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Iroquois Pliskin

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Everything posted by Iroquois Pliskin

  1. Ya, no more scrolling in combat, or looking for that Eject action in an emergency. :) You can already insta-swap with the scroll list between positions, so this other system would be even more authentic, provided they have a transition delay. Or trying to disembark in an LZ situation, where 16 grown men are looking for that "Get out" action on the cursed scroll list with a "HURR-DURR" expressions on their faces. : D
  2. Iroquois Pliskin

    Decreased performance with new GPU (Radeon 7870)

    You don't simply crank everything up in ArmA II, no matter your hardware. Set a High preset, then disable Anti-Aliasing and Vsync - run some benches, and if it sticks, do the same with a Very High preset. From then on you can fine-tune AA setting to suit.
  3. Iroquois Pliskin

    Controls Scheme & User Interface Feedback

    Whether he likes it, or not, immediate area CQB is the topic of utmost importance, seeing as there will be a lot of urban environments on Lemnos, and having an unwieldy AI interface in the middle of a street fight is not something most players find enjoyable. For "Advanced AI Command" there are always formations, alert states, which could be relocated to the far reaches of the keyboard, because they are not "death sensitive". : D What I'm saying here is: if people find the need to change their squad formations in combat, they're doing it wrong.
  4. I wouldn't be so sure, imagine a situation where (decent) games are being developed for the new XBOX 720, but a prerequisite for playing them on the PC is Win 8 itself. Eh. :) Sure, you could go with PC exclusives, though I'm not certain that we'll be seeing many anytime soon. Microsoft is releasing a lot of things soon: Windows RT, Windows 8, XBOX 720, Windows Phone, the Surface tablet. Don't get eaten by aggressive bulls. :)
  5. Not really, and it would be a toned-down version most likely. I may be a zealot of the Glorious PC Master Race, though I'm not a fanatic. :) Let them eat cake, if they can afford (to run) it. ---------- Post added at 00:57 ---------- Previous post was at 00:56 ---------- Uh? I'm not advocating for either side, both solutions are ultra derp. I'm here to bring you the news, and to help you understand why Valve may be unhappy with M$. :)
  6. I've missed it. That's logical, since you'll get your normal CPU utilisation of 50% on the client and 25%+ for the dedicated server AI simulation - it could work, I suppose. :) Shouldn't have to be the case, though, in order to enjoy the game. :D
  7. You could play the whole campaign on a LAN "server" - wouldn't make any difference in performance, if it's on the same PC.
  8. AHA! I know exactly how you feel with regards to the scroll lists, but if you followed the Controls & Interface thread, you'd know that we have found a solution to unload the action scroll menu of weapon selection and other misc stuff. A single action key could be used for climbing ladders/opening doors, seeing as there's no further need in the scroll menu in the proposed schemes.
  9. Iroquois Pliskin

    Postcards From A Furious China, or A new Star of David found in China

    Good summation of this week's events: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2012-09-23/china-officially-warns-japan-not-infringe-its-territorial-sovereignty-japan-reciproc
  10. Iroquois Pliskin

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Clean execution of "The Jackal" 04 - OA Single Player mission. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOVIfn5kiDs
  11. You need to search the forums regarding how ArmA delegates AI simulation on the CPU cores, since 2 cores of the Phenom II x4 is enough to render the gameworld and anything it entails, leaving 2 more for AI. I've been out of the loop myself, so can't help you with this. ---------- Post added at 21:13 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ---------- Here's what I found, http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?73537-Answered-ArmA-2-Multicore-CPU-support-flawed-(only-50-CPU-usage-on-quadcore) The performance could be regarded as two and a half cores loaded at 99% at best, the rest 1.5-2 cores are 0%. Meh.
  12. Iroquois Pliskin

    Controls Scheme & User Interface Feedback

    Carl, theory is great, but certain standards have been set on PC regarding the fluidity of gameplay, which a WASD radial menu doesn't allow for. See Crysis 1 example. Here's a console implementation of your system in a miniature, ulQT0d25okk Menu action starts at 10 minutes 30 seconds. I know of no game on PC which doesn't use a radial menu solely with the mouse. I remembered something, Carl: you not wanting to relocate formations, alert states and other misc stuff to the Numpad isn't rational, since any laptop over 15" does have one, and anything below this form-factor will not be able to play ArmA III. Probably. Although, Clevo's W11ER is an exception. :o
  13. ArmA II in SP is obviously bottlenecked by the processor, and I don't think he bought a $400 GPU to play at normal either. :) http://www.anandtech.com/show/2901/2
  14. Hehe, perhaps they should. I completed the single player campaign on the rig above with blood, sweat & tears. :) Does it work for you, though?
  15. Disabling Vsync is your only option. Funny thing, it used to be forced ON via ArmA 2 engine back around the release date: no control panel setting or override tool would work - totally unplayable around foliage, mouse lag was horrible. I'm personally sold on Nvidia's new solution, it alternates between on/off states dynamically, if FPS is lower/higher than the refresh rate. Check out this graph, http://www.hardocp.com/image.html?image=MTMzNDU0OTI1NHhBa25NMUFBUzJfMl83X2wuZ2lm
  16. Having it on normal renders things like shadows on the CPU, which he wouldn't want with that weak processor of his.
  17. Hey, rufor, there are no vehicle seats in Battlefield 3, though, correct? You can operate a tank with WASD and the turret with the mouse from a single position AFAIK. In ArmA III, BIS could do in-vehicle interaction and changing of positions via the 0-9 number row keys, tap Key 1 for Driver's seat; Key 2 for Gunner's seat; Key 3 for Commander's seat; Key 4 to "Get out", etc. :) Full layout and info here, http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?139228-Controls-Scheme-amp-User-Interface-Feedback&p=2216817&viewfull=1#post2216817 To factor in realism, a several seconds transition delay with a black screen could be added between the above actions - Very relevant to PvP: balance would be kept, as well as authenticity. :) Inspired by Crysis 1, though it does have instant swap between seats.
  18. Iroquois Pliskin

    Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion

    Check out the DX11 & PhysX thread down below, mind the trolls. :)
  19. Seeing as ArmA II is a game, and I'm here to pew-pew and watch the explosions, I'd rather delegate the AI simulation part to a separate server, while hundreds of units are on my screen, shooting each other. :) What was your CPU utilisation during the whole sequence? I ask because that HD 4890 that I've mentioned, had been used in conjunction with a Phenom II x2 550 @ 4 GHz - dual core, two threads, flawless in MP, a bit heavy in the single player part of the game, especially Harvest Red WF missions. ---------- Post added at 19:07 ---------- Previous post was at 19:06 ---------- Thanks, I stand corrected. It goes in fractions of 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6 etc. ---------- Post added at 19:15 ---------- Previous post was at 19:07 ---------- Here's a good article on what Nvidia has cooking in terms of improving the VSync buffer problem, http://www.hardocp.com/article/2012/04/16/nvidia_adaptive_vsync_technology_review
  20. Iroquois Pliskin

    (One step no sound) Glitch or Feature ?

    Another vote for feature - it's not exactly game-breaking, given the effort involved, is it? :) kds_LSE9Axg ACE2 has somewhat louder equipment/vest noise when you move, so it does balance things out.
  21. Any level of AA is murder in my experience. What I said is correct in the context of pre-Operation Arrowhead, when we didn't have the SSAO and the setting responsible for it, thus everything maxed at 1080p with SSAO & AA off. Texture quality at High - the HD 4890 had only 1 GB of VRAM; view distance used to be up-to 4 km in online Warfare. It forces your FPS count to conform to the refresh rate of your screen, and if your system can't hold a steady 60 FPS (Hz), then you will get performance jumps in steps 60-45-30-15. One FPS alterations on the edge of either of these "steps" are the most vicious and are the cause of mouse lag, among other things. P.S. You need to test your performance in multiplayer on a proper server, not in SP, otherwise it defeats the point by creating arbitrary AI scenarios to drown your system.
  22. Iroquois Pliskin

    Controls Scheme & User Interface Feedback

    I'm just following your modus operandi and not dissecting point-by-point, instead quoting a whole post and not replying in context. Do you acknowledge, then, the viability of dedicated keys for weapon selection and operation on the number row keys? Yes or no. If yes, then the question of AI command GUI comes up, wherein we differ: you want to include everything, I'm advocating for a CQB immediate area package in the form of 8 to 12 icons on a single radial. As a post scriptum to end this discussion: Perhaps, more people would show up to continue the discussion from either point, who actually have the vision of utility and do play other titles, if the mods hadn't banned them already. To my recollection only you, Smurf, CarlGustaff, MadDogX and myself have participated in any meaningful capacity here - the rest were either lurkers, or trolls in this thread. :(
  23. Iroquois Pliskin

    Controls Scheme & User Interface Feedback

    However slim, I have already won the battle. :) And not against you. We're working in tandem here, if you hadn't noticed. Same concept, different inclusion of commands. Not my ideas, nothing is new under the Sun, I'm just recycling the best there is. Are you saying dedicated weapons keys will not see the light of day to keep the purists salivating over scroll lists? Ballistic curves will somehow change? View distances will get engine-limited to 200 metres? Jump mechanics would be introduced as a consequence of an intuitive AI GUI & dedicated equipment keys? :)
  24. View distance of 6,400 m is a lot, considering the High/Very High settings. List your full specs and in-game settings and we'll decide what's bottleneckin'. :)
  25. Iroquois Pliskin

    Controls Scheme & User Interface Feedback

    Outstanding argumentation. You mean your best hope, seeing as it is you who suggests to this day to delegate basic game design to modders? :) We've gone through that, dedicated weapon selection keys and intuitive radial AI command menu as seen in MadDogX's example won't turn ArmA into COD, but keep the hysteria up. :)