my mission as custom sounds since I can find info on how to do that.