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Posts posted by imutep

  1. This is your jump.sqs. Save it as jump.sqs in your mission folder.

    ?!(isServer) : exit
    _grp = _this select 0
    _flz = _this select 1
    _jmp = units _grp
    _i = 0
    _j = count _jmp
    ~(random 3)
    unassignvehicle (_jmp select _i)
    (_jmp select _i) action ["EJECT",_flz]
    ?_j>_i:goto "start"

  2. Yes, i think MattRochelle released one

    [NameGroup,NamePlane] exec "jump.sqs";


    ?!(isServer) : exit
    _grp = _this select 0
    _flz = _this select 1
    _jmp = units _grp
    _i = 0
    _j = count _jmp
    ~(random 3)
    unassignvehicle (_jmp select _i)
    (_jmp select _i) action ["EJECT",_flz]
    ?_j>_i:goto "start"

    Or the halo jump. Therefore write in the init line of the plane:

    this flyinheight 400; this addaction ["Jump out","halojump.sqs"];


    _unit = _this select 1;
    _unit action ["eject",c130];
    [_unit] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_getout.sqs"; 

  3. Ok at first, i'm at the beginning on learning sqf scripting, so maybe somebody knows a better way for that. Here is an example how you get the heli to "searching around" the player. The heli isn't realy searching, but maybe it helps :rolleyes:

    nul=[NameHeli,Player] execVM "moveTo.sqf";


    _plane = _this select 0;
    _unit = _this select 1;
    while { alive player } do
     _plane doMove position _unit;
    sleep 4;

  4. Put the jump.sqs script in your mission folder and the command to beam the group in the flying heli, write in the init line of the group leader.

    Or you try this easy way to jump. Put this in the Activation field of the trigger where you wanna jump out.

    NameHeli lock false;
    Player action [ "eject", NameHeli];
    Player setvelocity [0,0,0];
    [Player] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_getout.sqs";

  5. Here are a lot of example mission.

    [NameOfGroup,NameOfPlane] exec "jump.sqs";


    ?!(isServer) : exit
    _grp = _this select 0
    _flz = _this select 1
    _jmp = units _grp
    _i = 0
    _j = count _jmp
    ~(random 3)
    unassignvehicle (_jmp select _i)
    (_jmp select _i) action ["EJECT",_flz]
    ?_j>_i:goto "start"

    To let start a group in the flying heli or plane use this command in the initline of the leader.

    {_x moveInCargo NameOfHeli} foreach units NameOfGroup;


    {_x moveInCargo NameOfHeli} foreach units group this;
