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Posts posted by imutep

  1. After a long time away from work we can present a few new pics from our upcoming addon pack wich is made by our addon guru Marco-Polo-IV.

    Here are 2 new short videos that shows you the BRDM2 with swim animation and water effects. In the second video you can see the recoil animations on the BMP2, T72, Shilka and the M1A1.

    Watch Video 1

    Watch Video 2

    Here are a screen from the HMMWV, has animated doors you can open and close. Also take cover for enemx fire. smile_o.gif


    Here you can see the M17 with animated Door. Units can here getin and getout.


    Take a look at the heck from the BRDM2.


    Next time we present you first ingame screens from the AAV7 in different versions. Marco works realy hard on it and Stoned Boy make the textures for this addon.

    - AAVc7 as cargo tracking vehicle

    - AAVp7 as armored tracking vehicle

    - AAVt7 as support tracking vehicle with animated crane

    More infos and screens you can also find in our Assault Mission Studio-Forums

    Stay tuned...  smile_o.gif

  2. Gday

    I've had a question, but find no answer till now. I need a script command, that reads the height of my flying heli. Whenn the heli is flying in height 20 meters, then comes a hint.

    I tested it with this one, but there comes a error message. confused_o.gif

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (getpos heli select 2) > 20 then {hint "You are flying too high!"} else {hint "You fly in optimal height!"}

    Should i use the setPosASL command? I have no idea. Hope anybody can help me.

    Thx Imutep
