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Everything posted by Inkompetent

  1. Inkompetent

    Better Kamov v1.0

    Ouch, and I who have never worked with models more than some very basic editing for Faces of War...
  2. Inkompetent

    Better Kamov v1.0

    I can only think of one way to fix that, and that would be to make different weapon configs with different elevation settings, so that you had to pick the correct weapon setup, probably from the action list. No idea how hard or easy that is to implement though. That could actually be a pretty nice feature...
  3. Inkompetent

    DMHide beta v0.3

    If you could summon tufts of crass or some stale shrubbery it ought to work for most different climate zones aside from possibly snowy ones. Doesn't have to be much, just a little to indicate for the player in hiding that the anti-AI camouflage is working. Heck, if you could somehow make it seen only by the client itself it'd be even better. Dunno if that's possible though with the way locality works.
  4. Inkompetent

    Sprint and Animation fixer

    Reloading while jogging isn't any problem really. Even the automatic riflemen and machinegunners can do that, even though it admittedly is starting to get tricky. As for reloading while sprinting it requires more training, but some nations do use that as common practice to keep the firepower up as soon as one is stationary, and then reload while moving when you are supposed to have someone to cover your ass. I'm fairly sure UK practices reloading during sprint to maximize effectiveness from bounding overwatch.
  5. Inkompetent

    Better Kamov v1.0

    One could make an interface to choose the ripple amount, but it'd be so clumsy to use when not hovering I'm quite content with the simple fire selection I've made at the moment. As for the flight path I'm not entirely sure, but I do think that the Vikhr could be made to attack air targets. I don't know how well it would hit though.
  6. Inkompetent

    Real M136 v1.0

    If that's in the original I code that's actually a feature. It's crudely coded, but since you don't carry loose rockets in the field (only tubes), then the script automatically deletes any rockets you carry if you also don't carry an unused tube.
  7. Inkompetent

    Jamming weapons

    Machine gun code done. After a mistype with a plus instead of a minus, ending in an endless loop and a 200MB large .txt document I got it all sorted and sent to Q1184, so hopefully we got a new version soon.
  8. Inkompetent

    Jamming weapons

    On that problem with generating mags. I can see if I can write a program in Python to do that. Shouldn't be too tricky I think, even though I'm new to that language. Edit: Seeing how it was written, on a single line, I think it would be very easy to write in Python. I'll write the program as soon as I've had dinner.
  9. Inkompetent

    Sprint and Animation fixer

    At the moment the animation system doesn't allow that as far as I know. However it seems from the demo videos that it'll be sorted out in ArmA 2.
  10. Inkompetent

    Nothing in Arma2 Seems much Different

    We already have the original Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six: Raven Shield. What more Tom Clancy games is there nay point in getting?
  11. Inkompetent

    DMHide beta v0.3

    Ohhh, that's really good news. So as long as one only fires a single shot maybe once per 30 seconds they'll be very bad at pinpointing until they get so close they see over the viewblocks? Marvelousitatious!
  12. Inkompetent

    DMHide beta v0.3

    Ohh... Awesome! I really like the work being put into getting the game to work better with the AI we have, and this is a huge step in the right direction. Unfortunately it doesn't help against the AI's ability to triangulate you instantly by hearing, but at least they won't see you and snipe you at 400m now.
  13. Inkompetent

    Jamming weapons

    Aren't the AKs quite prone to malfunction too, just that all you need to do is mantle movement and they are shootable again in most cases, while US weapons with more precise parts are more of a pain to get working again?
  14. Inkompetent

    Jamming weapons

    Well, since we can't fix animations I guess it'd probably not be worth implementing, but I know that the Swedish ranger teams practice to field-strip their weapons even during combat doing bounding overwatch. For the riflemen it ain't much of a pain since an Ak 5 (A modded, FN FNC 90) isn't that hard to disassemble and put together again. The automatic riflemen and machinegunners though... Try keeping up during bounding overwatch with dozens of small pieces stripped from your MG :P
  15. Inkompetent

    ArmA2 interview from Games Convencion

    I am intrigued. Hopefully this means that a 50 cal. mg can fire through barriers and walls. Ohhh, that'll be lovely. M240s and PKMs mowing down troops through trees and double brick walls, and .50s blowing through concrete walls and stuffz!
  16. Inkompetent

    ArmA2 interview from Games Convencion

    Lovely video! Good to get some more solid info on where they then thought of themselves as being in the development process (terrain virtually done, campaign had lots left since AI wasn't finished (enough)). Also really nice to see reloading while moving. It brings a lot to bounding overwatch tactics where you often want to reload while moving and shoot while stationary to keep up the suppressive fire. I really, really like the environments shown (first good footage of urban areas I've seen), and really nice to see the Cobra sights in the game. Thumbs up!
  17. Inkompetent

    bipods as a beginning

    Hopefully they are working with the code for bipods instead of lurking on the forums :P
  18. Well, AI is to simulate real behaviour with as much cheating as possible on the way to get there. To manually define what to use as cover, boundaries for where to walk and so on is an excellent way to reduce the CPU power needed to have the AI behave well. Maybe they use the same amount of CPU power as in ArmA but are 10x smarter with well planned and defined maps? ArmA could use this too, but it would have to be pre-defined for all objects, and would require an insane amount of work to get to work well at a 20x20km map, and AI would need a serious upgrade since they won't get 0,3m exactness until ArmA2. Personally I'd just like to see better dual core optimization so that for example AI goes on one core and the rest of the game on another. That way - and together with a scalable AI (only two settings needed. Normal and advanced for one/multiple CPU cores) - we could get something really good going. Trouble with coding AI is that it needs exponentially increasing amount of CPU power, and that's where the kind of stuff Crysis uses comes in so that you won't need one computer alone only for AI processing.
  19. Inkompetent

    VOIP implementation

    Well, with the SDK it shouldn't be very hard to implement TeamSpeak into the game. And as for making a graphical interface it isn't many working hours at all. I don't know how much reworking of code it'd require to support choosing sound card, but it'd sure be a nice feature. I hate having voice chat on the speakers when I'm playing and really want it on the headset. Makes it so much easier to hear what people are saying. Thumbs up for the suggestion!
  20. Inkompetent

    M16 GL 'nade lancher not working?

    Now one can just hope for a working flip-sight and an M4/M4A1 without ACOG (equal to usable in CQB) and having an M203 will be even more wonderful business ^^ Grats on getting it working!
  21. Inkompetent

    Durg's Vegetation Fix

    Wondertastic! Here I'm without internet for a weekend and is bored shitless, and when I come back it's early Christmas the M14 EBR, NWD's MBT FCS mod, the updated BTR-80, the Mk20 'Rokeye', and now this! Even the cat is dancing the happy-dance with me!
  22. Inkompetent


    Oh, yes. Foldable stretchers for the medics to carry as equipment would be really nice to have to evac soldiers. Let's say that medics can only stabilize and can't heal, and you'll have to be brought to some kind of field hospital to get back into action. Would give medics a real task in missions like Evo instead of healing 1/20 people that gets shot since the rest dies instantly from their wounds.
  23. Inkompetent

    SF Units v2

    And as for AT weapons. Doesn't Delta use a modified RPG-7 since that's the best AT weapon they've found? It's reloadable, reliable, have fairly small rockets, and often you can loot enemy camps for ammo for it.
  24. Inkompetent

    Lost-World Returns

    Signed. It'll benefit BIS as well if we can create custom animations since it'll make the game even more attractive than it is now. On top of that, if I'm not wrong, they legally own all user made content, which means that really good work from the mod community might end up being content of ArmA2.
  25. Inkompetent


    Well, this game simulates the following health states: healthy, light wound (some body part), heavy wound (for example unable to stand) and death. Since it doesn't inlcude the part where you are crippled, bleeding to death, is unconcious, squirming on the ground for half a minute after your Interceptor vest broke your ribs after a rifle hit, or crying for mommy and trying to hold your guts in I think the current system works well. You don't neccesarily die on that shot, but you are put out of any kind of combat-efficient state.