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Posts posted by InqWiper

  1. Well, looks like 1.08 should be out sometime soon.  Hopefully that'll fix a lot of stuff and make AAA more effective, etc.  I think that will add some much-needed effective defenses for teams, so you can actually use AI to effectively guard a taken territory.

    I just wish they'd give East something to counter the A10 with and the cobra so things would be a bit more even after 1.08.  Guess I'll have to figure a way around that.

    And I'm still reviewing suggested territory placements.  If you have any suggestions, put 'em here, and pics are always good so I can see what you're talking about.

    IMO Opfor have better planes than Blufor so I dont worry about the A10. The Opfor AA plane has pretty much the same loadout as the blufor one except it has 80 rockets. Those rockets are very powerful. I think it takes about 30 to take out a level 4 installation. Also if you rearm the AA version of it you get the 40 rockets weapon + the 80 rockets weapon (120 total) which makes it able to take out about as much as a GBU. I dont understand what would be needed to counter the cobra since there is already the KA50.

    In the south only version I think the northwest part needs more densely placed territories compared to the east part.

    It would be really nice if it didnt take so long to disband your AI. ATM it seems to take about 10 seconds per AI to disband. 1 second would be nice  wink_o.gif

  2. Quote[/b] ]When a ARMA french forum ?
    Quote[/b] ]Quote (MadDogX @ June 01 2007,09:53)

    apart from English (world language)

    Who told you this english is used only in Britain, north america & australian, of caurse there are some speaker in ancient colony's... But be realiste, please, Chinese is more speaked & Hindou to... Then arab and then latin language (portugese, spanish, italian, french...), & then is english...

    If you live in britain (CW & north america) or in benelux, the media will try to make you believe that there is a lot people speaking english everyday but is just a trick & propaganda...

    A lot of people are now speaking spanich in the United States of North America (and this is an official language)...

    Also, french is one of the Six U.N official language :

    - Chinese (1.600.000.000 Chinese)

    - Arab  ( Muslim)

    - Roman (French, English, Spanish : Estimed at 500.000.000)

    - Russian (250.000.000 Slaves from Russia to Czech & Serbia)

    A french official forum would be better than those made by communauty

    Maybe after chinese, arab, roman and russian forums then. I love the way you reason that english is not the international language.

  3. I think you should be able to increase the armour of the tanks by using hit and damaged eventhandlers. I know that you can reduce the damage with a hit eventhandler and with a damaged eventhandler you can check where the tank has been hit. I dont know if you can save the tank from blowing up with a damaged eventhandler or if its only possible with a hit eventhandler. I would suggest looking into the eventhandler solution before trying to make specific addons. I have no experience in moding but I do belive eventhandlers would be easier and that way people dont have to download anyting besides the mission.

  4. Hi all,

    well i just tryed to exec a script after a tank is nearer then 100 meters to the player

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    _list = position player nearObjects ["Tank",100]

    i tryed to create a condition with it like:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (position player nearObjects ["Tank",100]) then {exec "myScript.sqs"}

    But so far i was not able to create any condition with nearObjects... So how do i have to use it?

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">position player nearObjects ["Tank",100]

    Doesnt return true or false so you cant ask just "if".

    I belive this is what you are looking for:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    if (count (position player nearObjects ["Tank",100])>0) then {exec "myScript.sqs"}

    Since it returns an array you want to ask if the amount of objects in the array are greater than 0.

    Very nice command btw, didnt know about it before you posted it. Alot better than nearestObject in many situations  smile_o.gif

  5. ArmA scripting has been confusing me too. Can you post what type of error messages you get?


    Quote[/b] ]I thought this should be correct but it didn't work

    Code Sample  

    if ((count units _x) == 0) then {_groups = _groups - [_x]; goto "start"} foreach _groups

    You have to have brackets around anything you want to use forEach command on afaik.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">{_x setdamage 1} foreach thislist

  6. Quote[/b] ]I'd say it's partly the "maniacs" parents fault, for not beatin' his ace when he did bad stuff.

    Tell your parents to beat you up regularely if you do wrong things then.

    It certainly will help not to turn you into a guy with psychological pressure and a tendency to go amok...

    Just checked your profile, I understand now.

    I'm too cool to be a gunman. nener.gif  rofl.gif

    More like too smart!! biggrin_o.gif

    Smart would be staying out to a discussion you dont understand. But I guess its too much to ask since people 2 and 3 times your age still arent capable of that.

    First of all your telling that to somebody who has to study about politics every frikkin day. (I hate history) mad_o.gif

    Second and finally, I am strongly aware of what politics are.

    So merry freakin' christmas! I am Republican! yay.gif  band.gif

    ofpforum, I have a point and I mean to have a point; neither am I enraged, I just dispise that gunman! crazy_o.gif (Even though he's dead)

    For as long as I have been part of this forum, I figured that you people would have figured out that I don't join a conversation unless I have an opinion. 'Know what else? I know all of what happened on that day! (I am a supreme news watcher.)

    InqWiper, you get your way! I am done participating in something that will criticize my opinion, and my knowledge.

    I wasnt talking about politics. I was commenting on how you seem to think that you are too smart to be a gunman. Do you think this kid had a much lower IQ than you and thats why he did it? Do you think smarter people are more sane than dumb people? Ive heard exactly the opposite. If you lose your mind and kill a bunch of people it doesnt really say alot of your intelligence. This is the type of discussion I said you dont understand anything about and should stay out of. Say whatever you want about the gunlaws but the human mind is far more complicated than you seem to think it is and when you say stuff like you are too smart to kill people I just think its better if you dont say anything.

    Dont expect people to know what you are like when you have 382 posts in a forum with 45146 registered users. If you join a discussion people with oppsite opinions will pretty much always criticise your opinion and your knowledge, even with more mature, smart and enlightened people than you meet here.

    Dont take the critisism too hard. If you only feel like I beat you on the head with a stick then its no use. Just read what people say and consider it. Things are alot more complicated than some people are evil and others are heroes and it just annoys me when people come and try to simplify things and make it black and white. The day that someone fully understands anything will be a glorious day for mankind.

  7. Quote[/b] ]I'd say it's partly the "maniacs" parents fault, for not beatin' his ace when he did bad stuff.

    Tell your parents to beat you up regularely if you do wrong things then.

    It certainly will help not to turn you into a guy with psychological pressure and a tendency to go amok...

    Just checked your profile, I understand now.

    I'm too cool to be a gunman. nener.gif  rofl.gif

    More like too smart!! biggrin_o.gif

    Smart would be staying out to a discussion you dont understand. But I guess its too much to ask since people 2 and 3 times your age still arent capable of that.

  8. call format ["%1=123",name player];hint format ["%1",InqWiper]

    In OFP this works and gives the hint "123"

    in ArmA it says:

    '#call format ["%1=123",name player];hint ...'

    Error call: type String, expected code

    I want to be able to create variables built on player names without knowing what the player names will be. Help please  huh.gif

  9. also are pretty good at lieing and being stupid.

    People who live in glass houses...

    I cant imagine how much stupid shit you must have posted all over the internet. If I were you I would start hunting down all my posts and editing them to empty before someone finds them all and shows them to the world at some point in my life (that may never come) when I want to be taken seriously.

  10. Paste this... into a text file and call it 'extract.reg'.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00







    @="\"O:\\TOOLS\\Kegetys\\cpbo\\cpbo.exe\" -e \"%1\""

    Alter the pathnames for the whereabouts of cpbo.exe on your computer.

    Save it and run it by double-left-clicking it in Windows Explorer.


    Paste this... into a text file and save it as 'create.reg'.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell\create PBO\command]

    @="\"O:\\TOOLS\\Kegetys\\cpbo\\cpbo.exe\" -p \"%1\""

    Alter the pathnames for the whereabouts of cpbo.exe on your computer.

    Save it and run it by double-left-clicking it in Windows Explorer.

    I did this and it didnt work. Probably because there were spaces and äöå in the path. So I moved the program to E:\Program\cpbo.exe, changed the paths in the reg files and ran them again. Still didnt work. So I went into regedit and deleted the .pbo folder there, ran the reg files and tried again. Now I could get the extract text up when I rightclicked a .pbo-file. Problem was I got an error message when I clicked it. I then tried running the cpbo.exe and pressing yes again. Now it works.

    So if you cant get it to work after you tried what Synide said. Make sure you have a simple path, delete the .pbo folder in regedit, run the reg files with the new simpler path and then run cpbo.exe and press yes again.

    Thanks for the help smile_o.gif

  11. Maybe this is the reason why you need more guns in the US and maybe more guns is the reason for this:

    Sweden compared to other countries including the US:

    Quote[/b] ]Homicides

    In 2003, there were 189 homicides in Sweden.[3] In 2001, there were 169, which gives a rate of circa 2 murders per 100,000 inhabitants. This figure is in line with most European countries, which also have a level of between 1-2. In comparison, the U.S. has 6 murders per 100,000; and Russia: 20.5.

    Quote[/b] ]Imprisonment

    The percentage of the population in prison is at a significant lower rate than most other countries. Of 100,000 inhabitants, 59 lived in prison facilities in 2001, which is about the same rate as the other Scandinavian countries. Most industrial countres in Europe had a rate of around 100 (England & Wales 125, Germany 97, Italy 90), and some eastern Europe states between 150-300; the U.S. high above with 682, only topped by Russia's 729.[5]


    I must say congratulations to having almost 1% of your population in prison. Obviously you are doing something right  wink_o.gif

    If I lived under your government I would probably want a gun too so I cant blame you. Maybe you should pray to god for a better government since you seem to be much in touch with him in the US (not that he seems to like you, maybe its because you come whining to him too much  ). tounge2.gif

  12. InqWipe, I feel sorry for the victims families, I feel sorry for those who lost their friends, due to this idiot. this guy was a fuckin nutcase, throughout all of his school years he was very weird. if you can honestly justify his killing then... I don';t think many people would feel sorry for you if you were one of those 33. I surely wouldn't feel remorse one bit. Kids in School can be cruel, That is quite obvious.. but they aren't the only reasons he wanted to kill. He simply hated certain people. But that didnt give him a right to kill anybody. I was picked on for a few years when i was much younger, and i had ppl that i hated. Even though i have all acess to many firearms of different kinds in my house, i would have never even thought of taking one anyplace and taking another human life. The kid was wacked. That is all there is to it. As for the victim's, I'm sorry for them, and my condolences are with each and every one of their loved ones.

    So you think this guy was born nuts and when he got picked on a little he decided to go on a killing spree?

    If you are pushed far enough you are gonna end up killing someone, them or you. I dont think you can compare yourself to this guy because you were picked on a little when you were a kid. Pretty much everyone has been picked on at some point. Ive heard people say theyve been bullied when they really havent. Seems to me a bit like comparing being stung by a needle and getting your balls crushed. Im not cheering anyone on to go on a killingspree but if you pick on someone because it makes you feel big and after a while he decides to blow your brains out I just think if you play with fire you get burned.

  13. Quote[/b] ]Don't be so one-sided all about "Guns being the problem". If cops don't carry guns, people are going to have MANY options no matter what, to get a hold of anything and use it as a weapon. Remember the knife? That thing with a blade and handle? That can be fairly deadly, in some cases worse then a gun. Remember the car? Remember the ball bat? Ban all things that can be used as weapons if you ppl wanna be so hard on guns. Guns aren't the only thing that kill people.   If somebody wants to take another human life, it doesn't matter what they use, they will do it no matter what they have.

    I cant remember anyone in this thread saying that stricter gun laws will make sure noone is killed so I really dont understand who you are trying to argue with here. People simply feel that stricter gun laws will result in fewer victims. If you take a knife to your school and start killing people you have no chance of killing as many has you have with a couple of pistols.

    If someone is getting bullied at school he is more likely to seek revenge if he has access to a firearm. If you attack someone with a knife there is a risk he will overpower you and you wont even kill one of the people you want to see dead. If you have a pistol it is very easy to kill someone and you can easily kill several people. I belive owning a pistol makes a bullied person more likely to kill someone because it is so much easier.

    Ofcourse the gun laws are not the cause behind killings like this but I am certain they are more common and more extreme because of them.

    I dont understand what people are thinking when they walk into a mall and just starts shooting random people but I do understand why some people take a gun to school and start killing people who fucked with them. I honestly dont feel a bit sorry for the people who get killed for bullying people. Unfortunately it seems to me that people who didnt have anything to do with it get shot aswell.

    People who say this is just a crazy person who cant handle his emotions and think it was an impulsive act arent very insightful. People do not become like this guy over night and he had probaly been thinking about killing people for a long time before this happend.

    The reason behind this is that people fucked too much with this guy and not enough people cared about it. If you tease an animal and get bitten noone is surprised but if someone is bullied over several years and finally kills people everyone wonders how this could happen. Aslong as people (like people always do) look for the easy answer and say this was just some crazy guy or blame computer games these things will continue to happen. If you dont want your kid to be killed in a school shooting maybe you should raise your kid to realise that you shouldnt bully people. If your kid bullies someone and gets killed for it I have absolutely no sympathy for you. Your kid is your responsability and your kid contributed to the killers life being probably worse than yours is now. I have sympathy for the killer aslong as he doesnt kill any innocent people and I have sympathy for any innocent involved. I have no sympathy for bullies or the parents of killed bullies.

    I think gunfree zones might be a bad idea if it is so easy to get a gun inside. If you want to kill as many people as possible just go to a gunfree zone and you will meet no opposition. If everyone in the school is armed it is much harder to kill as many people as this guy did but if you make it really hard to get access to weapons its even better. You can reason back and forth whether its worth it or not to let the whole school be armed or whether or not the positive sides of everyone being able to carry a gun outweights negative things like this. The fact remains that school massacres is most likely more common in a society where guns are everywhere than in a society where they are not. The best solution to things like this would be if people started caring more about other people but since that is not very likely to happen maybe people will not treat people as badly in interest of theire own personal safety (which I think is partially what the killers are thinking).

  14. Spoilers.

    This movie was shit imo. How you can take a real historical event and turn it into this I dont understand. Xerxes looks like a 2.5 meter tall egyptian gay with more facial piercings than an average piercingfreak. Making a large part of Xerxes army zombies/monsters/mutants really had me going back and forth between laughing and snoaring. I also like how they spent energy on stacking this 5 meter wall of dead bodies which when they tipped it over didnt really do anything. Since they didnt bring any food except a single pear (or was it an apple?)  I think this seemed like a waste of energy. It also confuses me that they killed several thousand enemies but then suddenly they decide they need to go and bow to Xerxes and get killed while managing to kill like 5 enemies. The fighting scenes were well made imo but if they had removed the slow motion it would probably have been 30 minutes shorter. If you like mindless action and arent bothered by a crappy story which should make any historian cry then this might be something for you. If you think movies based on historical events should atleast have some realism and historical accuracy then this is probably not for you. Arguing that this movie is not shit because its based on a comic is stupid. It is not less shit because its based on shit. If you make a perfect copy of shit you still have shit.

  15. Great mission!

    I have crashed several times without loosing my score but then the last time I crashed I lost my score and when I reconnected later on that same server I lost my score again. The server setting seemed to be 24 minute day but I couldnt see the time change at all. When I crashed the first time it actually turned night for the first time, isntantly, and I crashed 5 seconds later. WHen I came back my score was gone. I reconnected to the server and a friend powerleveled me up to 200 score in about an hour. I then reconnected to leave his group and have my brother join mine. This time my score had disappeared again. Im now on that server for the 2nd time after that score loss. Dunno if this helps you in any way to figure out the problem. Just thought Id post and hope wink_o.gif

    Keep up the good work!

  16. If you change the wait time in the loop to a larger number you could reduce the time desync. I suggest you make it as long as you can without making the sun warp across the sky  wink_o.gif

    An idea for sync (without having changed the wait time):

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    ; [60] exec "time.sqs"

    ; *****************************************************

    private ["_DLapse", "_IncTime"];

    ; Time in minutes a day in-game will take

    _DLapse = _this select 0

    _IncTime = ((24/_DLapse)/60)


    ; Time acceleration loop


    ?_skips/1000<Sync:goto "Next"



    ?_skips/1000<Sync+1:skipTime (_incTime *.04);_skips=_skips+1

    goto "loop"

    Then have a script running on the server like this:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">




    PublicVariable "Sync"

    goto "Loop"

    Also add this to init.sqs:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


    The client should now be synced to 1000 skips in 40 seconds if I didnt mess up somewhere  wink_o.gif

  17. Im stuck on the same mission. Would be nice if BIS would put some kind of timelimit on missions like this so you can complete them even if the AI fucks up. Endmission cheat doesnt do alot of good either since it wont make the mission completed but only ends it.
