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Posts posted by imutep

  1. Ok got it now, although I must say it seems very odd to start the player away from the base, the camp seems to have no gameplay purpose?

    I think this is good as it is. 50 meters to the camp should'nt be a problem. And it's a new way to start a mission. Alone at your tent, a fireplace and good music. :cool:

  2. At the beginning of the mission comes a hint "Take your equipement and then let's go" A waypoint to the equipement is shown.

    Must I say a Spetz that he has to check his equipement? :)

    At the tent in the camp you find all weapons, satchels and all equip what you need (BINOC, NVG ...).

  3. I'm getting this problem: I have killed tristan, cleared the village and found the survivors.

    Managed to clear the camp, went to the extraction zone (last objective) with all survivors, but mission did not end.

    Are u sure you've cleared the village completly? Every mission objective which is succeeded, you see a hint. Also you have to take a look at your map when you should go back to extraction zone. Sometimes you must go to the medic outpost, if one of the survivors are damaged (>=0.5). ;)

  4. Maybe this works...

    _ranks = ["PRIVATE","SERGANT"];
    _skill = 0.3 + random 0.3;
    _units = 3 + random 5;
    _grp = [(getMarkerpos "1"), east, _units, _ranks, _skill] call BIS_fnc_spawngroup;

    Take a look at the description of BIS_fnc_spawngroup ;)

    File: spawnGroup.sqf

    Author: Joris-Jan van 't Land


    Function which handles the spawning of a dynamic group of characters.

    The composition of the group can be passed to the function.

    Alternatively a number can be passed and the function will spawn that

    amount of characters with a random type.


    _this select 0: the group's starting position (Array)

    _this select 1: the group's side (Side)

    _this select 2: can be three different types:

    - list of character types (Array)

    - amount of characters (Number)

    - CfgGroups entry (Config)

    _this select 3: (optional) list of relative positions (Array)

    _this select 4: (optional) list of ranks (Array)

    _this select 5: (optional) skill range (Array)

    _this select 6: (optional) ammunition count range (Array)

    _this select 7: (optional) randomization controls (Array)

    0: amount of mandatory units (Number)

    1: spawn chance for the remaining units (Number)

    _this select 8: (optional) azimuth (Number)


    The group (Group)


  5. I used this function like this...


    _units = 8 + random 2;
    _grp = [(getMarkerpos "Markername"),[color="Red"]east[/color],_units] call BIS_fnc_spawngroup;
    [_grp, (getMarkerpos "Markername")] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend;

    It spawns a group with 8-10 east units on a marker position. The group defends a marker position and man nearby static defenses like MG and so on. Patroling, sit down, and attack enemy units if they are spotted.

  6. Here is a snippet from Rommel i think. (Sorry, not 100% sure :rolleyes:)

    It removes all dead bodys, so maybe you can change it for vehicles.


     _xhandle = execvm "clearCorpses.sqf";


    private ["_aU", "_dU"];
    _aU = allUnits;
    while {true} do {
    sleep 60;
    if (count _aU != count allUnits) then {
    	_dU = _aU - allUnits;
    	{hidebody _x} foreach _dU;
    _aU = allUnits;

  7. Ok, i've updated booth versions. The english version is now without the stringtable and i added also more functions like task defend and task patrol. The english version works now correct. :)



    • english version without stringtable now
    • added more functions like task defend and task patrol
    • added content for cadet mode

    First post up to date!

  8. At the beginning you have a waypoint to the camp. Go this way, take your equip and then lets rock. You must know, for each objectives or orders to get in a vehicle or something else, you bacome a hint info text. I think the ACM spawned troops near your camp fire position and it makes you confus. Well, that is war! :p

    The english version of the mission is when you scroll down the dl-site, there are 3 Buttons (Download, English and Forum). So use the English Button for the english version. ;)

  9. Thx Manzilla and nice to read that you enjoy our missions! :rolleyes:

    Well, i know the problem with calling air support before you've destroyed the SU 23 AA canon. I think the next patch should fix this problem.

    You should play the newest version 1.02 which i released few hours ago, but forgot to change the version number in the first post. In this version i fixet the problem with the supply_drop. Now it works! ^^


  10. I don't believe you. You seriously didn't find anything for deleting markers? Did you trying searching 'delete' or 'marker'? Because there's an entry called 'deleteMarker'.

    You know what this line activate? deleteMarker, deleteMarkerLocal, setMarkerType "empty" ...nothng work ;)

    task3 setSimpleTaskDestination markerpos "camp1";

    I found a way to delete this orange markers with...

    player removeSimpleTask taskname;

    But this is'nt optimal, because it delete the task from the briefing. Hmm...
