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Iroquois Pliskin

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Everything posted by Iroquois Pliskin

  1. Iroquois Pliskin

    Play Call of Duty

    Scroll list & F-cycle are, frankly, crap. Good thing that there's 1 less item for me to worry about on the F-key - dedicated grenades FTW. Here's the megathread, http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?139228-Controls-Scheme-amp-User-Interface-Feedback&highlight=interface+controls One proposal was as such, Dedicated number keys for all weaponry & equipment -- as it stands, number key row isn't used (yet again) in A3A atm. Scroll list needs to be unloaded of these actions, the rest can become context-sensitive with a single action button = Point at door, press X = door opens with no danger of accidentally placing the satchel, or switching to your AT, or doing whatever there is in the scroll menu at that time. F key can then become the fire selector for primary weapon - Safety/Single/Burst/Auto - that's it.
  2. Iroquois Pliskin

    Taking the scroll menu to the chopping block

    The functions of CTRL+W & S are not rebindable atm. :( Poke Smookie for this idea.
  3. Iroquois Pliskin

    Is it possible for BI transplants some highlights from A2 to A3?

    Pretty sure most of the things you listed will be in the final game. On 1) - range adjustment only works on unscoped weaponry, ACOGs, holo/AIMPOINT sights have it "fixed" just like in RL - well, maybe except for holo, which I haven't tested, could still be adjustable.
  4. Iroquois Pliskin

    Play Call of Duty

    CiberX15, Ignore them - if the devs listened to them, we wouldn't have even 10% of improvements that we do in regards to physics & infantry combat in A3A.
  5. Iroquois Pliskin

    Taking the scroll menu to the chopping block

    CiberX15 +1 to contextual radial menu with Middle Mouse button depress activation. Doors, ladders, "Get in as driver", "Get in as gunner" etc can be linked to their current default action implementation on mouse/crosshair-over. There was a 50-something page thread 5 months ago on this very same problem.* *That thread yielded current grenade mechanics with its dedicated key, tho I'm not sure about that. :D
  6. Iroquois Pliskin

    MP COOP GITS EVOLUTION - main thread

    Played it last night - great performance increase. Love the new base location; we don't need no stinkin' airstrips, since no jets in A3A. :D Thank you, EB.
  7. Iroquois Pliskin

    Internet going down when Playing ARMA 2

    Any firewalls? Temporarily disable them or add an exclusion for Steam/ArmA III.
  8. Iroquois Pliskin

    Grenade throwing animation

    Voted. Very reasonable proposal, has to be adjusted, since it's one of the more important game features in the long run.
  9. Iroquois Pliskin

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    It's an upgraded ArmA II engine, which itself was an upgrade from Armed Assault, and that from Operation Flashpoint. The 75%, 25%, 25%, 25% = Total 150% out of possible 400% is a signature of the engine with respect to multicore performance. :) Definitely needs fixing - Evolution is already unplayable, even with 100 AI.
  10. Iroquois Pliskin

    Does anyone want to help out an ARMA noob?

    Can't get any more vague than this. :) What are you interested in? Preferences? Questions? Play through all 4 Showcase missions, get the hang of infantry controls & then learn by heart all of the vehicle/misc controls from the options menu. Then we can play. :D
  11. Iroquois Pliskin

    Grenade throwing animation

    One-Man-AGS. :D Definitely needs the "pull the pin" part of the animation to increase the duration by 1-1.5 seconds.
  12. Iroquois Pliskin

    Helicopter armament performance.

    +1 M134 grouping accuracy on the AH6s has always been a problem in ArmA/II. :( A3A is a bit better in this department, though more testing is needed. /fires up editor
  13. Iroquois Pliskin

    What will happen to Stratis after the Alpha / Beta?

    Agreed on Sahrani. Do check out the topographical map of Altis - reminds me of Sahrani rotated 90 degrees to the right: Western half of the island is similar to Paraiso-Cayo area, while the middle chokepoint is Corazol. :D Sahrani: http://community.bistudio.com/wikidata/images/d/d1/ArmA_Sahrani_Map_Large.jpg Altis semi-topo: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/087/0/3/arma_3_limnos_story_map_by_arma3-d4u3yb0.jpg Great topo/road network map of RL Altis: http://www.recko.name/obrazy/mapy/map_limnos.jpg Diving operations will become VERY viable on Altis, atm we're currently limited to either West or East coasts of Stratis, covering only Airfield, Camp Tempest, Girna, and from the other side Kill Farm & Kamino base.
  14. Iroquois Pliskin

    MP COOP GITS EVOLUTION - main thread

    Yes, in the parameters @ Lobby. By default, rank goes up every 30 points, with Colonel being at 180.
  15. Iroquois Pliskin

    Steam discussion

    Sometimes, it is just a waste of time when a working alternative is available that takes you to the same results - ArmA III Alpha on Steam w/ a shortcut on my desktop, hence I took my business elsewhere after being unable to purchase the Supporter edition. I may still get it, once it goes retail (seksi box) or if/when Beta/release CPU multicore performance gets sorted.
  16. Iroquois Pliskin

    What will happen to Stratis after the Alpha / Beta?

    Compare Stratis to Utes, if you're "not impressed by it". People forgot there's Altis on the horizon, with 270 sq. km landmass & 700-900 sq. km map. (Inc sea)
  17. Banana phone prison is in GITS Evo 0.4 and up. :D
  18. Iroquois Pliskin

    Steam discussion

    Excuse me, but greed is good - PROFIT is good, and it is Good that BIS is racking in the cash, and because of Steam's "greed", which actually is an innovative entrepreneurial solution, I was able to play ArmA III Alpha on release day, after going through 2.5 hours of timeouts on BIStore. I can't imagine downloading from Sprocket with the demand that they were having; would probably take days. I'm looking out for myself, so are you, and circumstances suggest that it is time to move on - free to choose whether to buy or not, just as with every other product.
  19. Iroquois Pliskin

    Steam discussion

    Get it thru BIStore, devs will receive all (most) of the cash. Steam only takes a cut from copies sold within Steam system AFAIK - the original devs themselves generate & send out CD-KEYs to Steam for them to be sold.
  20. Iroquois Pliskin

    Which should I get to enhance my gameplay?

    Amazon most likely; I've no idea about outlets/retail in North America. :)
  21. Iroquois Pliskin

    AMD FX Overclocking, HUGE FPS boost

    Be sure to test a proper mission & report back - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148074-MP-COOP-GITS-EVOLUTION-main-thread Anyone able to get over 25 FPS wins a cookie.
  22. Iroquois Pliskin

    MP COOP GITS EVOLUTION - main thread

    Nope. Server FPS goes straight to 10-15 on mission start - I've tried all of the possible setting combinations on Call911's dedicated server' date=' still poor performance. EB, do mind that empty vehicles are also a great load on the CPU now with PhysX -> I further suggest removing the unnecessary bulk, leaving 2-4 helos & 3-5 Hunters at base. ---------- Post added at 02:45 ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 ---------- Yep, but that's not Evo-specific. Added strain of real-time physics simulation on old ArmA II engine is showing its disadvantages - multicore CPUs are being underutilised, even on dedicated servers.
  23. Iroquois Pliskin

    Which should I get to enhance my gameplay?

    Track IR 5 is the latest one: comes in Basic & Pro versions. The 4th generation is probably going to be 30-40% cheaper than TIR 5. To answer the topic: TIR > Joystick > misc.
  24. Qaz, we'll be fine with the L159, since TAB-lock is probably in anyway. :) Loadouts are comparable for both jets. AIM9 FTW.