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Everything posted by HOBOMAN
Picture I took at ground zero in NY (the writing in the bottom is a stamp I put on the picture)
I couldn't get this to work. Do you need to use any certain behaviors or combat modes?
Does anybody know the name of the animation for the person in the stretcher in the back of the UAZG (or M113 medic)? I couldn't find it in the Comref animation list. Thanks
Sure i'll take it I guess. Can you upload it here- rapidshare.de
Good work! Thank you for making an orginal addon and not just another M4.
Keep in mind this isn't a beta or alpha of our work. It's simply what was finished before our mod died. The release of the work was intended for addons makers and mods to finish and modify for their own use. This was never meant for playablity or for use in missions so don't be disappointed if you where expecting a playable product. Edit: If you really want our work for editing purposes or for your mod, I'll upload if you can give me an ftp
http://ofp.neco.cz/index.php?showthis=8870 You might also like these: http://ofp.neco.cz/index.php?showthis=8869 http://ofp.neco.cz/index.php?showthis=8872 And some good Pilots: http://ofp.neco.cz/index.php?showthis=8849
Sorry to say but that doesn't make any sense. The president would not have the authority complete control only a single department of the branch of the DOD. Along the lines of what you're thinking... -Because of recent conflict in the region, a internation cease fire treaty has restricted any military occupation in the region -However, the US knows that the enemy is hiding troops and weapons in the DMZ -Because the US does not have time to request authorization from the UN for a coalition force, a covert operation is planned invovling MFR to eliminate the threat with out the world knowing Also the BIS soldiers wouldn't make a good replacement for the marines, why? -First off they're 1985 era NATO soldiers, so you couldn't work in a modern setting -Secondly, the US marine corp often uses many vehicles that are not in the original game such as the CH-56, AAVs, LAV-25s and so on If you are not using addons, there is no point in calling the US/NATO forces marines Anyways for a name, figure out a solid plot first then i'll be easier to make one
So no more marines I guess?
What kind of plot or storyline are you thinking of? I Was just thinking about some modern MFR stuff you could do. That would be interesting. For Example -Your squad is sent in to Nigeria to destroy a nuclear arms factory and disarm a corrupt tyrant -although being a political sensitive situation the operation is indented to be 100% covert and blackbag/blackop material -MRF (Marine Force Recon) is sent in but the operation fails and your squad is stuck in enemy territory with nobody to help you but each other- the US government denies you exist -Now you have to finish your mission get back home (I thought of this storyline in 2 minutes based of the Rock and Black Hawk Down) Addon? -Saftey Catch Marines -Bas choppers (for insertion and gunships) -CBT HMMWVs and other cars -Tonal insurgents and militia for OPFOR -RHS for light OPFOR apcs -Afgan Everon for a map maybe? -Mapfact Military objects for effects Just an idea take it or leave it ( I think of this stuff late at night for some reason...)
May I suggest making the Tie Boarder? It is like a tie bomber but the bomb pod holds men instead of bombs. Edit: See Wolfy's Post
28 days later...
Thanks Merry Christmas
I've been looking for a plain empty snow map with no elevation. Then I found this: http://www.atwar.net/download.php?view.3835 Unfortunately the link is broken. Does anyone have this island or something similar? Please help.
http://www.ofpec.com/editors/comref.php Thats all of them
Summer of '01 I got the demo from a gaming magazine CD. I remember playing the Demo over and over then showing the game to my friend. His first response was, "What the hell? Who shot me? I can't even see him!". Then Christmas that year I got the game played and never beat the CWC campaign. Operation Flashpoint sat on my HD for some time unplayed. About a year and half later in the spring of 03 my friend got 2 copies of Resistance. He gave one to me. I finished of the CWC campaign with some help of the gamespot walkthrough, then moved onto resistance. Impressed by the game, I googled it. Then I found out there were tons of Addons, Campaigns and Mods. I don't have much time to play OFP anymore with my commitment to rowing, but I still work one some missions now and then. I still remember the good old days -BAS releasing their MH-47s -OPGWC Mod was showing pictures of the USS Tawara Class -My friend download every addon off opf.info and installing it -Trying to make missions with no skills what so ever -Seeing pictures of BAS seals -Finding the delete button in the editor -Playing that single ambush demo mission over and over (and I still never got the play the playable conclusion once your chopper got shot down)
you can add more units 63 groups isnt the limit Look what mapfact did... http://www.mapfact.net/include....tid=161
Or you can download the whole mod (http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=8101) Thats has the tank in it (if you dont mind the other 300 some mbs of stuff)
I'm looking for a template or dirrections to make a script that lets the user click on different options in an action box. Once the user clicks on the select, it would run a script. For Example, I working on an old spec-op mission. I need to give the player the choice to accept the help from the russians, or to choose to work alone. I don't want to use the radio, since you are talking to a person, and I dont want to use the action menu. Can anyone help? Also if anyone can do some quick voice acting for me just email/pm me. I need about 3 short setences in english with a russian accent and one setence in english with an American accent.
Thanks, I've looked at a couple missions and script using dialogs but I never really understood how to make them. This helped a lot.
Also Hawk in Nets had an action menu like the one I'm talking about. You could choose the diffuculty in at the start of the mission. Please does anyone know?
Honestly how is a soldier in OFP goind to fix a car that was just shot  a 50 times with a wrench? It might look nice as a prop but not much else would come from it. Something more practical would be a spare tire and a jack. If your tire gets shot up or pops you jack the car up and change the tire. For civilian or military use. A logical idea that is useful too. Just because its 'the right thing to do' doenst mean its practical. Do you have the animations for jacking up the car and changing the tire? Can you script it? Is it even possible to have the player physically jack it up, remove the tire from the car, tinker with it, put it back on, with the OFP engine? The little wrench however, you just approach any vehicle, fire it, if it detects the vehicle then it plays a little wrench animation, and the vehicles health goes up a bit. Much more practical, much easier. The animations would required a jack moving from a close position to an open. Thats simple just a bar moving from down to up. The engine would support it you just need a model of the car with out a wheel (you would need 4 for each wheel but even I can chop a wheel off a car in o2) and a wheel model taken from the car. The animation for the player could just be the medic animation nothing fancy there. The jack would be jacked up the wheel would pop off and go on the ground then a new wheel would come on. Simple. Requires a new model for the wrench and model of the car and tires taken from BIS cars. Heck some one made a script so a tanks turret could be blown off so this is possible too. I just feel that moving OFP too a more realistic status by adding more semi-reallistic scripts helps improve quality. Like bleeding scripts, blackout scripts, better explosive, timed grenades and better AI. IMHO adding an all healing wrench doesnt help the quality of the game. I'm not saying we should have new medic animations so he takes out field dressing and injects mophine ect, but creating more unrealistic "super fixers" and "super healer" and other totally unreallistic addons doesnt help the game. Now I don't reccomend making an all fixing wrench but I have no problem if someone feels it is needed to have one.
Honestly how is a soldier in OFP goind to fix a car that was just shot a 50 times with a wrench? It might look nice as a prop but not much else would come from it. Something more practical would be a spare tire and a jack. If your tire gets shot up or pops you jack the car up and change the tire. For civilian or military use. A logical idea that is useful too.
I was wondering if in the next version of this island if some of the lower quality houses would be removed. Like the best buy and china town part of the city are cool but dont look that good. Also the Mcdonalds should be removed IMO. I like the towers and the mapfact stuff just not some of the other addons. Maybe adding some beaches too and small docks. Edit: Also the farmland addons are good addons but dont fit in.