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Everything posted by imutep

  1. imutep

    AI Paradrop from C130J

    Try to write the script with the ArmA Script Editor from Chenderman. If this not work, try the example mission with the script. Find here. Yes, ceate a trigger where you wanna jump out and call the script with... (on activation in the trigger) [NameGroup,NamePlane] exec "jump.sqs";
  2. Ups, is fixed. The routine with the BI-Forums links...... :rolleyes:
  3. And how many units can be at 1 group? 12 like OFP and Armed Assault? I tested a group with 20 units, it comes no error message. Is it possible, that ArmA2 split too many units in a gropu to more groups?
  4. Thx for the new version :) Put it on our addon section at Assault Mission Studio ArmALaunch [1.2] by dracflamloc
  5. imutep

    VF FPS Saver (VFFPSS)

    Mirror updated at Assault Mission Studio VF FPS Saver (VFFPSS) [build 043] by VictorFarbau
  6. imutep

    Halo jumping.

    This is your jump.sqs. Save it as jump.sqs in your mission folder. ?!(isServer) : exit _grp = _this select 0 _flz = _this select 1 _jmp = units _grp _i = 0 _j = count _jmp ~(random 3) #start unassignvehicle (_jmp select _i) (_jmp select _i) action ["EJECT",_flz] _i=_i+1 ~.4 ?_j>_i:goto "start" exit;
  7. In this forum are many threads about the modules and paras. Please take a minute and search. ;)
  8. .................... Sorry, edit. Too late :D
  9. imutep

    AI Paradrop from C130J

    Yes, i think MattRochelle released one jump.sqs ?!(isServer) : exit _grp = _this select 0 _flz = _this select 1 _jmp = units _grp _i = 0 _j = count _jmp ~(random 3) #start unassignvehicle (_jmp select _i) (_jmp select _i) action ["EJECT",_flz] _i=_i+1 ~.4 ?_j>_i:goto "start" exit; Or the halo jump. Therefore write in the init line of the plane: halojump.sqs _unit = _this select 1; _unit action ["eject",c130]; [_unit] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_getout.sqs";
  10. Maybe kick them out with... Unit1 action ["eject",NameOfHeli]; Unit2 action ["eject",NameOfHeli]; Unit3 action ["eject",NameOfHeli]; or (but don't know if this works) ^^ { commandGetOut _x; } forEach [unit1,unit2];
  11. Ok at first, i'm at the beginning on learning sqf scripting, so maybe somebody knows a better way for that. Here is an example how you get the heli to "searching around" the player. The heli isn't realy searching, but maybe it helps :rolleyes: nul=[NameHeli,Player] execVM "moveTo.sqf"; moveTo.sqf _plane = _this select 0; _unit = _this select 1; while { alive player } do { _plane doMove position _unit; }; sleep 4; };
  12. You can set the radius of the SAD-waypoint from the chopper to 200 or 400 meters. Or whats the problem? :)
  13. Little example 1.) Put a game logic an write in the init line: ID161790=position this nearestObject 161790 2.) Put a trigger with the condition: getDammage ID161790 > 0.5 In activation: ID161790 setDamage 1; hint "The house is history"; The ID161790 you've to change with real ID from the house.
  14. Great idea with this addon. Thx Thunderbird :) Put it on our modification section at Assault Mission Studio AI Real Ingame Dialog System [DSAI] by Thunderbird
  15. Very usefull script where anybody searching for. Thx Tophe. Put it on our scripts section at Assault Mission Studio Vehicle Respawn Script [1.5] by Tophe Edit: Link updated to version 1.5
  16. Nice to see this script now in ArmA2. Thx Tophe :) Put it on our scripts section at Assault Mission Studio Random House Patrol [1.1] by Tophe
  17. Works also via script or trigger i think. 1=show 0=not show ShowCompass = 1; ShowGPS = 0; ShowMap = 1; ShowNotepad = 1; ShowWatch = 1; ShowRadio = 0; Or you try ShowGPS false. Not tested! ^^ Also i don't know if ShowNotepad works in ArmA2.
  18. imutep

    Halo jumping.

    Put the jump.sqs script in your mission folder and the command to beam the group in the flying heli, write in the init line of the group leader. Or you try this easy way to jump. Put this in the Activation field of the trigger where you wanna jump out. NameHeli lock false; Player action [ "eject", NameHeli]; Player setvelocity [0,0,0]; [Player] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_getout.sqs";
  19. DaveP released a script here in this forum called AI Urban Building/Combat Positioning Script. This script let the AI take random positions in houses ect...with example mission. Sorry, i found the thread not at the moment, but you also can get it from here if you want. Edit: here is the link to the thread
  20. imutep

    Halo jumping.

    Here are a lot of example mission. [NameOfGroup,NameOfPlane] exec "jump.sqs"; jump.sqs ?!(isServer) : exit _grp = _this select 0 _flz = _this select 1 _jmp = units _grp _i = 0 _j = count _jmp ~(random 3) #start unassignvehicle (_jmp select _i) (_jmp select _i) action ["EJECT",_flz] _i=_i+1 ~.4 ?_j>_i:goto "start" exit; To let start a group in the flying heli or plane use this command in the initline of the leader. {_x moveInCargo NameOfHeli} foreach units NameOfGroup; or {_x moveInCargo NameOfHeli} foreach units group this;
  21. Thx for new version, Thunderbird! Put it on our addon section at Assault Mission Studio and updated the download link. AI Dispersion Increased [1.0] by Thunderbird
  22. Thx for the animation viewer. Very usefull :) Put it on our editing section at Assault Mission Studio Animation Viewer by Clayman
  23. Thx for the examples, Ruebe und beita. Works fine for me! ^^
  24. imutep

    Two noob questions

    It gives a AKS_Gold in ArmA2? Will try out.... :eek:
  25. Try this code in the initline of the player or unit. this switchMove "amovpsitmstpsraswrfldnon_weaponcheck1";