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Posts posted by InqWiper

  1. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">bluArray=[];{if (side _X == west) then {bluArray=bluArray+[_X];_X addeventhandler ["Killed",{if ((_this select 1) in bluArray and (_this select 0) in bluArray) then {(_this select 1) sideChat "oops"}}]}} forEach (this nearObjects ["man",200])

    All west side men within 200 meters of the init vehicle will be put into an array called bluArray. Those units will also be added a killed eventhandler which checks if the killer is in the same array (on the same side).

  2. Actually you dont have to have \sound\soundname. I think the first backslash actually takes you out of the soundfolder and then "sound" takes you back into the soundfolder because the game automatically looks for sound files in the sound folder. The sounds work for me now with the path I posted. Since its now working I cant really be doing anything wrong anymore. The first solution to get the sounds to even play in ArmA was to make them shorter and the solution to make it work in the mission was to move the cfgSound part of the description.ext higher up. I tried changing the path several times back and forth using the path you mentioned but that didnt help before I moved the cfgSound above the dialog and header.


    Just made 2 test missions. I found out that the long soundfile works in the mission but not in the custom sounds folder so it seems that the lenght/size limit is only for custom sounds folder (dont know where this limit is defined since Im trying to play it in the editor and not on a server with a limit). In the mission where I have cfgSound defined below a dialog the game cant locate the sounds and in the one where cfgSound is above the dialog it works fine.

  3. Problem solved. cfgSound was at the bottom of the description.ext under both dialog and header. I now placed it just below respawn and respawndelay and it works. Odd huh ?  smile_o.gif


    To make it more clear I moved cfgSound to above header and dialog instead of below like it was first.

  4. New problem. Sounds work fine in from the custom sounds folder but I cant play them in a mission. It says it cant find the sound. I have copied the working sound files from the custom sounds folder into a folder in my mission called "Sound". In the Description.ext I have:

    class CfgSounds


    sounds[] = {sound1,sound2};

    class sound1


    name = "sound1";

    sound[] = {"sound1.ogg", db+5, 1.0};

    titles[] = {};


    class sound2


    name = "sound2";

    sound[] = {"sound2.ogg", db+5, 1.0};

    titles[] = {};



    I am tryin to play the sound using :

    playSound "sound1"

  5. I tried converting them from theire original .wav-format with dBpoweramp to .ogg 44,1KHz mono and CBR ranging from 32 to 140 (I get a windows error when I try 256). None works. I even had 6 versions of the same sound in the sound folder with different CBR at the same time and none of them worked.

    I tried cutting down the size of the soundfile. It was originally 21 seconds but I cut it down to jsut 3 seconds since that was the biggest difference I could see between my file and a file I downloaded that works. My file now works when it is only 3 seconds long and 46kB big instead of 21 seconds and 227 kB. Is there a size or timelimit on soundfiles?

  6. I tried several different programs to convert a .wav file to the correct .ogg format but none seemed to work. I just tried using the wavtoWSS too but that didnt help either. I try putting the sounds in my custom radio sound folder to test them faster and make sure the problem is not in my description.ext. When I enter the game and try to play custom radio sounds I just get an empty list. Anyone have any idea how I can easily convert my sound files to a working format?

  7. Terrain: Very low

    Object detail: low

    Texture detail: low

    Shading detail: low

    Postprocess effects: low

    Anistropic filtering: disabled

    Shadow detail: low

    Antialiasing: disabled

    Blood: low

    Resolution: 1280x1024x32.

    Everything set to max performance in CCC.


    1GB RAM









  8. First you have to prove in a court of law they are actually doing something illegal..........or rather convince the police/DA theres actually a law being broken to even begin to take to court.

    I think it has been made clear several times that laws are being broken and I dont know why it is so hard for you to understand. You seem to hardheaded to be real. I think you are just here to try and discourage people from doing something. If you are not posting in the interest of KFC then why are you going on with your rant? what purpose does it serve? If you really think there is no case, why do you take the time to come back here and say it over and over again? Why do you care so much if people report something that you dont think will be taken seriously?

    Instead Id accuse all of you of being misinformation agents by bringing up something that will lead nowhere, and will take attention away from building an anti-cheat.

    We are all agents of misinformation? Thats pretty funny actually. Maybe you can quote some misinformation and disect it.

    AND Im not going to jump on the bandwagon of people who dont know what they are talking about....!!!!

    Ive seen alot more solid things from people supporting action against KFC than I have seen from you. I think you are the one not knowing what he is talking about and I would appriciate if I didnt have to come here and look at your opinions with no grounds.
    Hating KFC and what they do isnt enough reason for me to LIE/go against my knowledge to hop on your bandwagon of what amounts to THREATS.

    It seems you are suggesting that people lie about the KFC. How about you elaborate on that a bit?

    I havent seen much of threats here. I have seen mostly people having a serious discussion about what should be done. I have not seen anyone making directed threats to KFC here. Please show me where people have been making threats and spreading misinfromation. The only one here spreading misinformation seems to be you, accusing people of lying and other things.


    I would also like to add that the bigger this gets the better. If the media got involved it would probably do alot of good. There is nothing like the media to get the law off theire asses.  wink_o.gif

  9. I really dont see the point in trying to convice people this is useless based on your prejudice against the police.

    The people supporting this seem to know alot more than the people saying noone will care.

    Trying means a greater chance of success than not trying.

    Pessimism and pacifism will get you nowhere.

  10. I like the dispersion. Killing enemies with 1 M16 shot from 500 meters like in OFP isnt fun. In OFP I always had 2 magazines for my rifle and rest LAW. I would like ArmA even better if you couldnt snipe with AT weapons the same way you could in OFP. Balance between armour and infantry is bad IMO. I dont understand how people reason when they want more realism and want to be able to hit accurately at long ranges. The balance between machinesguns and rifles is much better in ArmA than OFP. In ArmA MGs are much better than rifles if prone. The only disadvantage of MGs (except for not being able to carry a secondary weapon) is that they are hard to control if not prone. If the MGs in OFP didnt have that stupid recoil that made the shots spread only up/down they would be pretty much a laser beam. OFP rifles were too accurate and ArmA ones are fine IMO.


    Pretty hard for BIS to make everyone happy when some script OFP for less accuracy and others script ArmA for more accuracy  tounge2.gif

  11. If you dont want it to loop for 1 or 2 eternaties you should remove <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">goto "Des"

    from <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#Des

    dogetout d1

    d1 domove getpos duh

    Goto "Des"

  12. awesome, I knew this for a while but my main problem now is I guess the structure of an script. for example, lets say you created a helo, an empy one and named it "helo1" and a pilot whose name is "pilot1". you want to tell pilot1 in the script to get in helo1, the only way I can do this is " pilot1 moveindriver helo1". but the funny thing  is, you dont see pilot1 walking to helo1, instead he spawns in the plane. I like real life like gaming, this spawning alienates me. the if condition command is also very usefull, but I do not know much about it. I recently tried this but for some reason the the unit named d1 keeps jumping to the last command


    if (fuel (vehicle d1) == 0) then goto "Des" else goto "Dem"


    dogetout d1

    d1 domove getpos duh

    Goto "Des"


    d1 domove getpos duh


    I think this might fix your problem:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (fuel (vehicle d1) == 0) then {goto "Des"} else {goto "Dem"}

  13. I think that the problem might be that it takes so long for the script to execute that the shell is further than 50 meters away from _firer when the script gets to that point and therefore the shell is not caught with nearestobject. Try catching the shell in the eventhandler first and then use the shell to exec the script:

    this addeventhandler ["Fired",{nearestobject [_this select 0,_this select 4] exec "scripts\flare.sqs"}]


    Oh, and you might want to delete the shell before you create the flare in its position so they dont collide.

  14. Quote[/b] ]Hi i have tried to make a black hawk down misson. But i have 3 big problems! AND WHY is there any big city in arma it was exactly the same in ofp just small small citys. I am i the only one ho would like big city maps!!!!

    Paraiso laggs enough for me thank you very much  wink_o.gif

    It is probably 10 times as big as Montignac atleast.

    1. Create a trigger activated by opfor and make it incircle all the soldiers you want to stand up and shoot. Add this to the on activation line: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">{_x setunitpos "up"} foreach thislist

    2. I cant think of a really good solution to this at the moment but maybe its possible to set the driver to careless and the gunner to aware (you might need to have them in different groups).

    3. Add the following line to the end of the activation line for the trigger you created: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;spread=10;{_X addeventhandler ["Fired",{bullet=nearestobject [_this select 0,_this select 4];bullet setvelocity [(velocity bullet select 0)+random spread-random spread,(velocity bullet select 1)+random spread-random spread,(velocity bullet select 2)+random spread-random spread]}]} foreach thislist

    Change spread until you think they are inaccurate enough. The bullets will not only spread more but they will also be faster/slower but I dont think you will notice the difference.

    I have to go now but I hope there arent too many errors in my post  wink_o.gif

  15. First make sure the mission doesnt actually use any of those addons. Then look in the mission.sqm at the top

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> addOns[]=













    Edit out any other types of addons you see listed there and save the file. Hopefully this solves your problem.

  16. I dont know if its the same in ArmA but in OFP the bullets would go to the left if you were prone on a surface leaning to the left. Thats because your rifle was leaning the same way the slope was. You may think the bullets would hit to the right of the scope if your weapon is leaning left but thats only true for shorter ranges. At longer ranges the bullet should end up lower and more to the left than you expect if you are on a slope leaning left. As I said Im not sure its the same way in ArmA but I suspect it is.

  17. I maybe know how the developers feel.

    I am a professional autobodyman.I have in my mind a list of things that need to be done for completion.

    If someone keeps pointing out things while I am trying to complete my tasks , i get confused and sidetracked.

    I also get irritated.

    I would like someone to look it over when i think its done.


    But if you have a list in your office where people can write things down you dont have to be interrupted and can look at it while you have the time. You can for example read through the list before you go home so you have until the next day to consider what you want to change and how you want to do it. I dont know how long your projects last on average but I have a feeling they are shorter than game creation so this might not be a realistic posibility for you.

    Like I said earlier its not like they have an alarm system that goes off every time someone reports a bug. Have someone responsible of organizing the list and cleaning it. The project leader can then read the list and say every monday morning or something he briefs the crew on what has to be fixed. This is just and example, you can have it daily if you wish or whatever. The point is the work of the developers dont have to get interrupted. You can have bugsolving as a part of the schedule. If you wish you can even have people employed whos only job is to solve bugs. There are alot of bugs in games wich are easy to solve and can be fixed with some general knowledge of the game. Not every bug has to be fixed by the lead programmer  tounge2.gif

  18. Yes fullscreen NVG is cheating. Playing with grass off on a server with grass on is cheating. Increasing the zoom of your weapon is cheating. If your computer reboots itself due to heat its not a problem with the game being too demanding. Clean your fans or get new fans. Or if you overclocked everything, clock it down.

    There was a guy in the same clan as me in OFP who managed to get his FPS to 600 by making changes outside the game that made the game look completely different. He claimed it wasnt cheating because it just made the game look uglier and gave him higher FPS. IMO that is cheating too because the FPS difference was soo extreme that he was about 5-10 times more agile than a normal player and when we both fired G36 at full auto his G36 was empty while I had 10 bullets left.

  19. It will prevent the player from doing damage with any weapon. You can check for when the player has a new weapon or when the player is outside a certain area and use:

    Player removealleventhandlers "Fired"

    Or just add that line to the end of the line that gives the player a new weapons if there is a scripted weaponswitch.

  20. Quote[/b] ]I know when I release a mission and it has a bug in it I feel ashamed. If some one points out a bug I try to figure out how to fix it, I don't get all indignant and attack the messenger. Take pride in your work and if it's broken fix it, if some one finds a mistake in your work and lets you know remember it's not their fault it's yours, you are the programmer. You should thank them for pointing out the mistake and then see if you can fix it.


    It seems to me that the developers are n00bs. Its up to the developers to decide what bugs they want to adress. Its not like every time someone reports a minor bug theire work is interrupted. I think more feedback should be better. If they dont think the bug is worth fixing then just dont fix it, how long does it take to read the bug report, 20 seconds? If people report that a character is looking too gay or that another character needs bigger boobs then maybe you should take them off the beta but aslong as they are reporting actual bugs which is the whole idea of having betatesters then I dont see a problem. If it is a problem for the developer that people are reporting too many bugs then it is probably theire system of reviewing reports and adressing bugs that needs fixing. For example you cant have an alarm go off every time someone reports a bug and have 3d artists, 2d artist, coders etc running to a big monitor and check whats going on. It is probably a good idea to have seperate time scheduled for checking bug reports and deciding which bugs need to be adressed. Also if you only have 500 beta testers you can very easily provide individual feedback to the betatesters if they are reporting too much or not elaborate enough.

    I dont have much experience with the BIS bug report system, but the little I have seen makes me think its a very good system.
