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Iroquois Pliskin

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Everything posted by Iroquois Pliskin

  1. Iroquois Pliskin

    "Adjust Up" & "Adjust Down"?

    This thought crossed my mind, didn't bother to check, tho. If CTRL+W/S is not remappable to CTRL+MWup/down - then it needs to be possible! Altho the current stance change/anim speed would break the whole immersion thing. :p
  2. Iroquois Pliskin

    w+s: Speed transition makes character stop for a moment

    Default W+S is Walk Toggle.
  3. Iroquois Pliskin

    w+s: Speed transition makes character stop for a moment

    Not once was tactical pace mentioned here. :)
  4. It's probably going to be replaced later in the Alpha, or during Beta. Definitely needs more server filter options, favourites function and perhaps a Join Queue.
  5. Why not? He raises a valid point, this is ArmA III // Alpha forums, and I don't see retail ArmA III up for sale anywhere, so we discuss what is current in the Alpha.
  6. Iroquois Pliskin

    No delay in sound when enemy fires from a distance...

    Noticed it as well, and the volume of the gunshot itself is way too high, makes me think that it's being fired 20m away, right behind the corner, when in fact the engagement is at 300m or more. Current setup strikes me as far too arcadey, even reminds me of that derp game that shall not be mentioned. :/ Needs fixin'.
  7. Iroquois Pliskin

    w+s: Speed transition makes character stop for a moment

    QFT - that's ArmA II's (and previous games) default. Rebind Temporary Walk to Shift & Walk Toggle to 2x Shift a) Pinky action ftw - tap twice to toggle on Walk, or hold down Shift to slow down to Walk, if the situation warrants it. b) Doesn't - it's a smooth transition even with W held down. c) Also, keep in mind that Turbo (Sprint) doesn't work in configurations like 2x W. Use "Fast Forward", which performs exactly the same function for infantry, except that it does work with a 2x W config. Point c) doesn't apply, if you use some other single keypress to initiate the sprint -- I prefer ArmA II default = 2x W.
  8. Iroquois Pliskin

    low FPS in multiplayer

    Correct. Tell that to XR that ran Benny Edition Warfare @ 32-48 players & 12 units per player for days straight with excellent FPS.
  9. Cherno had excellent textures, even with terrain set to low/grass off. Altis will have to shine to eclipse Cherno. ;)
  10. Voted. Second one has a better description and 16 votes already.
  11. Iroquois Pliskin

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Deja vu. :( Same here in SP.
  12. Takistan & Cherno - definitely higher res textures. Perhaps they couldn't afford it performance-wise with these highly-detailed units & vehicles?
  13. If you find anything on point 3) - link it here.
  14. Iroquois Pliskin

    low FPS in multiplayer

    QFT. THIS IS THE CASE! Not everyone in the server list is running a dedicated one.
  15. Agreed on 3) Dedicated key for grenades IS WIN , but the animation is far too quick -- add in //pull the pin// part and you increase the anim by, say, 0.5-0.7 seconds = should balance itself in-game.
  16. What's your CPU? All of ArmA III Alpha SP showcases are EXTRA processor-heavy, compared to ArmA II due to particles & PhysX. I can barely play the Helo Showcase with a mobile i5 dual core & GT 635M, yet it runs at 35-40 FPS in MP.
  17. Runs great in MP on an i5 dual core, but SP can be choppy due to PhysX probably <-- especially the Helo/Kamino base mission.
  18. Iroquois Pliskin

    Arma 3 first impressions

    Sound needs tweaking, can't tell the distance on any of the weps used: weapons firing at 300m sound like they're around the corner. Hope bullet cracks become more pronounced as well later on.
  19. Iroquois Pliskin

    Arma 3 first impressions

    On controls: 1) I pretty much prefer ArmA II layout, except for G for Grenade & the stance modifier key - CTRL. 2) Temporary walk and Walk toggle have been remapped to Shift & 2xShift respectively. 3) V key for Optics, Y for Step Over & new action "Get out" gets migrated to U key. 4) Got used to 2-key stance system, Z/X is a great default layout. No other changes were necessary to make it playable again. :)
  20. Iroquois Pliskin

    Ups and downs with Bohemia

    There are 11,317 people in the game right this moment, so Steam is picking up slack for BIStore - and for that I am grateful. Looking to get the Supporter edition as well, once/if they sort out the store and the dust settles.
  21. Iroquois Pliskin

    Anyone else struggling to complete the Infantry Showcase?

    Got an ass-kicking on my first try as well. On Regular difficulty! AI definitely engage in a more aggressive manner this time around, I'll try to get it done with AI set to 87%. :icon_twisted:
  22. Iroquois Pliskin

    Arma 3 first impressions

    Played thru the Infantry showcase mission: 1) Our squad got their ass handed to them, enemy AI engage at reasonable ranges and use what I would call "suppressive fire" even on Regular difficulty. 2) Love the inventory system 3) Radio chatter is very believable, if a bit muffled in terms of quality <- I know it's intentional, but could be clearer. :) 4) Still getting used to the 2-key/3-stance config, Z to go prone, X to cycle between Stand & Crouch <- X will become my most used key from now on. 5) Dedicated Grenade key? YES PLEASE! <-- Haven't used 'em much in this mission, tho. :p
  23. Iroquois Pliskin

    ArmA 3: new ARG - Things we know so far.

    I meant that I sent the untranslated one before the correct version, thus no free A3A for me. :p
  24. Iroquois Pliskin

    Arma 3 first impressions

    Defo. Biggest change I've spotted to date: negative mouse acceleration is gone! Mouse accel setting works beautifully now, can do precise small increment movements, as well as larger turns with no lag. :)