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Everything posted by imutep

  1. Nice one..downloading now There are lot of Sound Mods now for ArmA. Is there a way, to work together and make one exclusive Sound Mod? Sorry, only an idea
  2. imutep

    SAP Rabbit 1.0

    Very nice addon High Explosive Bunny Bomb
  3. imutep

    Operation RCON

    Nice mission, Grim123. I'll wait for part 2 and the Blood Mod
  4. imutep

    M240 with wooden stock

    Cool...the next M240 Can't wait try this out
  5. imutep


    Nice M240 Good job
  6. imutep

    ZU-23 AA Guns

    Congrats for this good looking job, Törni
  7. imutep

    Racs UH60 FFAR/MG and M113 Ambulance Reskin

    Great looking job hope the release isn't far
  8. imutep

    GDCE2 for AA

    Hmm...that are bad news But thanks for your work on GDCE and good luck in the future. Maybe we can see you again on this platform Best wishes Imutep
  9. imutep

    helimap click

    Maybe this one? Airlift-Script
  10. imutep

    BSF STUDIOS presents

    Here are 2 little pics from this Pack. 2 Pics from the Pack
  11. imutep

    BSF STUDIOS presents

    Very interesting, but any pics would be nice
  12. Good looking work Can't wait to try it out.
  13. imutep

    Best SoundMod..!

    I've voted for Chammy's SoundMod because in combination with MaddMatts Effects Mod, ArmA sounds and looking awesome in Firefights.
  14. imutep


    Great looking work
  15. imutep

    Rellikki's stuff

    Great stuff Rellikki Download now
  16. imutep

    Desert US Weapons Pack

    Ok...i was so free and got the time to make any Screens of this cool WeaponPack LEN_M4aim_des LEN_M4GL_des LEN_M4SD_des LEN_M4spr_des LEN_M107_cam LEN_M4aim_des
  17. This is a realy great job, ManDay I've testet it now and it's awesome. BTW: I was so free and make Screens from my first Jump with your AAHALO Thanks a lot for this
  18. imutep

    Armed Assault videos

    @supershooter: I remember your first movies, but the last movies you've made are one of the best. You are on the same level like Kenwort Can't wait for your next movie!
  19. imutep

    ArmA (OFP) Script Editor

    OMG what people do for ArmA
  20. imutep

    ArmA (OFP) Script Editor

    Only Version 1.1...at the moment
  21. imutep

    ArmA (OFP) Script Editor

    Version 1.1.5000 is out few days ago Link to ArmA Script Editor V1.1.5 by Chris Now it should works fine. I got no problems now
  22. imutep

    Desert Camo'd M4A1

    Very nice textures Excellent work!
  23. imutep

    Liberation 1941-45 Mod patch 1.09

    Yeah..these are great news And now i try out the new BT-7 Tank. Thanks a lot.
  24. imutep

    OFPEC Blood Effect

    Realy nice...that brings more realistic in hits and wounds to ArmA Now it's my bloody ArmA Thanks a lot
  25. imutep

    3rd Version-Skaven's Racs

    Nice looking Units..i give them a try now Greetings-Imutep (Assault Mission Studio)