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Posts posted by imutep

  1. Ups right, i forgot the US Vehicles Pack. Sorry  smile_o.gif

    Hmm....can you say me in which mission the actions are in german? I wrote for all missions a stringtable, and also for the actions himself. Don't find a part where i forgot those.

    I take a look again, thx for the info

  2. A ArmA QG campaign with special forces missions. The campaign is 4 missions big and i used a lot of scripts like DAC, suppressions and Trenches script. You play as US SF and SLA Spezt.

    The nedded addons are also the sandbagfix addon, which i used month before the Patch fixed the problem. So i had problems to delete this addon from any mission.sqm. Sorry. confused_o.gif



    The campaign is based on the original campaign and my version of the story tells the part of Special Operations. From the beginning of the conflict on Sahrani, about the impairment of the SLA troops, till the last fight on Sahrani and the act of desperation on Porto.



    AMS Special Operations 1.01 (26.04.2009)

    Needed addons:

    G85 Editor Update

    Editor Update by LowFly

    Mapfact Editor Update

    RAE Sandbag Fix

    SCUD Launcher

    Contaminated Ammo Container

    OPFOR Desert Pack

    SLA Desert Troops

    SLA Woodland Troops

    Desert US Vehicles

    Full addon pack:

    Download (87MB)



    * Backpack by Mr.Murray

    * Suppression Script by Second

    * Trenches Script by Blanco

    * Mando Bombs (Sadram) by Mandoble

    * Parachute Script

    * Rocket Cam

    * DAC

    * Random weather and daytime (at night with flares)

    * Guestsound and musik

    * Detailed briefings with images and lot of infos

    * Random positions of units and vehicles

    * Queen's Gambit is needed *


    Special Thanks

    * Stoned Boy

    * Sudden Death

    The languages are german and english (stringtable)

    But i must say, that my english is not the best.

    Hope you enjoy it.

    Have fun, soldier!


  3. Thx for this great work. I played the last hours and have lot of fun with that mod. This mod is getting bigger and better and i must say that i like it very much  thumbs-up.gif


    - Nice Normandy island with good ww2 feeling

    - Nice units and weapons so far

    - MG42 rules tounge2.gif


    - Some trees and plants are placed on the roads

    - Texture errors on planes

    - Texture on the tanks needs to overworked

    Till now i enjoyed this mod and can't wait for the next Version. I also plan to make a small campaign with it.

    Good luck!

  4. Ok, at first i know now the "bug" in the mission. The problem are the hidden boxes in the hemp houses. When you destroy them at first, the objStatus 3 is done. But when you at next destroy the other ammo boxes in the teints, objective 3 is aktive but not done anymore.  sad_o.gif

    I fixed this problem now!

    Right on the way through the mission:

    1. Go to the short depot and setroy all vehicles and guns, also the barrels. (savegame and objstatus 1 is done.

    2. At next went to the weapon depot and destroy there all ammoboxes (not the big ones, the small ones) and also the teints.

    Now comes a new mission order to search for another crates.

    3. Now search the big ammo boxes in the hemp houses and destroy them (there are only 2 ammo boxes there)

    If done, you can now call the heli that pick you up.

    4. Go to the insertion zone where the heli wanna pick you up. Go in the heli and now the outro begins.

    I tested the mission again and it works 100%  smile_o.gif


    Cheater!  tounge2.gif

  5. I tried 2 times yesterday and it works all fine.

    In the short depot there are one ammo uaz, 2 vehicles and a canon. Destroy all of them and target 1 is complete (savegame)

    In the weapon depot there are 2 teints with ammo boxes, dstroy all boxes and the teints. Target 2 is done and now you have to search for another ammocrates in this depot. There are hidden in 2 hemp-houses. Destroy this two boxes in there and you can call the heli that pick you up. It works!  smile_o.gif


    Ammo and vehicle depot

    Mission target 1 is done

    Weapon depot

    Mission target 1 and 2 are done

    Try it out! wink_o.gif


  6. Anyway, help required! I'm stuck on the weapons depot mission.... I destroyed both sets of ammo crates in the depot that show on the map, and even the third one for good measure, double checked you cant use them, then I destroyed all vehicles, truck, toyota etc and the heavy machine gun post.....no mission complete? so I go back to the first camp, destroy any vehicles there I might have forgot and the big gun was destroyed first time around, still nothing

    At first , nice to read that you enjoy our work  smile_o.gif

    To the Mission (Weapons depot):

    When you leave the chopper, first you have to destroy in the small camp with ammo UAZ, fuels and vehicles placed there. The hint message comes when you destroyed all.

    At next you've to go to the weapons depot itself. In the weapons depot are placed many ammo crates and... 1 or 2 ammo crates are hidden in the hemp houses. Destroy all and the next hint message comes with your next order to call the heli that pick you up. The chopper picks you up when you have all objectives done. Otherwise you can not go in the chopper.

    The mission works, i testet it 4 times.

    Play again soldier!. tounge2.gif

