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Everything posted by IceFire

  1. IceFire

    Dead loser #8,886

    Uck, what an ugly topic this has turned out to be. Lets not continue this one, heh.
  2. IceFire

    Dead loser #8,886

    Aculaud, if you don't mind .... Why in the world would they all hate you so much?? There must have been a reason! No whole school could all simultaniousely hate one person so much without a reason. Maybe you were really mean, maybe there was something obvious to them that was not to you. I don't want to get really personal, but for a little kid, maybe it was a "hygene" thing. Alot of little kids get made fun of for that. Why did they all hate you so much? You must know why. I am really curous about that. Maybe you could have solved the problem if you knew why. Is it still like that for you now? Do you have freinds now? If not, then atleast it has stopped. It it is, then you can still change it!
  3. IceFire

    Dead loser #8,886

    Have I ever been made to feel inferior to someone on a regular basis? I can't say that I have "regularely". Â Some in elemantary and middle school. But not a whole lot. Â A bit of being bullied here and there. Â But I generally fought back if I ever got touched. Â So most people were friendly to me. In highschool, I had plenty of fun. Â Yeah, people talk about other people behind their back. Â That is what highschool is about. Â Gossip anyone? I was never really looked down upon or thought of as a freak or nerd if that is what you mean. Everyone has been made fun of or teased at time to time. Â Most of the time I can get even and we are friends. Even some of the bullies were nice to me when they realized what a cool person I was. I never picked fights with anyone. Â And I liked most people except for the anti-social hateful freaks. Â I didn't dislike them for who they were. I did so only because of their animosity for anyone who was better than them. Honestly I felt sorry for them and wanted to help them. I believe in self improvement and therefore changed or improved upon aspects of my self that I or others do not like. Â It's constant thing. Â That is how we improve ourselves.
  4. IceFire

    Hit 3 years today

    Ack, don't remind me about how late I am getting into the game!
  5. IceFire

    Enemy detection

    Ok, I can try that. I am not sure how to use the Editor though. What about the other problem I mentioned in my post? Anyone got any solutions there?
  6. IceFire

    Ofp player's age

    USSOLDIER, you are 20 and alraedy are a trained soldier and SF?? Damn, I am going to be starting late. Hey, I thought you didn't have any hair on your head!
  7. IceFire

    Ofp player's age

    USSOLDIER, you are 20 and alraedy are a trained soldier and SF?? Damn, I am going to be starting late. Hey, I thought you didn't have any hair on your head!
  8. IceFire

    U.s. socom

    That's good. I scored pretty high on the ASVAB test. Said I scored high on all parts especially the technical section. Don't remember my complete stats though.
  9. IceFire

    Campaign: pathfinder

    Be very careful, wait til all the tanks are killed by the choppers. They may even help to kill some infantry. Wait for the assisting squad to come in. Hide alot and just pick off enemies from the bushes. The other squad will kill off the rest.
  10. IceFire

    Campaign: pathfinder

    Be very careful, wait til all the tanks are killed by the choppers. They may even help to kill some infantry. Wait for the assisting squad to come in. Hide alot and just pick off enemies from the bushes. The other squad will kill off the rest.
  11. IceFire

    Ofp player's age

    I am 20 and in college.
  12. IceFire

    Ofp player's age

    I am 20 and in college.
  13. IceFire

    Enemy detection

    I have tried that, and he never stops in a hot drop area. Even if I order him to. He doesn't even slow down. Hell, if I tell him to move to a point and there are enemies around, he will fly very fast to the point, pass it up and then circle back and then pass it up again. He does not stop. Try this. I need him to do this for I am trying to create a mission where all my men are coming in via airborn insertion. Like rangers do. 4 or 5 blackhawks are dropping the men off into battle. Etc etc.
  14. IceFire

    Question about "engage" command

    I have also had problems with this. I think everyone can notice it. The game would be greatly improved if this was fixed. I generally have to make them go away really far, and them move back to the spot I want them in.
  15. IceFire

    U.s. socom

    cause you get less time with your family. Spend all your time training and stuff like that. Plus I hear most of the experience can be miserable, rain, mud, cold, wet, still for hours. And lots of other things too. Have you seen what sailors have to get used to at BUD/s??
  16. IceFire

    Women drivers of the world unite!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!! That really made me laugh. You got wit man, I'll give you that. Sad thing about the accident though. By the way, you really otta change your avatar, it's really creepy.
  17. IceFire

    Dead loser #8,886

    Aculaud, (sorry about the mispelling). I still don't quite get it. You are right about a few things that I will hand to you. I did go to a really good school. Churchill being one of the richest and most affluent in MD. Alot of us did have some egos and those who did not fit in were generally ostracized. Our school had other problems though, a HUGE drug problem, all us affluent kids with money you know. But I still cannot see how some little trwerps who cannot socialize need to feel like a big man by shooting up the place with guns. Yeah, I'll admit, there was alot of prejudice against some if these kids, if they were not driving around hot cars or were not good looking, well, I feel sorry for them. But it is still sick that they want to take it out on the whole school. Not to mention very selfish.
  18. IceFire

    U.s. socom

    "The standard route into the SF community is to join the Army". What about USMC Force Recon, or the Navy SEAL's TEX? Or even the USAF Combat Weather Teams, Pararescue, Combat controllers? Are they not Special Operations Units? Â I know that Force Recon is not officially classified as a "Special Operations Unit", but this is because of politics. Â If the USMC acknowledged Force Recon to be "Spec Op" then the USMC would lose control of Force Recon to US SOCOM. And the USMC wants to maintain their sovergeinty. In reality, Force Recon is trained to do everything US Navy SEAL's can, and often work together on missions.
  19. IceFire

    U.s. socom

    Hehe, are you kidding? Wow, I am about your age and plan to join the military, but NOT THE FRIGGING Specops. Or not immediately, or I do not plan to at the current time. I just rather become a soldier in the USMC. I reccomend you do that, I think they get better training than the Army. I do not think it is a good idea to join the military for the sole reason of becoming Special Ops. What if you were to become disenchanted. From what I have heard, spec ops life is miserable. Live in miserable conditions, and have a bad romantic/sex life. Spend your life in cold water in some lake in some poor country waiting to go plant some bombs. If you want to do it though, why not just join the regular military, and then if you think you are up to it, then try out for spec ops. And be really fit. I think you otta research each spec ops on your own. Go to www.specwarnet.net. Or some placed like that. Or the library, they have tons of info on the military. Talk to alot of military folk, when I told my mom that I wanted to join the USMC, she had me talk to all her ex-Ranger, Seal, USMC friends that worked with her as she and they were a lawyer at the time.
  20. IceFire

    Backpack contents?

    I think you misenterpreted my question. I did not ask if they had an "opening mechanism". I mean, did it had maybe some sack or bag or chamber within the suit that you could defacate into. That would be seperate from the inside of your suit. If not, then yuck. I will make sure to go directly before the dive. And not to eat too much beforehand, which leads me to my next question. How do you eat and drink underwater? I am sure it can be done, with some sort of specialized liquid food. I dunno.
  21. IceFire

    Backpack contents?

    Wow, I never thought it was so disorganized. I thought they had classes that trained you in certain skills, ie, like outdoors survival, making you eat weird things, what to eat, how to identify certain species, how to construct traps, how to construct your own weapons if you run out of ammo, like spears and bows and arrows, how to tell the time with the sun, etc etc .. Â They actually don't teach you this?? Wouln't all this be useful on missions? I am amazed that they make you learn the stuff on your own. Denoir, did your wetsuite have a chamber in the rear area that the waste would be jumped into?? Â Like one that the opening could be opened by pulling a cord or something? I mean, they can't just expect you to go like that in your underwear!! And yeah, Â I am 20, need to shave every morning or it gets real thick by noon. Â And I do not use cream. Â Would they allow that in the military, I mean it would reduce weight, and make room for more important things like, grenades or something. Oh and USSOLDIER, wouln't using the chemlights for that be kinda make it easy for enemies to find you in your sleep? I mean if you can use them to make sure that friendly tanks don't crush you, then I think that enemy infantry should be able to see you that way too.
  22. I place many hinds in a line all facing north. I put myself south of them facing them. They are all horizontally facing north in a line. All in mission editor. What happens when I preview it? They are all around and behind me even, and then I get killed because they shoot me. This is not what I told it to do. What is wrong with this?
  23. IceFire

    Backpack contents?

    Denoir, what about this wetsuit thing underwater?? Can't you just take off your wetsuite to shit? Did you actually go number 2 in your suit?? EEEEEEEEEEEWWW!!!! Honestly, I would take it off underwater and then do it. And how can they just drop you into the woods and tell you to survive? And how does your metabolism work differently underwater? They must teach you some skills that are in the military. I always thought that the military learns all sort of useful things about how to do these things and all sorts of neat tricks.
  24. IceFire

    These*******should burn in hell

    Actually, after going back to the site, they don't seem to be uncomfortable. And alot of people seem to have reported success in the guestbooks. I do know that mice are also very flexible. Hmm, interesting. I am going to do some research on this to see what i can find. I wonder how long they keep them in the jars. Personally I would never do this, I am more of a dog person.
  25. IceFire

    These*******should burn in hell

    That is so weird. I don't understand it. They want to shape the kittens?? Jeez, what was that about using the tube for excrements?? Do they cut another hole into the kitten, or they put the tube into the anus and then superglue it sealed. Why are the kittens not complaining? They seem to be just taking it! I did not see enough information there to be sure of anything. But that is the most fucked up thing I have ever heard of. They use tranquilizers to calm the kittens. That is still sick even with the tranqs. And it is legal in the U.S. ?? What the fuck? Where are the animal rights groups??? I am speechless!