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Everything posted by HDlaeppli

  1. Hi all I will start next with an update on the weapons, a bit of help would be helpful from the community, did you have suggestions, or errors found please posted this in the following thread: ArmA 2 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION- Switzerland Mod for Arma2 thread here in BIS Forum. The first post is updated with an Improvement Proposals / BUG List and is accordingly extended thank you in advance regars HD_Läppli
  2. HDlaeppli

    RH Aks pack 1.0

    just Cool, like our Weapons :cool: . thx for this addon and fast hotfix.
  3. Hi christian I think you mean description. k, easy...:) as example one of the swm weapons: class sapr_aimpoint_sd : sapr_hensoldt_sd { model = "\SWM_SwissArms\sg55x\sapr_aimpoint_sd"; modelOptics = "-"; opticsZoomMin = 0.25; opticsZoomMax = 0.65; opticsZoomInit = 0.45; distanceZoomMin = 300; distanceZoomMax = 300; opticsFlare = "true"; opticsDisablePeripherialVision = "true"; optics = 1; DisplayName = "SIG751 SAPR SD AIM"; picture = "\SWM_SwissArms\sg55x\pictures\w_sapr_aimpoint_sd_ca.paa"; descriptionShort = "Sapr Hensoldt sd 7.62mm cal.308. Based on the SG55x design. equiped with a silencer and a Aimpoint"; class Library { libTextDesc = "Based on the SG55x design SwissArms and Brügger Thomet AG developped the SAPR (Semi-Automatic Precision Rifle) in caliber .308 (7.62)."; }; }; important to you: descriptionShort = "famas bla bla" (used in Ammobox gui) and class Library { libTextDesc ="famas bla bla bla bla bla bla"}; (used in Armory gui) thats all. wen u have questions around weapons,config P.N me. :) regards HDL
  4. HDlaeppli

    FDFmod for ArmA II

    top work on that RK95.:)
  5. HDlaeppli

    Switzerland Mod for Arma2

    slowly but surely. :) some details added at the model, memory, shadow lod updated and bit progress with textures and .rvmats. hi-res
  6. Nice weapon addon`s here. good work!:cool:
  7. HDlaeppli

    SJB SAS Pack

    nice addon.:cool: regards
  8. HDlaeppli

    Switzerland Mod for Arma2

    @turzy i found the bug: arma.rpt: Addon swm_misc (entry HandGrenade_West) not found in the list of active addons. its a missing entry in swm_misc config.bin. thx for reporting. it will be fix in next Version.
  9. HDlaeppli

    Switzerland Mod for Arma2

    Hi all @turzy You have probably inserted the swm_misc in your mission and removed. Open your mission with a text editor, search for "swm_misc" and delete any messages. btw. swm_misc.pbo needs SWM_SwissArms.pbo for working. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- here our third Vehicle for Arma2: The Leopard2A4 (Pz87) Main battle tank. BETA STATUS. (WIP) The MLOD Model as a template, is a mix from VILAS Leopard2 for Arma1 and the old swiss mod for OFP. Edit for SWM by myself. The model will totaly reworked. (Model, config,model.cfg, Textures ect.) first ingame screen: a bit progress:
  10. HDlaeppli

    Danish Army V1.0

    Hi good work on re-skins. :cool: thx for credits. btw. There is a slightly better solution, use the mg51 in your mod, without which you have to use the whole swm armory. Your mod will this individual and is not dependent by another addon.;) For ask P.N me.
  11. Hi ACE TEAM! Some people want to see Swiss Armory 2.0, ACE compatible. Can you tell me what I should do about it? thank you in advance. regards
  12. HDlaeppli

    Switzerland Mod for Arma2

    Hi all For questions and bug reports around SWM SWISS ARMORY V2.0 please use this thread. or the official SWM FORUM thx all.
  13. Hi all @TEAR For the weapons as standalone i think no. becouse the weapons with misc are more modular with other addons the have own, changed Binoc. or grenade`s. @RasdenFasden 1. of course, why not ;) , but first i have to check out how is work. 2. i give an answer for this some posts previously @to all for questions like this, bug reports ecc., please use this Thread: ArmA 2 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION- Switzerland Mod for Arma2 thread here in BIS Forum. so we can keep this thread somewhat clean for the future. :);) thx all. regards HDL
  14. @Marko112 mirror added in first post. thx mate @thx all
  15. Congratulations on the release. Top Mod!:cool:
  16. Hi all @Foxhound,Miller mirrors added in first post. thx mate`s @Waycool Ammobox and swiss flag is under Empty: CH Armory Recoils: jes, a bit strong i know, i edit the whole Pack alone, becouse Darkgiver (weapon developer) did not have time (busy). And im not a good Coder. So if someone can give me a tip about the code for the recoil (to change it custom), I would be happy. thx for all Feedback! :)
  17. Hi @Manzilla no, it is not absolutely necessary. thx for Feedback.
  18. HDlaeppli

    Switzerland Mod for Arma2

    SWM SWISS ARMORY V2.0 for ARMA2 is out! check out: here in BIS Forum: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1524941#post1524941 or official SWM HP: http://www.switzerland-mod.ch/ Regards HDL
  19. HDlaeppli

    Switzerland Mod for Arma2

    @Manzilla thx mate:) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi all. I just wanted to tell: i will Release the new SWM Armory v2.0 for Arma2 Today. Once I'm ready, I'll send the info and download link. regards HD_Läppli
  20. HI BIS. thx from SWM. Regards HD_Läppli
  21. HDlaeppli

    Switzerland Mod for Arma2

    I wish the whole community a merry Christmas and happy new year.:) edit: and of course the whole BIS TEAM.
  22. thx a lot for your nice Addons, HWM TEAM. Regards HD_Läppli
  23. HDlaeppli

    Switzerland Mod for Arma2

    Hi all so, the Weapon pack is up to a few little things done. All rejoice in the fact: Release is approximately between 24-26 december 2009. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Here our second SWM vehicle in Arma2. The M109 Kawest (self propelled artillery) BETA STATUS. (WIP) The MLOD Model with texture`s, config is a gift from VILAS. ARMA I&II Adoons (Project '85 and many more). Edit for SWM by myself. The model will more or less totaly reworked. (Model, config, Textures ect.) edit: The Super Puma 332 is in work 2 and have better textures and adapted the new A2 .rvmat`s. BETA STATUS. (WIP) Edit for Arma2 by myself and (GLT Myke). screen in hi-res find on top of our HP. Regards HD_Läppli
  24. HDlaeppli

    Switzerland Mod for Arma2

    Hi all @Lao Fei Mao first feedback from china, i think. I am honored, thx :) here the reworked Panzerfaust3 with new adapted anim for the correct positioning of hands. Anim for pzf3 is a gift from BW- Mod,http://bwmod.armedassault.info/ Developer: da12thmonkey, Panzerfaust 3 weapon animation
  25. HDlaeppli

    Switzerland Mod for Arma2

    hi @miller04 thx miller ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of my favorites reworked FN Minimi Para Mk2 Eotech