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Everything posted by HDlaeppli

  1. HDlaeppli

    SJB Weapons Pack

    Yeah, nice work
  2. HDlaeppli


    CV9030 is in working, first Pics coming soon.
  3. HDlaeppli


    Hi All first pic of the Piranha 8x8 (early stage).
  4. HDlaeppli


    Hi All Here is a first picture of the Mowag Eagle 93/97. The Model is still in an early stage. I work also on the Piranha, afirst picture give it soon.
  5. HDlaeppli


    Hi That Pinzgauer is not planned in the mod, because it is superseded from our army. Bucher, Duro is the successor. But a member of the Switzerland Mod works on a Pinzgauer, much makes private it later once a Addon. I do not know however exactly. Because of your Model and pictures: We collect all information about our army, I to be pleased it once would see. Send me a PM, Mail or have a Look to the Forum of Switzerland-mod. (sorry for bad englisch to ) greetings hd_laeppli
  6. HDlaeppli


    Hi Primarily the Stgw 57 is not planned in the mod, ....but I made my RS, Rekruten-Schule (Recruits train) still with the Stgw 57 (old but nice,their name was Helga). In a later time, i plan a Stgw 57 Addon. SIG STGW 57 7,62mm Standard, Optics
  7. HDlaeppli


    here a Screens of the M-109. (early stage)
  8. HDlaeppli


    Hi Jes,We are primary a defense army, and Switzerland participate in many peace-promoting employments in the world,general humanitarian assistance, mines vacate, an observing ect. But no combat missions.as you say, because of the neutrality.sry it is somewhat difficult for me to explain in detail in English.
  9. HDlaeppli


    ------------------------ This version is not any more current -------------------- Hi All I bring you some news from the Switzerland mod. a update of my Re-skinned Swiss Troops. My Swiss Troops are now a component of Switzerland-Mod and call themselves: SWISS ARMED FORCES V. 1.2 these Swiss soldiers are only Reskins of Soldier`s in ArmedAssault and represent not the units planned in the Switzerland Mod. Changes: All textures completely revises, more realistic colors, more details. The medic has now an armlet. Crew have now, no basic carrying unit.(GT) i have cut off the Teamleader and replaced with a Paratrooper-reconnaissance unit -, (model with Beret). All units Re-armed.G36 removed . Replaced by M16/M4 ect. (is more realistic for the moment.) Some errors in the Config.cpp repaired. (Readme-engl.txt inside) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REGARDS HD_Laeppli
  10. HDlaeppli

    Swiss Troops

  11. HDlaeppli

    Swiss Troops

    Hi All I have a little present from Switzerland. Here is a Re-texture Skin.My first for a pc-game. Its not perfect but we work on it. You can download it on Webpage of Switzerland-Mod for ArMa in the Download section. or www.armaholic.com/ Have Fun! (sorry the bad english)
  12. HDlaeppli

    Swiss Troops

    Hi Nice to meet you,i play your Mod in old OFP times. About your Model a. Text.: This is no problem, we make own Models and Textures and we NEVER use Models or Textures from other Mods or Addons without Ask.I think that is honour thing. Please have a look to the Forum of Switzerland_Mod. We have some questios to you.Look for a Member "Wm-Liechti" he speak good englisch. MFG HD_Laeppli
  13. HDlaeppli

    Swiss Troops

    Hi Yes the will coming. Here is a first List of Infantry Weapons in planning: -SIG 220/Pistole75 (Pistol) -SIG SG550/STGW90 (Standard Assault Rifle) -SIG SG551 (swat) -SIG SG552 (commando) -SIG SG550-1 (Sniper ) -HK MP5 A3 -HK MP5 SD3 -FN HERSTAL 5.56mm Minimi (light Machinegun) -Panzerfaust G3 (Anti-Tank) -AND...... More info coming soon and thanks to all Admins the have releast Swisstroop Addon. HD_Laeppli
  14. HDlaeppli

    Swiss Troops

    hi all The Problem is fixxt and here is the new link FIXX i am sorry for this. Is my first addon. mfg HD_Laeppli www.Switzerland-Mod.ch