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Everything posted by imutep

  1. <span style='font-size:25pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:brown'>No Surrender V1.2</span></span> <span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>[sP] Mission by AMS</span> I proudly present you the next SP-Mission from the Assault Mission Studio. No Surrender V1.2 is a pure Nightfight-Mission where you play a OPFOR-Officer, and have to defend a important outside post from the upcoming attack of the US troops. The Mission is in german, but you have no time to read...you have to fight for your life. It's not an easy mission, but realy funny. Enjoy! Bigger Picture <span style='color:brown'>Story:</span> The communists are pushed more and more from the US to armed forces in the defensive. Only few land segments in the north Sahranis are under the control of the OPFOR troops. A strategically important outside post of the communists who is in a farm seems to be the next attack target of the US troops. Nikolai Snjertenko is ordered with his unity to the aforesaid outside post to support the troops stationed there during the forthcoming attack. Up to the last man! <span style='color:brown'>Changes in V1.2</span> > Heli bug fixed > A few new features and details <span style='color:brown'>Mappers:</span> Imutep: Missiondesign, Gameplay, Scripte, Intro, Outro; <span style='color:brown'>Mission Charaktere:</span> Nikolai Snjertenko (Player) <span style='color:brown'>Playside:</span> East---> OPFOR Grenadier <span style='color:brown'>Specials:</span> > Intro und Outro > Heavy US-Attack > Level = hart > 2-4 Missionorders > pure Nightfight Mission <span style='color:brown'>Needed Addons:</span> US Woodland BDU Soldiers Pack v1.0 G85 EditorUpdate V0.9 <span style='color:brown'>ArmA:</span> ArmA Version 1.08 <span style='color:brown'>Special Thanks:</span> > M-E for Beta testing > Stoned Boy for Beta testing > Sled for Beta testing > BIS.4players for giving mirrors to the needed addons <span style='color:brown'>Download Mirror:</span> No Surrender v1.2 (438KB RAR-Datei) Feedbacks are welcome. Thanks. Have fun, people Regards-Imutep Please note, that this is not a official Mission from BI. So use it at your own risk. BI has nothing to do with this project. Thanks.
  2. imutep

    ArmA (OFP) Script Editor

    This is the best Script Editor i've ever used. Thanks for your work, Chris
  3. imutep

    SCUD - Nuclear Explosion

    Realy nice....now i got a new idea for my next SF-mission Thanks a lot
  4. imutep

    Combat ambience sounds

    Look at your Message-Box
  5. Thanks a lot Mapfact This is what i need for my upcoming LIB Mod campaign. Nice Flak
  6. imutep

    D addons in works

    This pics are more than words Awesome work, Delirium.
  7. imutep


    Nice...Released Tomorrow i play it and give feedback
  8. imutep

    Unexpected War V1.0 - Campaign

    As I said, I would do it. PM me if you are interested. OK, fine... PM is on the way Thanks a lot
  9. Great work AtstWalker At the moment i work on a LIB Mod-campaign and the heulende Kuh is a realy good stuff for one or other missions.
  10. imutep

    Unexpected War V1.0 - Campaign

    No, i don't used stringtables in the missions. Only in one mission. But i wanna make it, if i find anybody for translate BTW: Equilibrum from BIS.4Players make a Trailer for the campaign, month ago. Trailer for Unexpected War/ by Equilibrum
  11. imutep

    Unexpected War V1.0 - Campaign

    Thanks for feedback and sorry for late answer, but i was away for few days. Nice to hear, that most of you enjoy the campaign If anybody got probs with the 2 Modfolders, so you also can put all the addons from @Unex...and @BWMOD in your resistance-addonsfolder too. It works also @Nebumuk and wolfbics: To find the right music to the cuts in Mission 2, was not easy. Nice, that you enjoy it @froggyluv: I hope the campaign works now by you. Sorry, that it is in german, but our english is'nt good enough, to translate all missions. Sorry for that @tourist: Thanks for helping the guys with the Modfolder-probs
  12. imutep


    Nice Trailer, sled. But too short for me
  13. imutep

    gift for other

    Great job vilas The A3 Grenade launcher Version is cool Thanks a lot
  14. imutep

    Chernobyl MOD v1.0

    Download the Chernobyl-Mod V1.0 from BIS.4Players Enjoy
  15. imutep

    Desert US Vehicle Pack

    Looks fantastic...great job News is out
  16. imutep

    Explosion FX

    Nice script MadDog Explosion debris on crash is a good idea. Then i make a Destruction derby mission
  17. imutep

    Oil Warfare [SP - mission]

    The dl-link doesn't work for me Is there another link to download the mission?
  18. imutep

    Desert HMMWV-pack

    Great job. This is what i need for my next missions Thanks
  19. imutep

    Australians At War Mod

    Nice to see, that a new Mod for ArmA is coming And the Pics show us a good job Good luck with the project
  20. imutep

    Sabotage V.1.1 - SP Mission by AMS

    We've released the newest and last Version of the mission. Update first post with new downloadlink. > more less nvgoggles (enemy) > more less enemys > little other things changed So we hope the mission isn't too strong now and make it easyer to win Enjoy Imutep
  21. <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>Sabotage V1.2 Final SP Mission</span></span> Hello together Thutmosis and me from the AssaultMissionStudio proudly presents you a SP Mission for ArmA called Sabotage V1.1. We work 2 weeks on this project and the feedback on german sites was mostly positive. So we can try it out, to release it here for you all. It’s a very hard mission, with a lot of action and explosions. Use your Brain and order your Team tacticly...so you got a chance to win. And people...sorry for bad english, but i’m german..i called it bavarian english. Hope you understand it. Download the Mission from our AMS-Site. You can choose between the german and english Version. <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>New Version from 12.04.07</span> Sabotage V1.2 Final (807 KB RAR) And here are little infos about the mission: <span style='color:brown'>Story:</span> The Communists have a new secret base where some tracked vehicles and air-defense have stationed there. Your order is to penetrate with a troop into the base, and destroy all situated tracked vehicles and Shilkas.So stay undetected. And stay warned , the Communist are well organized and on all prepared. Move camouflaged and lead your team tactically. Tactics and stealth is your key to win. <span style='color:brown'>Mappers:</span> Imutep: Missiondesign, Gameplay, Scripts, Intro; Thutmosis: Idea, Story, Gameplay, Outro; <span style='color:brown'>Mission Charaktere:</span> Cpt. Dwight Oraso = Teamleader (Player) Ltn. Ron Wood Ltn. Jack Miguel Sgt. Michael Dafoe <span style='color:brown'>Site:</span> West---> Woodland BDU (Special Forces Saboteur) <span style='color:brown'>Specials:</span> * Intro (long) and Outro * You can continue this mission by night, so send a message to radio 0-0-8 * Mission in day or night, with different KI-propertys * Weather changed,day or night * Missionlevel = hard * 5 Missionorders * 2 optional Missionorders * long playtime is guaranted <span style='color:brown'>Needed Addons:</span> US Woodland BDU Soldiers V1.0 by zerg63 G85-EditorUpdate-V0.9 by G85Mod Mirrors from BIS.4players <span style='color:brown'>ArmA:</span> ArmA Version 1.02 <span style='color:brown'>Bugs:</span> Only one errormessage, when the Briefing starts. It is a bug from a Editorobject (paa. not found). But the mission itself is without errors <span style='color:brown'>Special Thanks:</span> > M-E for Beta testing > Big Fan for Beta testing and tipps with cam on chopper > Contractor for translate the mission in english language > BIS.4players for giving mirrors to the needed addons <span style='color:brown'>Contact:</span> imutep@assaultmissionstudio.de thutmosis@assaultmissionstudio.de <span style='color:brown'>AMS-Website:</span> Assault Mission Studio ---------------------------------------------------------- So people, have fun with this mission and give feedback. Best wishes Imutep, Thutmosis and Contractor PS: This is an unofficial Mission for the game Armed Assault. Use the mission at your own risk. Bohemia Interactive and Morphicon has nothing to do with that.
  22. imutep

    Vietnam Bunkers Addon

    Nice to see you back, Anderson. Can't wait to play your map
  23. imutep

    Falklands Mod 1.0 Released

    I can tell good feedback from our site to this mod, but a lot of errors (bugs) where found. -> SAM and Radarstations doesn't work -> Landingboat has an error when the player would to move in cargo (crash to desktop) -> Some cars can only placed empty in editor. Otherwise crash to desktop -> You can go through houses This are errors, that where postet in our forum. But people have fun to play this mod...me too @AfrographX: Thanks for mission Imutep
  24. imutep

    Falklands Mod 1.0 Released

    It's done! I can't belive it. Thanks a lot
  25. imutep


    It's a joke, or? (1.April) If this is not a joke, i'm sad about this.