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Everything posted by Inkompetent

  1. All you need is a tool to unpack the PBO file the mission is packed into. There are several of them and they should be easily found through Google. Simply unpack the mission PBO, and put the folder in your My Documents/ArmA2/missions directory and you should be able to open it in the editor.
  2. !alive is the same as NOT alive (note the exclamation mark in front of 'alive'), so it checks if unit1 is not alive/existing, or if it's in the helo.
  3. Inkompetent

    Changing to 3rd Person view???

    It's the 'Enter' key on the NumPad, and nothing else, as default keybind. However in higher difficulty settings, or depending on server settings, you might be limited to 1st person view only.
  4. It doesn't. You can only have one set of waypoints per group. However you can use the Synctronization tool (F6) to make sure the units keep up with eachother.
  5. Inkompetent

    New Editor Help

    I'll try to answer to the best of my meager ability :) 1) www.ofpec.com That (both forum and tutorials), and Bohemia Interactive's wiki are the best sources I can think of, aside from other people's mission. Look at a mission that contains something fairly similar to what you want to do, and look how they've done it there. No better way of learning than to see what others have done. 2) { _x action ["eject", Cargo] } forEach (units grpJumpers); It is essentially a loop that goes through all the elements of '(units grpJumpers)', where '_x' is the currently looked at element of that array. Put the code in the trigger's On Activation field, or however you want to exectute that code. 2*) Not really sure about this actually. Never tried it. 3) Use the Syncronization tool (F6) to syncronize the infantry's 'GET IN' waypoint and the vehicle's 'LOAD' waypoint (the position where the infantry embarks). This should mean that both the infantry has to finish their boarding, and the truck to get to the load waypoint, before either of the groups can proceed. 4) I'm too bad at this myself to want to explain. However I know others have looked for the same answer (except the last 'new waypoint'-thing), so you should be able to find an answer for most of it wiht the search function :) Good luck!
  6. And set the behaviour to 'safe'. That way they'll walk with the weapons lowered, as a standard perimeter patrol :)
  7. Any chance you could post here how you did? I bet there are quite a few (especially of the new mission-makers) that would love to see how you did it! :) Oh, and have you tried it in multiplayer? I'm not entirely sure my code will run as it should on the machine of the players other than the one that read the text.
  8. Inkompetent

    Spacebar scanning

    I agree that the spotting shouldn't work at longer ranges, and definitely not for enemies. Maybe 20m distance or so is enough, just so one can ID the individuals. Any more than that for any difficulty setting is too much in my eyes. If there ain't an addon (or good script) out at the moment I sure hope there'll soon be.
  9. Inkompetent

    Detection of Snipers

    And what does this have to do at all with the fact that his exact location is spotted after the first shot if within 300m of the enemy? Nothing at all. Wish I could test the OP's claims, but with my game maaaany miles away I can't atm :(
  10. Inkompetent

    Aircraft Should Be Visible at Great Distances

    Totally agree on this. There are few enough aircraft around in general so it shouldn't be more than a marginal hit on performance even with 'plenty' of them around (relatively speaking). It is quite hard to react to an incoming jet if you can't get a visual on it at about the same moment it starts shooting you. There's barely a reason for pop-up attacks since no one will see you unless you are so close you'd be at the maximum height of a pop-up attack anyway.
  11. Inkompetent

    ARMA II Stringtable Editor

    Really nice! Tools are definitely always welcome! :D
  12. Inkompetent

    Spacebar scanning

    If it only stretches to scanning friendlies I think it's all fair. IRL we have much more to go on to recognize an individual (posture, size, gear specifics, behaviour and movement, better ability to spot details) than we do in ArmA, so to actually see WHO it is, is a very welcome feature. Without the game available at the moment I can't really see how it can be configured though, but at least I can give my view on it ^^
  13. Okay. I can't test this because I have no ArmA nearby, but I think it should work. 1: Make a trigger trigger with whatever size you want, and make it INDEPENDENT PRESENT and make it repeatable. If you want the player to have to remain near the document for a while to 'read' it you can add a 'Timeout' delay in the trigger of however many seconds you want (remember to fill in both the Min, Mid and Max fields) Leave the Condition field with 'this' in it (I assume there are no other Independents that might get close enough to trigger it?) 2: In the On Activation there's lots of work to do. You need to create a new task, a description for the task, set it as current task, give it a marker, and do that for all the players. I think the following code should work: { tskFindTraitor = _x createSimpleTask ["Get to the traitor!"]; tskFindTraitor setSimpleTaskDescription ["Get to the location found in the documents to find the traitor.", "Get to the traitor!", "Traitor"]; tskFindTraitor setSimpleTaskDestination (getPos TratorDude); _x setCurrentTask tskFindTraitor; Nil = [objNull, ObjNull, tskFindTraitor, "CREATED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf" } forEach [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8]. So, in order, the above code creates a new task, gives it a description, gives it a marker, sets the task as the current task, and lastly gives a hint popup so people are aware they've got the task. This assumes that the playable units all are named p1-p8. I'm not 100% that the above works (due to locality in multiplayer and stuff) but I hope it is of help anyway :)
  14. Inkompetent

    How's the trans-continental lag?

    150-250 ping is no problem at all. Sure - it makes things a little harder, but not even remotely as much harder as it would make things in wardrobe-sized twitch-shooters.
  15. Can't it be syncronized with the waypoint AFTER the infantry's 'Get In' waypoint, so that the 'Get In' move has to be finished for the helicopter to move?
  16. You decide that yourself in the editor actually. At the right side, close to where you choose the weather, you have something labelled 'Mission' or something along those lines (just by the weather/time). There you can set which faction(s) the rebels (guerillas) should be friendly/hostile to.
  17. Also, you MUST have a 'Player' unit to access the 'Empty' vehicles. But I assume you have a player in the mission since your have your 4-man unit :)
  18. You can only have one task marker (that shows as waypoint), but you can have links to several markers in the task description with: <marker name='objX'>TEXT</marker>
  19. Don't know if you can do that. However you could have the deactivation activate another trigger, that by either Countdown or Timeout will do what you want with the delay you want.
  20. The problem is that those taskHint-calls only gives a certain hint pop-up. It doesn't actually change the state of the task to completed. To do that you need to do the following: Task2a setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; So the On Act should look like: On Act: Task2a setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; nul = [objNull, ObjNull, Task2a, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sq f"; The end trigger can be set to OPFOR PRESENT, trigger repeatable, END #1, Countdown to 5 seconds in min, mid and max, and the condition set to: this && !alive Tungust1 && !alive Tungst2 && !alive Tungst3 && !alive Tungst4 This should make the trigger only turn TRUE (and thus end the mission) if OPFOR enters the trigger area, and all targets are destroyed (the '&&' is the same as 'AND', which means all the above paremeters need to be fulfilled)
  21. Inkompetent

    1-6 Behind Enemy Lines

    Nice trailer! Keep up the good work!
  22. Inkompetent

    Beginners Multiplayer Server UK

    Good luck with your ArmAing! :)
  23. Yes. There is no actual in-game support for mod downloading out of natural reasons: 1: Mods can be up to several gigabytes in size 2: The game loads the mods when you start it, so you would have to restart the game anyway to load the mods you downloaded in-game There is however Yoma's syncronization tool that can be used by server admins and clients to make the client automatically download missing addons that are required to play on that server.
  24. Almost correct. The weapon entries must be done in the Description.ext file (make it if it doesn't exist) instead of the mission.sqm one. The latter file only holds data for what's actually on the map. Not additional parameters for the briefing :) I do think that the class name for the AK-74 is AK_74 though, although not 100% sure. I'm not really aware how (or if) one can limit the gear available per side though (so OPFOR only get Russian weapons and BLUFOR get NATO ones).