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Posts posted by imutep

  1. Thx for the weapon! :cool:

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror and News:


    We have also added this release to your personal author profile

    If a release or contact information is missing, feel free to drop a PM, it will then be added.

    And here is the BBCode if you want to add our Mirror to your release post :


    If you prefer a text only BBCode please copy and paste the code below :

    [b]ArmedAssault.info Mirror :[/b]
    [url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1492]DOWNLOAD - M32 in Black (v.1.0) - [1.5 MB] from ArmedAssault.info[/url][/spoiler]

  2. Thx for the release! :cool:

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror and News:


    Required Addons :

    DOWNLOAD - UKF Weapons Pack

    DOWNLOAD - UKF Accuracy international L115A3

    We have also added this release to your personal author profile

    If a release or contact information is missing, feel free to drop a PM, it will then be added.

    And here is the BBCode if you want to add our Mirror to your release post :

    [b]Required Addons :[/b]
    [url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1089]DOWNLOAD - UKF Weapons Pack[/url]
    [url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1458]DOWNLOAD - UKF Accuracy international L115A3[/url]

    If you prefer a text only BBCode please copy and paste the code below :

    [b]ArmedAssault.info Mirror :[/b]
    [url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1462]DOWNLOAD - STALKERGB's British 3 Rifle MTP (OA) (v.1.2) - [67 MB] from ArmedAssault.info[/url]
    [b]Required Addons :[/b]
    [url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1089]DOWNLOAD - UKF Weapons Pack[/url]
    [url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1458]DOWNLOAD - UKF Accuracy international L115A3[/url]

  3. Here they're ...


    playMusic "EP1_Track02";

    playMusic "EP1_Track07";

    playMusic "EP1_Track13;

    playMusic "EP1_Track13V;

    playMusic "EP1_Track14;



    edit: Too slow :)

  4. Thx for your next release! :cool:

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror and News:


    Required Addons :

    DOWNLOAD - RH-HK416 Pack v1.1

    We have also added this release to your personal author profile

    If a release or contact information is missing, feel free to drop a PM, it will then be added.

    And here is the BBCode if you want to add our Mirror to your release post :

    [b]Required Addons :[/b]
    [url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1164]DOWNLOAD - RH- HK416 Pack v1.1[/url]

    If you prefer a text only BBCode please copy and paste the code below :

    [b]ArmedAssault.info Mirror :[/b]
    [url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1486]DOWNLOAD - [OA] Fox's US Army Multicam (v.1.0) - [50.3 MB] from ArmedAssault.info[/url]
    [b]Required Addons :[/b]
    [url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1164]DOWNLOAD - RH- HK416 Pack v1.1[/url]

  5. Thx for the release! :cool:

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror and News:


    We have also added this release to your personal author profile

    If a release or contact information is missing, feel free to drop a PM, it will then be added.

    And here is the BBCode if you want to add our Mirror to your release post :


    If you prefer a text only BBCode please copy and paste the code below :

    [b]ArmedAssault.info Mirror :[/b]
    [url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1485]DOWNLOAD - [OA + A2] ANZINS Weapons (v.1.0) - [10.7 MB] from ArmedAssault.info[/url][/spoiler]

  6. Thx for the release!

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror and News:


    We have also added this release to your personal author profile

    If a release or contact information is missing, feel free to drop a PM, it will then be added.

    And here is the BBCode if you want to add our Mirror to your release post :


    If you prefer a text only BBCode please copy and paste the code below :

    [b]ArmedAssault.info Mirror :[/b]
    [url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1473]DOWNLOAD - Edited ACR Troops (v.07.05.10) - [47.8 MB] from ArmedAssault.info[/url][/spoiler]

  7. great stuff! but...where to put the code in?

    There where you want the AAN Overlay in your scene.


    _camera camPrepareTarget [-11717.56,-95750.96,7.71]
    _camera camPreparePos [6827.74,2514.35,5.82]
    _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700
    _camera camCommitPrepared 0
    @camCommitted _camera
    _header = parsetext "<t size='2.3'>Gruss an Bohemia Interactive</t><br />Dank der AAN Function sind nun AAN Nachrichten einblendbar.";
    _line = parsetext " Mir war einfach nur langweilig! Drum dachte ich mir ich versuche mal eine AAN News zu schreiben bevor ich in den Urlaub gehe. Da ist die News...und ich geh jetzt in den Urlaub!. Tschüss!";
    nul = [_header,_line] spawn BIS_fnc_AAN;

  8. Thx for the new version! :cool:

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror and News:


    ArmedAssault.info Mirror and News:


    Required Addons :

    DOWNLOAD - West Weapons Pack

    We have also added this release to your personal author profile

    If a release or contact information is missing, feel free to drop a PM, it will then be added.

    And here is the BBCode if you want to add our Mirror to your release post :

    [b]Required Addons :[/b]
    [url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1360]DOWNLOAD - West Weapons Pack[/url]

    If you prefer a text only BBCode please copy and paste the code below :

    [b]ArmedAssault.info Mirror :[/b]
    [url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1472]DOWNLOAD - Special Forces in Multicam (v.0.8) - [32.7 MB] from ArmedAssault.info[/url]
    [b]Required Addons :[/b]
    [url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1360]DOWNLOAD - West Weapons Pack[/url]

  9. Thx for the fix version! :cool:

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror and News:


    We have also added this release to your personal author profile

    If a release or contact information is missing, feel free to drop a PM, it will then be added.

    And here is the BBCode if you want to add our Mirror to your release post :


    If you prefer a text only BBCode please copy and paste the code below :

    [b]ArmedAssault.info Mirror :[/b]
    [url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1471]DOWNLOAD - OH-58 Kiowa Warrior (v.1.0 OA fix) - [10.4 MB] from ArmedAssault.info[/url][/spoiler]

  10. Thx for the new version! :cool:

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror and News:


    We have also added this release to your personal author profile

    If a release or contact information is missing, feel free to drop a PM, it will then be added.

    And here is the BBCode if you want to add our Mirror to your release post :


    If you prefer a text only BBCode please copy and paste the code below :

    [b]ArmedAssault.info Mirror :[/b]
    [url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1387]DOWNLOAD - GLT Aerial Weapons Replacement Pack (v.7.3.2010) - [29 MB] from ArmedAssault.info[/url][/spoiler]

  11. Thx for the new version! :cool:

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror and News:


    We have also added this release to your personal author profile

    If a release or contact information is missing, feel free to drop a PM, it will then be added.

    And here is the BBCode if you want to add our Mirror to your release post :


    If you prefer a text only BBCode please copy and paste the code below :

    [b]ArmedAssault.info Mirror :[/b]
    [url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=122]DOWNLOAD - Ovaron map (v.1.1) - [96 MB] from ArmedAssault.info[/url][/spoiler]
