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Everything posted by Inkompetent

  1. Think the best you could do is to check people's animation-state when within a certain radius of the box (if you want to be able to do your thing even without the ammo box contents changing), but even that requires a passive script to 'watch'.
  2. Inkompetent

    RADAR - new idea

    I think planes (no idea about helos) have about 40-100 flares depending on type. However when fired at (i.e. known launch) they do tend to be fired in rapid bursts, often from both sides of the plane, so for example a single two-second burst of flares may very well spend 10-20 flares. Precautionary use of flares tends to be much less rapid (instead of firing once ever 0.2 seconds you maybe fire once per second) and in a short sequence. Suffice to say though, planes IRL don't really have flares to spoof more than a couple of known launches.
  3. Inkompetent

    Major suggestions

    Easily the 3D editor out of all that's suggested. There are only two 'major' suggestions in that entire, long list anyway. :P Also, I'd like people to think about a few things. A computer only has a limited amount of CPU-cycles it can perform, and especially AI is really heavy on CPU power. As is physics however. This pretty much means that we EITHER get better AI, or physics. Which one means the most for the game? I'd pick AI in a heartbeat. Actual physics would be nice, especially for eye-candy, but the actual effect on gameplay is questionable at best.
  4. Inkompetent

    RADAR - new idea

    MaxPower is correct about planes turning off their radar. It is a proven and well working technique to limit your own visibility to the enemy. You either turn off the radar completely, or turn off the forward-looking radar and only use the downwards-looking array for elevation data. Both planes and ground radars can pick up the radar signal sent out by your airplane much earlier than they actually can ID your plane with their own radar. Same with radar jammers. Thus you only use radar when you are certain it does more good than bad, and only use jammers to spoof incoming fire. Not to avoid detection, since the jammer will light your approximate position up like a sun in the sky for radars. It would indeed be awesome to be able to manually turn off the radar for all vehicles actually having one (like planes and Shilkas), and separate between 'radar signature' and 'radar emission'. Could for example have spoof/dummy Shilkas on the ground then, or just spread out other vehicles nearby, so that one has to either visually ID the Shilka, or sort it out from the clutter by its targeting radar. Something to make it harder especially for planes to pick out the right target on the ground, and dramatically increase the use of laser on the ground to point out targets. Mavericks though (from the A-10) would be reasonable to keep giving target ID when viable (i.e. when in line of sight) due the workings of the missile.
  5. As usual Sion Lenton is trying to flirt with as many different kinds of customers as possible, so he can make even more people disappointed this time than he did with the first franchise-rape they commited. At least he is being more open about their ambitions this time.
  6. Inkompetent

    Royal navy buys Hornets not JSF...

    Also have to think about that if one is supposed to field for example A-10s you need a whole crew of mechanics and technicians educated on that particular airframe, spare parts for yet another type of aircraft, a completely (or at least partially) new pilot education, new munitions that the other airframes can't or usually don't use, expanded training for forward air-controllers, as well as possible expanded training for other troops and ammendments/changes to military doctrine. To warrant all those extra costs the plane has to be fielded in large enough numbers, and be given a large enough role, and thus the question is if you get that much extra bang for the buck, compared to using fighter-attack airplanes to bomb the bajeezus out of the enemy the ordinary way (i.e. without FFARs, Mavericks and air-to-ground auto-cannons). And speaking of the A-10 providing more fire power and range than a WAH-64 it is true. But a WAH-64 can loiter and provide reconnaisance in a way fixed-wing CAS can't. Even though their roles overlap on the battlefield, they don't do the same job.
  7. You should be able to use the onPlayerConnected command to make the server broadcast the server's current date and thus syncronize the client/all clients.
  8. Inkompetent

    Fallujah 1.1

    Potentially getting this to count as necroing the thread, here goes: I just downloaded the map to play with my buddies who only have ArmA2, and to make sure all missions I do can be played by them I decided to load only ArmA2 myself (to not by mistake include editor objects they don't have). I can't open this map either, getting just the same error upon starting ArmA2, and a quick check in fallujah1_1.pbo revealed the error: The requiredVersion-number is set to 1.1. It is higher than the highest existing version-number for ArmA2 standalone, which is 1.08. I made a ticket at http://dev-heaven.net/issues/18325 for the issue.
  9. But syncronizations done after the mission is loaded (i.e. entering briefing screen) don't work, do they?
  10. Inkompetent

    Really enjoying it but...

    Got an i5 750 overclocked to 3.9GHz, 4GB of 1333MHz DDR3 memory, and run the game from an ordinary 7200RPM SATA2 HDD, and it runs like a dream. Can't max out texture detail and such due to lacking graphics card (GeForce GTX465 768MB) though.
  11. Inkompetent

    Co06 Clear The Way

    Ahh, yeah. Hell, we've had a HARD time hitting those tanks actually. The arty is accurate. That's not a problem. Just very hard to get the exact position without using enemy markers on the map ^^ Indeed the amount of AT4s do compensate for it though, despite the T-72 armour... well... actually working against the mortars. Could possibly try to change it to SADARM-rounds and laser designator?
  12. Inkompetent

    Co06 Clear The Way

    Have mostly played the mission in ordinary ArmA2 since most of my friends don't have A2CO, and thus I've mostly tested it with ACE 1.3, but with that it works like a charm. Just tried it quickly in A2CO with newest ACE release, and it works there as well. I don't use ZeusAI though, so can't say how it works with that. How is the arty intended to work though? Ordinary arty module barrage with some dispersion, or something special on top of that?
  13. I think he's suggesting my for-loop, which has nothing to do with gamelogics and distance ;)
  14. You can change it manually by editing the mission.sqm. Both order of units individually in a squad, and the order of entire squads on the slot selection screen. However remember you have to make sure the order of 'class ItemXX' is intact, since that is what matters. I.e. if you want the unit that currently is 'class Item2' to be first you have to manually edit his name to 'class Item0' (and of course make sure to rename the old class Item0 so you don't get duplicates). The mission.sqm file can be a bit bulky to work with, but it is incredibly powerful when it comes to doing polishing.
  15. Just either tinker with the distance (like set it to within 200m), or limit the amount of loops with for example: for "_i" from 0 to 5 step 1 do { sleep 1; if (alive heli1) do { heli1 action ["useWeapon", heli1, driver heli1, 0]; }; }; That should shoot a short and limited series of flares, if the helicopter is alive.
  16. Inkompetent

    Real life combat experience ? - anyone ?

    That they are, but they are also bloody hard to hit with, professional or not, as long as your opponent actively tries to not get shot. Thus machine guns and artillery.
  17. Inkompetent

    Cannot connect to any MP server

    Have you installed the latest patch, i.e. 1.57?
  18. Inkompetent

    Real life combat experience ? - anyone ?

    Quoting the Swedish combat manual a rifleman (using the AK5, a modified FN FNC 2000) is expected to need two shots to hit a standing target, 10 shots to hit a prone target, and 20 shots to hit a target in cover, and that is at a range of 200-300m (probably closer to 200 than 300 due to lack of magnifying optics. We only use Aimpoints in Sweden, aside from the marksmen). Note that a single hit might not kill the target, so more ammunition is probably needed. Unfortunately I don't think we'll have any luck here getting a Swedish combat vet posting, due to the low number of them :(
  19. I keep the number low. Only those I currently play, since I HATE a cluttered missions-list.
  20. Inkompetent

    Sickboy's interview

    Nice interview, and well worthy! As one of the key people in the ArmA community it's nice that he got some special attention :D
  21. Inkompetent

    Do infantry scounts have special ability?

    This is the magic thing, people. All kind of magnifying optics greatly enhance spotting capabilities. So rifle combat scopes, sniper scopes, and binoculars (as well as NVGs at night of course) improve the unit's spotting capacity. Aside from usually having either magnifying optics or NVGs (sometimes both) to make it stand out, it's just the same as any other soldier.
  22. Inkompetent

    Co06 Clear The Way

    Good missions die slow! Still one of my group's favourite missions in fact. However there is one main issue in 1.23 I hope could be adressed: Some script or script call in the mission redefines the value of 'nil', thus breaking other stuff in for example CBA and ACE. Edit: Appears it was just about every single script call in mission.sqm that was done wrong. Until a new version is released the fixed mission.sqf can be found here: http://www.gamefront.com/files/20131477/Co06_Clear_The_Way_v1-23_fixed-SQM.rar
  23. Thought of this as well, and it'd be awesome. Should be possible I think, considering it works when rolling on the ground?
  24. And thus it is important to spread the load as evenly as possible. A squad is no faster than the slowest member, so to have an automatic rifleman with 1000 rounds on his person can slow down the squad considerably ^^
  25. Also must say I love the ability to drop to the left like that! Won't be very exact, but at least it'll be one way to shoot around a left-side corner without standing, or exposing the entire body by rolling out into the street!