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Everything posted by imutep

  1. Sorry, my scripting knowledge is limited. I only tested your example and it works fine so far. But it spawns always 1-5 vehicles with the same class. (3 BMPs or 4 T90...) I remember the command select random and tested it. Now it spawns 1-5 vehicles with different classes. ( 1 BMP3 and 2 T90, or 1 T90 with 1 BRDM and 1 BMP3) No good idea? :)
  2. Thx for this very nice script, Big Dawg KS ! Put it on our scripts section at Assault Mission Studio Improved Bullet Cam Script [1.1] by Big Dawg KS
  3. Woho, what a big HQ...like your screen with 779.85 KB :D Put it on our scripts section at Assault Mission Studio US Marines HQ - Template by JoeyNickel
  4. imutep

    Trigger a flare

    Thats great...if this works :p Will test it now and then i put it on our scripts section at Assault Mission Studio. Thx Angry_Canadian!
  5. Very nice. Thx soccerboy! I've updated the link on first site and on our scripts section ;)
  6. This example allowed to spawn randomly count of units that partol. _units = 2 + Random 10; _grp = [(getpos rupos),east,_units] call bis_fnc_spawngroup; [_grp, (getMarkerPos "posvod"), 250] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; Also this example is more randomly in select vehicle types. The group takes now randomly vehicles from the _vehicle_types list. _vehicle_types = ["BMP3","BTR90","T72_RU","T90","GAZ_Vodnik","GAZ_Vodnik_HMG"]; _max_dist_between_waypoints = 1000; _dgrp = createGroup east; _vec_type = floor (random count _vehicle_types); for "_i" from 1 to 5 do { [(getpos troops1_1_7), random 360, _vehicle_types [b][color="Red"]select random[/color][/b] _vec_type, _dgrp] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; }; [_dgrp, (getpos troops1_1_7), _max_dist_between_waypoints] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;
  7. imutep

    Trigger a flare

    Fine! ;) Has anybody tested the version with randomly fired flares?
  8. :D Great Tajin. Thx! Put it on our scripts section.
  9. imutep

    Trigger a flare

    I used it so, and it works fine. [] exec "flare.sqs"; #Loop flare = "F_40mm_white" createVehicle [getPos lichtlein select 0, getPos lichtlein select 1, 150]; ~10 + Random 100 goto "Loop"
  10. imutep

    Trigger a flare

    ? (Ziel1) : exit The script works without this line. I used it in a mission and Ziel1 is a condition that is true when east units not in a list trigger. So no more flares are fired. Thats all.
  11. Put it on our scripts section at Assault Mission Studio Improved Bullet Cam Script by Big Dawg KS
  12. imutep

    Trigger a flare

    Yu mean randomly fired flairs? I know it is possible, but sorry, my scripting knowledge is limited. But here are the flare class names i know. "F_40mm_white" "F_40mm_yellow" "F_40mm_green" "F_40mm_red"
  13. imutep

    Trigger a flare

    Little example: If enemy units detected by trigger, the flare is fired. Create a game logic an name it pos. Create a trigger with East detected by West. On activation wrote... this exec "flare.sqs"; flare.sqs #Loop flare = "F_40mm_white" createVehicle [getPos pos select 0, getPos pos select 1, 150]; ~20 + (Random 100) ? ([i]any condition is true[/i]) : exit goto "Loop";
  14. imutep

    either or trigger

    Create a trigger BLUFOR detected by EAST (the side you will to detect BLUFOR). Synchronize the trigger with the waypoint of your group. But you must know, if you want that wp3 should be activated, you must synch the wp2 with the trigger (one wp before) Hope this helps
  15. I fixed my post with the code. Posted the wrong version of the script. Sorry!
  16. Nice script, Big Dawg KS. Thx a lot. Put it on our scripts section!
  17. Very nice! :) Put it on our scripts section at Assault Mission Studio Artillery Support System Package [1.04] by SoccerBoy_TW
  18. I search also for those class names. Maybe here?
  19. I think you mean the Improvised Explosive Device Script (IED) from Jeevz. I don't know if this script works in ArmA2. Maybe change the bomb class names. Here is a link Edit: For skill "RU_Soldier_SL" createUnit [ getMarkerPos "Startingpoint", group, init, skill, rank] ;
  20. You search for the group classes of all Factions? Hope this helps. Thx to Clayman for posting it in our forum ;) [b]// USMC[/b] USMC_InfSquad USMC_FireTeam USMC_FireTeam_MG USMC_FireTeam_AT USMC_FireTeam_Support USMC_HeavyATTeam USMC_SniperTeam USMC_FRTeam USMC_FRTeam_Razor USMC_MotInfSection USMC_MotInfSection_AT USMC_MechInfSquad USMC_MechReconSection USMC_TankPlatoon USMC_AH1ZSquadron USMC_UH1YSquadron USMC_MV22Squadron USMC_MQ9Squadron USMC_F35Squadron USMC_AV8BFighterSquadron USMC_AV8BBomberSquadron [b]// CDF[/b] CDF_InfSquad CDF_InfSquad_Weapons CDF_InfSection_AT CDF_InfSection_AA CDF_InfSection_MG CDF_InfSection_Patrol CDF_SniperTeam CDF_MotInfSquad CDF_MotInfSection CDF_MotInfSection_Weapons CDF_MechInfSquad CDF_MechReconSection CDF_MechATSection CDF_TankPlatoon CDF_Mi24DSquadron CDF_Mi8Squadron [b]// RU[/b] RU_InfSquad RU_InfSection RU_InfSection_AT RU_InfSection_AA RU_InfSection_MG RU_SniperTeam RUS_ReconTeam MVD_AssaultTeam RU_MotInfSquad RU_MotInfSection_Recon RU_MotInfSection_Patrol RU_MechInfSquad_1 RU_MechInfSquad_2 RU_TankPlatoon RU_Mi24VSquadron RU_Mi24PSquadron RU_Pchela1TSquadron RU_Ka52Squadron RU_Mi8Squadron RU_Su34FighterSquadron [b]// INS[/b] INS_InfSquad INS_InfSquad_Weapons INS_InfSection_AT INS_InfSection_AA INS_SniperTeam INS_MilitiaSquad INS_MotInfSquad INS_MotInfSection INS_MechInfSquad INS_MechInfSection INS_MechInfSection_AT INS_TankSection INS_Mi8Squadron [b]// GUE[/b] GUE_InfSquad GUE_InfSquad_Assault GUE_InfSquad_Weapons GUE_InfTeam_1 GUE_InfTeam_2 GUE_InfTeam_AT GUE_GrpInf_TeamAA GUE_GrpInf_TeamSniper GUE_MilitiaSquad GUE_MotInfSection GUE_MotInfSquad GUE_MechInfSection GUE_MechInfSquad GUE_TankSection [b]// CI[/b]V (works not with ACM?) CIV_Crowd CIV_City_1 CIV_City_2 CIV_Village_1 CIV_Village_2
  21. For our friends who understand german ;) Assault Mission Studio Editing Tutorials ArmA2 Editor Tutorial ArmA2 Trigger Tutorial ArmA2 Briefings ArmA2 Briefing Tutorial ArmA2 Camscripting Tutorial ArmA2 Moduls ArmA2 Functions ArmA2 Scripting Commands Example Missions ArmA2 Class Names ArmA2 Music Tracks Adding Waypoints via Script Adding triggers via script Making Stringtable (csv) Making Stringtable (xml) Mission Design (Anliegen) Object Mapper (Compositions)
  22. Here is an example to set waypoints to spawned groups. I used it in one of my new missions and it works fine. _pos = getPos guepos; _pos2 = getPos guepos2; _skill = [0.6, 0.6]; _side = Resistance; _units = ["GUE_Soldier_CO", "GUE_Soldier_MG", "GUE_Soldier_2", "GUE_Soldier_3","GUE_Soldier_SCOUT"]; _newGroup = [_pos, _side, _units, [], [], _skill] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _newGroup2 = [_pos2, _side, 7] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _this = _newGroup addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "red1", 0]; _this setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _this setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; _this setWaypointType "SAD"; [_this, 0] setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _waypoint_0 = _this; _this = _newGroup2 addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "red2", 0]; _this setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _this setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; _this setWaypointType "SAD"; [_this, 0] setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _waypoint_0 = _this;
  23. imutep

    Mapfact.net releases Editorupgrade

    Thx for your work, Lester! ;)
  24. Maybe from your mission.sqm. class Item2 { side="EAST"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={6140.1143,362.24823,6910.7871}; azimut=-122.23311; [b][color="Red"]id=5[/color][/b]; side="EAST"; vehicle="RU_WarfareBBarracks"; leader=1; rank="SERGEANT"; skill=0.46666664; }; }; }; Or use not the ID. Try with the name of the object.
  25. I added also the init.sqf method, but without girls. I don't let drunken girls in my heli :p Nice demo, kylania.