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Posts posted by imutep

  1. I proudly present you my newest SP Mission for ArmA2. In No Way Out you are a civilain who was captured by guerillas with your woman and 4 inhabitants. You've to kill a betrayer to save them. But is it possible?



    These damned guerrillas have occurred in Msta and have taken us as hostages. If i kill the teacher of the Skalisty island, they would release us. To me no other choice remains!

    The mission changed if you kill the teacher or you let him alive. Which way you go?!


    No Way Out V1.0


    German/English Note: Use the English button to download the english version!


    * Any own scripts

    * Intro, Outro, Cutscenes

    * Detailed briefing with images

    * Possible rekrutiting of civilians

    * Changes mission (teacher is dead or not)

    * Little drive with boats

    * Eastereggs :)

    * and much more

    Used modules:

    * Civilians

    * Civilian vehicles

    * First aid

    * Animals

  2. I made different editing tutorials for Armed Assault and now it's time for the newest versions for ArmA2. The first one is a tutorial to show and use the whole dialogues and functions of the great mission edititor in ArmA2. I also made a newest version of my trigger tutorial with lot of examples and functions to use triggers in ArmA2. Hope this helps anybody in the endless world of mission editing! :)

    I also work on an new version of my camscripting tutorial, but that needs time. At the moment the tuts are in german, but if anybody wanna translate him, so feel free to contact me. Click on the images to download the tuts.

    Editor Tutorial


    Trigger Tutorial


    Have fun!


  3. Set at formation "none" on every unit. Then write in the initline of the leader:

    {_x setUnitPos "MIDDLE"; _x disableAI "MOVE"; _x enableAttack FALSE} forEach units NameOfLeader;

    Place the units where you want and see how they hold theyr positions.

    If you want the units move back to formation:

    {_x setUnitPos "Auto"; _x enableAI "MOVE"; _x enableAttack TRUE} forEach units NameOfLeader;

    Is that what you want? ^^

  4. Try ths one

    [] execVM "briefing.sqf";
    [] execVM "ACM\ACM_init.sqf";
    [] execVM "ACM\ACM_USMC_init.sqf";
    [ldr0,["1-1","1-1A","1-1B","1-1C","1-1MG"]] execVM "cent_HCS\cent_HCS_init.sqf";
    {_x moveInCargo bus} forEach units group ldr1;
    {_x moveInCargo bus} forEach units group ldr2;
    {_x moveInCargo bus_1} forEach units group ldr3;
    {_x moveInCargo bus_1} forEach units group ldr4;
    {_x moveInCargo bus_1} forEach units group ldr0;

  5. Playing 1.4 and BTR doesent arrive at the extraction zone. It simply tells me to go to the medic area and then nothing happens.

    If you've all 3 objectives done, then come a hint that you have to go to the extraction zone. But, if one of the survivors is setDamage (>=0.5) then you've to go to the medic zone. A hint informs you what to do. The BTR-90 comes only if you have to go to the extraction zone, not for the medic zone.

    If you arrive the medic zone, then go in the big hut where an Vodnic medic stays. Then the mission ends. This must work! I've tested it several times. ;)

    Same for me...

    Very nice mission Imutep... I had much fun playing it.

    Thx, nice to read :)
