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Posts posted by imutep

  1. An example to add a waypoint to a spawned group (with formation)

    _this = [b][color="Red"]TS1[/color][/b] addWaypoint [[4524.3, 7938.0, 0], 0];
    _this setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
    _this setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
    _this setWaypointType "MOVE";
    [_this, 0] setWaypointFormation "COLUMN"
    [_this, 0] setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
    _waypoint_0 = _this;

  2. Give this little example a try. But not 100% sure if this works. On street lamps it works. ^^

    1.) Put a game logic an write in the init line:

    ID161790=position this nearestObject 161790

    The you can use the command to switch off the light.

    ID161790 switchLight "off";

    The ID161790 you've to change with the real ID from the lighthouse.

  3. This is one example to create a marker. You can write this as a script or in the activation of an trigger.

    _marker = createMarker ["YourMarker", position player ];
    "YourMarker" setMarkerType "Warning";
    "YourMarker" setMarkerSize [1, 1];
    "YourMarker" setMarkerDir 0.93884;
    "YourMarker" setMarkerText "Your text";
    "YourMarker" setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
    "YourMarker" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "Marker1";

    YourMarker is created at players position and set it to the position of Marker1. Marker1 is an empty marker.

    And here are more infos to create markers.

  4. Correct!

    The task in your briefing should be completed if the trucks or one of them are destroyed? Ok, then you write in the activation field on your trigger....

    [b][color="Red"]task1[/color][/b] setTaskState "succeeded";

    Now in your briefing is task1 completed. More infos about the ArmA2 briefings you can find here...or here.

    If you want that all 3 trucks should be destroyed for completed task1 (task1 is an example) then write in the condition of the trigger...

    ! alive t1 && ! alive t2 && ! alive t3


    not alive t1 and not alive t2 and not alive t3

    Hope this helps ;)

  5. It keeps telling me that it cant find jump.sqs! i have copied the mission script into a notepad document and renamed it jump.sqs and put it into the folder for the mission i am using it in.

    What do you guys think is the problem?

    Try to write the script with the ArmA Script Editor from Chenderman. If this not work, try the example mission with the script. Find here.

    Many Thanks.

    Do I create a trigger exec jump.sqs in it over the area I want the AI jump to occur?

    Yes, ceate a trigger where you wanna jump out and call the script with... (on activation in the trigger)

    [NameGroup,NamePlane] exec "jump.sqs"; 
