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Everything posted by imutep

  1. imutep

    VFAI - AI Extension

    Thx VictorFarbau  I've updated the mirror from Assault Mission Studio Regards
  2. Gday I've had a question, but find no answer till now. I need a script command, that reads the height of my flying heli. Whenn the heli is flying in height 20 meters, then comes a hint. I tested it with this one, but there comes a error message. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (getpos heli select 2) > 20 then {hint "You are flying too high!"} else {hint "You fly in optimal height!"} Should i use the setPosASL command? I have no idea. Hope anybody can help me. Thx Imutep
  3. Thx a lot for help. I will try out!
  4. imutep

    AMS Operation Pita [SP]

    Find some errors in the stringtable.csv. Forgot some (") and typos in the english briefing. I fixed it. But i must say, that also now the translation is not 100% correct. Â Sorry for that. Â Download is the same. Regards Â
  5. imutep

    AMS Operation Pita [SP]

    Sorry for that. Click on "Schliessen". Â
  6. imutep

    AMS Operation Pita [SP]

    It is only an add banner, has nothing to do with the download or something else. Â Thx for the news Â
  7. imutep

    MODUL Sky v2.0

    Nice work, thx
  8. imutep

    Viper Artillery

    Thx for new version  Mirror from Assault Mission Studio Viper Artillery Script 1.4 XEH Regards
  9. imutep

    Viper Artillery

    Thx for new version  Mirror from Assault Mission Studio Viper Artillery Script 1.3 XEH Regards Imutep
  10. imutep

    Liberation 1941-45 Mod patch 1.09

    Maybe this helps. I think the german units can also have a SHG grenade, but i don't know the classname. Regards
  11. imutep

    Unexpected War V1.0 - Campaign

    Now the works on the final version of the campaign goes on and we've fixed many errors in different missions. New in Version 1.1 Final: * complete in english and german language * 3-5 new missions (KSK) * Fixed all missions * New effects and features * Better KI * New intros and cutscenes * Sound in Briefings * New Pics for Overview and Briefings * A lot of useful scripts from the community * And a lot of more So stay tuned... Imutep Â
  12. imutep

    Summer 1943 - lib mod campaign

    The translation has an end, sorry for waiting guys  Now i have translated all Briefings and Overviews into english. Also the missionnames and wroten things in Triggers and Scripts. I hope my translation is good enough, so please don't kill me if you find any translate mirtake. The downloadlink is the same as on first post. Attention: For the english version please scroll down on the downloadside till "Archiv". here you find the english version of the campaign. Thanks! And now i wish a lot of fun! Best Regards Imutep
  13. imutep

    Viper Artillery

    Sorry for mirror from Assault Mission Studio Viper Artillery Script 1.21 Regards Imutep Â
  14. Mirror from Assault Mission Studio Rope System: Rapel insertion + Cargo Pick/Drop Hotfix Regards Imutep Â
  15. Oh nice! Mirror from Assault Mission Studio Rope System: Rapel insertion + Cargo Pick/Drop Regards Imutep
  16. imutep

    Viper Artillery

    Mirror from Assault Mission Studio Viper Artillery Script V1.1 Regards Imutep
  17. imutep

    Summer 1943 - lib mod campaign

    Thx Prof  Now the german version is released. Follow the link to the downloadsite. Wish much fun! Download Summer43-german Best regards Imutep and Stoned Boy
  18. imutep

    Summer 1943 - lib mod campaign

    After 3 month of reworking all missions, now its time to say Ready For release!  But...at last we work on to translate all Briefings and Overviews into english. And that needs a few days more. New in Version 1.5: -Burning destroyed houses -Much better KI in attack and defense -Airattacks -AICover in firefights -Enemys used effectly smoke grenades -Russians attack with "Uraaa" -Flares in nightfights -More effects and features used from the Libmod -Enemys and own units cover and support nearly units -Captured enemys (Randomly in 3 missions) -New pics in briefings and overviews. -Sound in Briefings -Stroke down enemys (Scout missions) -New cutscenes und intros -New music and sounds -3 new missions -Much much better than the older version of the campaign Used scripts: -Captive.sqs by General Barron -FireEffect.sqs by General Barron -InfoShare.sqs by General Barron -Reinforce sqs/sqf by LibMod -Trenches.sqs by Blanco -JoinUpUnits.sqs by Thompson -Osvetit.sqs (Flares) by LibMod -BigBaraBoom.sqs by unknown -Towing.sqs by LibMod -Much more scripts from LibMod -little own scripts We put a lot of work into the new version and hope you have a lot of fun with the campaign. Maybe we can Release till friday  Stay tuned...
  19. imutep

    CSM Betav2 Released!!

    Great news, thx Chammy  Mirror from Assault Mission Studio Chammys Sound Mod 2 Regards Imutep
  20. imutep

    CSM Betav2 Released!!

    Great news, thx Chammy  Mirror from Assault Mission Studio Chammys Sound Mod 2 Regards Imutep
  21. imutep

    Al Amiriya

    Excellent looking work
  22. imutep

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Great news  Mirror from Assault Mission Studio Real Time Editor v4Rev3 Regards Imutep
  23. I mean in cutscenes the radiomessages don't work. I've testet ist by some edited missions and no messages. Don't know why
  24. imutep

    Armed Assault videos

    Great scenes...i like it Â
  25. imutep

    ArmA Effects

    Great news Maddmatt Mirror from Assault Mission Studio ArmA Effects by Maddmatt 1.1 Regards Imutep