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Everything posted by IceFire

  1. IceFire

    Counter stirke.

    I used to play CS ALOT a few years ago, and I was damn good at it. But I stopped when I lost my CD like 2 years ago. But its ok, cause there werent so many cheaters then, I suppose. I dont know now. But this brings me to an interesting point. I remember a game where we were the Ts. There was this one guy on our team who kept TKing. I finally got sick of it and started arguing with him. I told him that I could whip him easily, and he was like "no you cant" So I challenged him to a duel. At the beginning of the next round, I kill him, or he kills me. That will prove who is best. He agreed. Everyone else said, "Lets kick him". But I said no, give me this one chance to prove to this guy. So everyone said "OK, fine, We'll watch" So now the pressure was on, I had to beat him. We all would start off in a really dark boiler room close to the hostages in the Arab map, not dust. The next round started, and there was a mad dash between me and him to find eachother since the room was fairly dark, and with many things in it that could impair our vision. It was hard to tell who he was because most of us looked the same. But most of the other guys were looking around to see where we were, so that they could see what would happen. And then I spotted him in a corner behind a metal beam, seaching around frantically. (Thats how I spotted him, his behaviour, I could tell he was looking for me too) He didnt see me running at him since I intentionally ran at him from the side. He spotted one of the other guys and thought that it was me, and he blew him away. Just after that, I got in range and blew him away! Everyone cheered and were like, "Good work Ice", and were like "Can we kick him now?". And I was like "Yeah, go ahead, Im done" But the guy quit before we could kick him. Probably embarrassed. It was great though. One guy actually said "That was a good thing you did Ice".
  2. IceFire

    Is the new net code done yet?

    Is the new net code done yet? I mean like not the demo version, but the real one.
  3. IceFire

    Where be everyone from?

    I was curious which countries everyone is from here. And which are good to visit since I will prolly be visiting a few in Europe for about a month in a few months. Just put down city and country and what you think.
  4. IceFire

    Where be everyone from?

    Greaaat, now it definetly looks like my intended from Estonia to France vacation is screwed. (I am simply stopped over in New Deli cause my folks are posted here and I need their money, lol) Most non-essential personnel are gone. Looks like I am going to spend the rest of the summer in France. Hell, maybe i can visit some of the surrounding countries while I am there. Like Switz, Germ, Brussels, England, maybe Denmark. Oh well, since the we are basically being forced out of here, uncle sam pretty much pays for it all. Any suggestions?
  5. IceFire

    Is the new net code done yet?

    What's an online game browser? You mean like the "all seeing eye"? Tell them that all I want is the ability to be able to tell how much time is left in a game while looking at the list of games.' Even if it's just a number besides the game representing the time left. I hate having to browse a dozen games just to find one that has like 5 minutes left on it. Hell, once I am in the lobby, I can't really tell how much time is left. I gotta ask the players. All it shows is how much time has already passed.
  6. IceFire

    Where be everyone from?

    Chicken Hawk, you be from France? Hmm, chances are that I may get evacced to France if things don't go so well here. We're just waiting for the war. So far we are on "all non essential personnel and dependants are URGED to leave ASAP" Ofcourse, the Marines are the last to leave after they lock up and destroy everything. Everyone is leaving. I am waiting for authorization from Washington to get displaced to France. Waiting for that, or for the final evaciation order to come out. Although many say that this "urgent" evacuation advisory is just an "order" played down for political reasons. Who knows. I refuse to return to the continental U.S. and ruin my summer vacation. I was planning to head up to Estonia and work my way to France through a few months. Christ, now we are all waiting to hear the next word from Washington and for the bombs to start dropping. What's the word on the news back in the states? Word here is that war's gonna be breaking out in a matter of days.
  7. IceFire

    How command heli pilot to land at a certain spot?

    This is also why I suggested, and still do suggest implementing "fast roping" into a drop zone from a heli. This way, your AI pilot can drop you men directly onto a spot regardless of what the terrain on the ground is like. He will not need to fly around to find a good place to land. He will just stop at your point, and when he stops, he will let the ropes slide down, and the men will flow out like til they all hit the ground. And then the helo can be on it's way, or go to park elsewhere. Heck, if this was implemented, you could drop your men off onto the side of a steep hill! Think about this people. This SHOULD be implemented. It would be VERY useful, as would my idea about doodling on the map.
  8. IceFire

    How command heli pilot to land at a certain spot?

    I have noticed this same thing too. It makes for some very difficult pin-point insertions using AI pilots if you are playing a mission and need to suddenly put it down specifically somewhere. I find that if you give the pilot alot of room to land, like in a big open area, then he will land more accurately. Also, you mentioned that he sometimes passes the location instead of stopping. I finally figured out why this happens. It is when the AI percieves an enemy "threat" that he will not stop in a given location. Just pass it up or circle it or whatnot. If you kill or destroy the threat, he will then move to and stop and a location you give him. But he will still have trouble landing directly on your spot unless there is alot of clear open room free of buildings and trees and stuff.
  9. IceFire

    Where be everyone from?

    Where's that Aaron Kane?? I've never heard of the place, and I come from Rockville/Potomac, Maryland, Montgomery County (the richest/best one in MD) And I have never heard of this "Rohrersville". Hell, if you are seeing alot of red necks, you might be somewhere in western MD. I go to university at Frostburg Maryland. That's Allegany County. And I still have never heard of it. And I'm sure I've atleast heard of all the cities/counties in Maryland. You know people from Hagerstown? You know this guy named Austin Smith? He goes to UMBC now.
  10. IceFire

    Where be everyone from?

    I was curious which countries everyone is from here. And which are good to visit since I will prolly be visiting a few in Europe for about a month in a few months. Just put down city and country and what you think.
  11. IceFire

    Is it too close?

    Hell no, it aint funny. My folks are posted at the US Embassy in New Deli India right now. I am visiting for the summer. We are on high alert that we may be evacuated due to the volatile situation here. We won't know for sure for some time. We are having big full briefing today at 4 pm. But they say that we may get evacced in the next day or so if shit hits the fan here. If we do get evacced, I will prolly get sent to France and my parents may be reposted to another country if it doesn't improve here. Maybe some nice 1st world country. Who knows?
  12. IceFire

    The story.

    I wanna funny one!
  13. IceFire

    Its ba-ack...

    Finally!!! Auggghh!!!! Man, that took long enough!
  14. IceFire

    Strange food

    You drank gasoline, and you think you threw up because it was a few years old?
  15. IceFire

    Question for ussoldier11b or any

    I have heard that many spec ops, especially Navy SEAL's use condoms for some creative purpose. Can anyone tell me what they use them for and how they use them? I am talking about condoms that they use for actual commando/war type stuff. Not for using like us normal people do!
  16. IceFire

    I had a dream

    I have also had an OPF dream. Was near a college town, and inside a large warehouse. I was a black op, and had to take out the tank that would soon park inside the warehouse.
  17. IceFire

    Question for ussoldier11b or any

    Holy shit! Doesn't the smell of your own dung bother you?? I wouln't want to store my own dung in the same rucksack that I keep my food!
  18. IceFire

    The greatest thing since sliced bread...

    Laser pointers? God those things are annoying. I think there's a minimum age on them for sales now, cause so many dumbasses kept pissing people off with them.
  19. IceFire

    A forum member is missing!

    What ever happened to that IceBola guy? He was our OTHER BlackOp here on the forums. Maybe he is out on some mission?
  20. IceFire

    Strange food

    Where the hell do you get all this awesome meat from?? I wanna go to the restaurants you people go to!! Kangaroo, Sting ray, octopus, ... WOW!
  21. IceFire

    Strange food

    No no, they should not be already dead. Â I want them to be fresh. Like from the supermarket. Lol.
  22. IceFire

    Strange food

    I had snails before, they arn't bad. Kinda bland though. They were called escargots or something like that. But I would NEVER eat tarantulas, spiders or ANY bugs. I would rather starve. The only bug kind of thing that I would eat is earth worms. Only because they look real plump and juicy. I eat lobsters and crabs too, because they taste good and I love sea food. I've eater Ostrich before, but they are pretty common I guess. I've also eaten rabbit, but that's also pretty normal. Are squirrels edible? I always wanted to try rhino or elaphant meat. And before I die, I want to try some human, atleast just once. Just as long as they are not ugly or deformed.
  23. IceFire

    What was the

    What was the first First Person Shooter computer game?
  24. IceFire

    Question for ussoldier11b or any

    Wow, I wonder if it's the same for American brand name condoms.
  25. IceFire

    Question for ussoldier11b or any

    That's surprising. I always thought that the military had clever neat tricks to overcome things like this that were specially developed for the military and stuff.